Travelling to Eichenwalde

>Travelling to Eichenwalde
>Prepare to attack

What is le shadman mouse from?



>now arriving at leijang tower- gardens

tom and jerry

Cow and Chicken

Chalk Zone

The only way to have fun in chingchong tower is Winston - fact

>now going to MAP
>attack team
>only two characters locked in so far are a Widowmaker and a Bastion

I honestly have never seen the attackers win on that map.

to be fair i've only played it a total of 10 times, but still. not once.

dont listen to the other replies
its from Hey Arnold!

>shadman mouse
He's from fucking New Jersey what the fuck are you talking about

I've seen it, but it's only when it's a bunch of six randoms against a group of masters because one of the randoms doesn't eat paste, so he's clearly a top 500 player's alt account.

>picks pharah
>flies over and breaks their choke point
Wow that was hard.

Boko no Doggo

He's actually from Jackie Chan Adventures.

>playgroup has started insta-locking Hanzo and Widow to force shitty randoms to stop picking them
>some of them just won't leave spawn until we switch off so they can be Hanzo

Who is le meme king from?

>Travelling to Temple of Anubis
>Prepare to ANYTHING

>Tfw you get the Rein 1-trick on your team

What is it that attracts the shitters to those characters. Every fucking game.

>[reflects bullets]
>Heh, nothing personal kid
>Pulls out dragon sword
>Screams in Japanese

Worst 3 maps in order:

I really don't know. We switch off of them when the match actually starts, and I have seen dozens of times these shitheels get all the way to the point, realize we switched off of Hanzo, and run all the fucking way back to spawn just to switch.

They are driven by some deep, primal calling to be fucking useless.

>player instapicks Genji
>enemy team is full of slow firing or laser characters

What really gets my ass is how they don't realize how useless they are 90% of the time.

>playing overwatch

I once had a team of randoms composed of: Hanzo, Roadhog, Genji, Bastion and Tracer on Hanamura. Of course I had to pick healer, but it doesn't matter because I main Zenyatta, and we demolished the other team, can you believe that?