>quest asks you to crossdress
Quest asks you to crossdress
Akiba's Trip
wtf, i have to play this game now
>quest forces you to go to a witch to turn you into a girl or else you cant advance
>quest transforms you into a different species
>this happens multiple times
You can't cross dress unless you do a side quest, so you could finish the game without the ability to do so
good lad
>official patch allows you to force your children to crossdress
don't worry, I'm autistic enough to do all the quests
Is Sup Forums just a cesspool of degenerate closet faggots at this point? It seems like every other thread there is some thinly veiled homosexual LARPing with a bunch of sissies trying to project their insecurities through moeshit reaction images.
What happened? And why do they keep leaking here?
Name 14 games that does that
>wanting your character from a virtual game to crossdress make you a faggot
>wanting your character from a virtual game to crossdress make you a sissy
I honestly think this is fair question. Way too many images and posts that have nothing at all to do with video games lately. It's not even like people couldn't find their own reaction images from JRPG's or something, they just inexplicably choose not too thinking their Sup Forums memes (I assume that's what this is, fuck I don't know) have any relevance to video games whatsoever.
These people make the worst possible one note posts outside of console wars shit too with their ERP and "oh this game has some degenerate fetish aspect to it, welp time for me to buy" ironic shitposts nobody really cares about. It's just like what are they doing here really, just stay on your own board or actually talk about and post content related to video games instead of just about your weird fucking anime fetishes. Aside from the word quest nothing about that OP has anything to do with video games even tangibly. At this rate Sup Forums is just kind of slowly becoming populated with weebs and pedophiles which is going to decrease it's relevance as a video game image board even further than it has been in the last few years already.
>being this buttblasted about weebs
Yes that's the winning counterargument right there as always. It's always asshurt when people are just blatantly breaking the rules of the board by posting barely topically related stuff and getting called out in total fairness for it. Weebs definitely suck and generate the worst possible content though. That's not buttblasted, it's practically a hard fact and I'm justified in saying it. Tough shit I guess greentext shitter.
Same guy I imagine. Mods are sleeping, trash will either get taken out later or this thread will hit the bump limit precisely because it's trash that attracts further trash.
kill yourself redditor
>game lets you switch genders anytime
>degenerate Sup Forumsnon will never suck your dick
why live
Sup Forums's changed a shit ton in the past few years. Can't even discuss anime anymore, it's literally just
>This is your ___ for tonight.
>This is my ___. Say something nice to her!
>Would you ___ your imouto?
For pages and fucking pages.
It's just a bunch of degenerate LARPers who must be sexually frustrated in real life and apparently get off to ERP with other dudes online. Shit isn't even subtle anymore, like those healslut threads that used to pop up.
Normally I wouldn't give a shit as long as they stayed in their containment board, but clearly that's not the case anymore.