I want Sombra to boop me!
>never play as Sombra
>when I do play as her I'm terrible
>really want to buy her dance emote because it's mesmerizing
I have enough coins for he emotes I want. Should I go for it? Seems like a waste
nobody likes you beaner
Porn edit where
ow ;_;
I played sombra in mayhem to get a feel of her abilities without dying to quickly.
God damn so fun to play. Sneak behind enemy lines and unload your SMG practically kills tanks at point blank. Her locator allows for a quick escape and invisibility is usefull to sneak behind a rein and disable his shield.
Got her black coloured skin, the boop voice line and dance emote. Get it user and spam boop whrn behind the enemy before unloading your rounds then teleporting away.
>construir paréd bitch
"Que onda" you deaf daft dork
Wait until the last day of the event. There is a chance you will get it from a box, and you would feel pretty shitty if you already had it and got a crap amount of coins out of it being a dupe.
I figured I would eventually get it. A lot of heroes I never considered playing have become regulars now after applying them in different game modes - I just need to sit with her and get used to her speed and aim. She feels buttery to play with, like Tracer crouching
Hola me encantaria chingar tu culo.
I swear she says a slav swear after respawing sometimes
>ult entire enemy team
>teammates don't know what my ult does because no one knows what my ult does
>they don't push, i get killed because my ult sucks
>only person on my team to get accolade
>most hacks
superior brown coming through
This so much. She's fun to play but her ult is so situationally specific that it never actually feels useful to the team.
Your ult isn't supposed to be some "anytime, anywhere" thing, the key is staying invisible with the ult ready, reading the enemy team, and using the ult at a critical moment where disabling the abilities of the enemies would cripple them during a fight with your team.
People bitch so much about her being useless when they're just using her wrong.
the problem is that unlike everyone elses ult that simply kills everyone, sombras ult merely inconveniences everyone and is only useful when your whole team is working together.
Reminder we could've gotten this.
Instead we got some overhyped ugly brown mexican pandering dyke bitch because Blizzard sucks at balancing.
what does the character's race have to do with balance?
>voided virginity
Is it wrong that I want to race mix with her?
>stealth character
That looks like a character that belongs to Battleborn.
So what?
Who the fuck cares about character design?
It's a multiplayer shooter.
Blizzard trying to reach out to all the races instead of balancing the ones they already have. Same with the Dindu robot. And how theres supposedly another one on the way that isn't Doomfist.
That design looks pure fucking garbage f. a. m
What's that design supposed to show?
How is that in any way related to hacking?
>Play against an enemy Sombra
>She hacks our entire team one time
>Every starts panicking, no idea what's going
>Still manage to stop their push and win anyways
I like her
I just expected something more
No. This is a character that looks like it belongs in Battleborn.
Where the fuck is the next melee hero
balancing old heroes doesn't grab attention as much as new interesting heroes. also NO ONE develops games like how you said anymore. people don't make a game with 4 heroes then spend 3 years refining them perfectly then start adding new characters. first off the game will probably die due to lack of interest and second, those finely balanced characters may collapse entirely when a new hero is released.
God, I love Orisa as a support character, but her gun is so fucking useless.
Both look like garbage, then again, Sup Forumseddit unironically praises the character design of MGS.
I also misheard it as "kurva"
>dindo robot
Yeah, all niggers will obviously identify with the cow-looking robot that behaves like a dog.
I'm never going to get Tracer's Graffiti skin, am I Sup Forums?
the first one looks nicer than what we've got
but still
>mfw they nerf its damage but decrease the recharge on her shield because blizzard thinks people want a second reinhardt.
its so sad how up close 90% of the heroes in the game can beat you in a 1v1 fight.
Ah yes, forgot that neo-Sup Forums is going out of their way to become /r9k/
We have an american dude and isn't some 600lb landwhale suffering from diabetes, anything is possible.
I don't hate women but female hackers don't exist in real life
i love when people like you whine about neo-Sup Forums as we have gotten more done then any of the other scrubs have.
we got gg going and are winning with everything
we are getting good vidya made and running out the garbage
microshit and the xbone are on lifesupport thanks to us
shit like twitchers and e-clebs are dying off due to what we are doing
what you call neo-Sup Forums i call the best thing to happen to vidya and like Sup Forums we're always right and always winning
>battle bard
>aoe healing
>black male
>we got gg going and are winning with everything
Did you?
Is every SJW with a head on a spike?
>we are getting good vidya made and running out the garbage
Wrong, all post-2005 videogames are absolute garbage that deserved to flop.
>microshit and the xbone are on lifesupport thanks to us
Thanks to you?
>shit like twitchers and e-clebs are dying off due to what we are doing
What are you doing?
>what you call neo-Sup Forums i call the best thing to happen to vidya and like Sup Forums we're always right and always winning
t. Reddit
>>we are getting good vidya made and running out the garbage
>Wrong, all post-2005 videogames are absolute garbage that deserved to flop.
we get it, you hate that videogames are popular now
weeb trash
We don't have hyper-intelligent gorillas who can speak the english language or Religious robot people either
its a video game stupid
How is that mgs like at all?
You just HAD to fucking start something.
Are you implying videogames weren't popular before 2005?
No, they were simply not garbage.
The videogame industry deserves to die, and the most fun it could give is seeing every single so called videogame developer lose their jobs and end up in their local kebab shops.
Good thing it's a video game with robots and a nigger with teleportation
>pro teams starts using sombra at specific points like anubis and other 2CP maps
>can finally play sombra without being yelled at for being a cock gobbling retard
Since when do videogames represent real life?
yeah at a whooping 3% pickrate in pro, the place where she was supposed to shine with abilities that were supposed to define the meta
The hero's a fucking mess
Now mind you, I'm a scrub at the game, but why do people think Sombra is terrible?
>one of the fastest running speeds in the game
>can go invisible and go even faster, meaning she excels at going behind enemy lines and flanking the opponent
>can hack the opponent, locking them out of their abilities
>can hack health packs, denying the enemy health, giving your team more health packs, and giving you map control all at the same time
>gun does terrific damage and has a pretty fast reload time
>can teleport, giving her fantastic mobility and the option to teleport to health packs to escape being killed
>ult is devastating when combined with other ults
I see her being played in pro like all the time.
Man what the fuck are you even on about. Sup Forums had little impact on goobergate because mods just banned any discussion about it, only thing """we""" did was those donation threads were idiots got scammed out of their money hand over fist to have some shitty OC in their video game that everyone forgot about
Reading the rest of your post it's clear your just a retarded Sup Forumsack reddit refugee who parrots whatever he hears in his echo chamber and gives his opinion on topics he knows little about. Probably think Trump won the election because of his pepe memes if you honestly believe trash like a multi-billion dollar company like Microsoft is on life support or that neo-Sup Forums is an actual thing when in truth this board has always been this way since Mobile Phones became popular
"Me agarraste en curva" I'm guessing it's mexican slang, since it translates roughly into "You caught me drifting" as in, in a bad moment/spot i guess
2CP is such a fucking mess you could pick anything and it would still be a 50/50 on who wins.
>I see her being played in pro like all the time.
No she's not, and the few times she's played is in certain key point and then switched off inmediately.
And yes, she has a good kit but doesn't matters at all when your gun is extremely unreliable and you're meant to be an offense hero.
Why pick sombra when you can pick 76 or tracer?
Add how she gets countered by simple spray n pray where in a game like ow with no ammo, it's not difficult at all to check for her now and then.
Health pack hacking is extremely low impact and it's only useful for your team somewhat to give you quick ult, people don't run off on their own to go grab a pack unless they're flankers, they get healed by their healer and give them ult charge.
Her ult is only devastating when your team is actually ready and even then, it has to be paired with something else, if this barely works on pro where you get the best teamwork, how do you think it will go with 5 random retards that can't even stay behind a shield for 5 seconds
Her gun is unreliable and makes her damage pitiful, making her not a good substitution of ANY slot since she can't damage OR support efficiently enough
They have buffed everything but her gun and she's still in pretty much the same spot as before
sombra's shuffling is my spirit animal
PLEASE don't pour more fuel on the fire. Let the dumbass believe what he wants.
it's because she actually takes skill to use.
She's not a pure damage dealer like Tracer, McCree, or Genji. She's supposed to be played as a flanker and her toolkit is just a defensive support kit in disguise.
She requires the ability to read the enemy team (especially her ult and her hacks), on top of decent aim (to compensate for her spread on her gun) AND actually knowing how to properly flank (like not going invisible and trying to run through choke, but instead utilizing alternate routes to end up behind the enemy and either back cap or disable them from behind.
Most people who say she's terrible treat her like tracer. They just run into the fray guns blazing and use her invisibility to retreat, and fire off their ult when it pops thinking it'll just stop any push midway through. She's a beast at CTF and with the right comp can be a real threat in 3v3. But for the actual game modes (both in comp and quickplay) she requires really capable hands and an enemy team that isn't half as stupid as your team is.
Why is she so ugly?
Looks like shit
It is. it means "you caught me unprepared".
post one that loops properly
Yes, have you seen mestizos they are like brown hapas
how does blizzard balance a team game around 97% of their players being brain dead?
she is legitimately broken on Hanamura and Temple defense, with the health packs positioning there you can get ults in less than 30 seconds. She is always picked in GM on those maps and is picked outside of those maps too.
It's funny, bad players think of sombra as a "troll pick" and would rather have a reaper, when in GM its the opposite.