When did you wake up to the realization that 8GB RAM is not enough anymore nowadays?

When did you wake up to the realization that 8GB RAM is not enough anymore nowadays?

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Not enough for what?
Only the highest of high end AAA games would even approach 8gb usage...

8gb of ram is plenty

Fuck off ram shill

Show me a benchmark where more than 8gb of ram in a game yields significant performance gain

I'll wait

I think it's best to have some redundancy in case any one stick starts failing. 4x4GB is plenty and should be affordable.

>tfw browser regularly takes up anywhere from 3 to 6gb because I open so many tabs and forget about them
So glad I have 16gb.

When will they learn?

>8GB RAM is not enough
in what world

16GB is the bare minimum for a smooth experience for games and web browsing. Anything more and I'd hope you're running servers or VMs.

This, I've had to go up to 16 now because one of my sticks started to fail.

>I'm retarded so I need more ram

not everyone is an adhd kid like you

When I decided to mod Cities Skylines
Had to make a 10gb page file

4 is no longer enough unless you are running linux.
8 is fine for stuff that isn't high end.
Over 16 is overkill.

I have 32, wish I had 128. RAM Disks are great to have.

I'm waiting faggot

>having over 2GB of RAM
Let me guess, you have a 4 core CPU as well? A GPU?

the problem is you go from 16, straight to 32. No chill, no other option.

I have 4gb and can play games like for honor and fallout 4 with tons of tabs open with flash and youtube vids running

8 GB is enough unless you play garbage games.

>this is what Firefox users actually believe

No regrets

>He has less than 6 cores
Nice one mate

Your browser uses more because it has more available retard. I only have 8GB and I play games at 1440p with literally over 50 tabs open at any given time just fine.


i'm so fucking mad I don't even know how Bioware managed to up the bar but fucking not even live up to it at the same fucking time. so now we'll see all these games that claim you need 16gb but won't actually make any fucking use of it.

8GB is not enough if I want to run VMs on the side

>not having 256GB
jesus christ it's like i'm browsing gaia online here

>he uses chrome

>he uses botnetforce(tm) experience
Lovin' every kek

32GB right now, got two more slots, so, I might go up to 64GB just for the shit of it.

It has some use in 3DS Max and Zbrush stuff I do ever so often, but, beyond that, nah.

It makes it's value in Sup Forums shitposting potential though.

Literally every Sup Forums thread open in a tab right now.

15.95 GB RAM

Fucking ramlets never fucking learn

>he doesn't just put his games on RAM for lightning fast load speeds


just cause 3

>he doesnt use Shadowplay

The 970 still uses all its memory idiot, just the last 512mb is slower than the rest.

>he doesn't realize Shadowplay is just NVENC, which any video recording software can take advantage of

>16GB is the bare minimum
>you better be doing something special if you have more


When I played Space Engineers

I think I'm sitting on 4x4 or 8x2. It wasn't that expensive to go from 8 to 16 while building my rib so I went for it. I guess we're on the new DDR number so my next rig might have 8 instead of 16 if the price difference means a smaller/bigger SSD. I don't know though

As a rule, more is always better. Even with latencies from mismatched speeds.

Your computer will always be constantly loading from and offloading to your hard disk via pagefile. The more RAM you have available, the less it needs to offload to make room for other items such as applications or games.

Having more RAM can also cut loading times, as the disk is no longer working as often offloading from RAM to disk whilst reading. This is also true of using a separate drive for your games, as all of the pagefile operations are done on the primary drive.

like 3 years ago

i work in photoshop, 3d programs and do some light rendering. 32 in minimum for me, I'll probably go with 64 next time.

I too would like to know the answer to OPs question.

I have 16gb ram, I mean it's like the cheapest part of any build so I didn't see any point getting lower. Then again I record, mix and master music so I probably need more ram than people who just play games. And it's kind of future proofing gamingwise anyways.

SSD is pointless and expensive.
Also, get faster RAM rather than more RAM. 3200mhz is nice - The CL rating also matters a little.

get rid of chrome

What'sthe benefit of upgrading to DDR4 RAM?

>SSD is pointless
I see you never had an SSD

>for mixing music
How dumb are ya'll

It's faster.

>he doesn't play minecraft with x512 textures and shaders

>SSD is pointless
Get a SSD poorfag.

>SSD is pointless and expensive.
So you're saying you like minute-long as opposed to second-long boot times and lag whenever you do anything involving more than two programs?

As far as I know there's not much difference on the user side but modern processors and motherboards need it

>It's faster.

10/10 retards


>minute-long boot time
>the expense of going from GTX 1060 to 1080
Well worth it, you dumb shit.

when i was getting stuttering if i use discord when gaming. i actually thought it was because my quad core cpu wasn't good enough but i bought an extra 8gb of corsair vengeance ddr3 the other day and it's like my pc is fucking reborn. no stutters, i can have like 50 tabs on chrome open alongside a game and discord with no stutters whatsoever.

why do you need 128gb of ram

What if I have over 100GB of ram?

That's why I bought a prebuilt HP that came with an i7 and 12 GB and just shoved a 970 in it. With the monitor that came with it, it came out to be only slightly more expensive than if I had built it myself.

There's your problem. Just use the web app discordapp.com/ instead of the bloated as fuck client. Or just use IRC if you insist on having a client.

not him but shadowplay is based. the instant replay feature is brilliant. obs doesn't offer that feature.

>bought ddr3 ram in 2017

i got 40GB ram. what's the issue?

Then you're a living meme

Stay mad that you can't afford it faggot.

nah even in general my games like gta 5 would stutter like mad and apparently it's because of windows throwing a bunch of shit into the paging file which causes stutters as the hdd is working overtime to do read/write cycles or some shit like that. seriously, it's like my pc has activated beast mode or something because my gaming experience is so goddamn buttery smooth now compared to before.

What are you talking about OP. I just downloaded some extra ram this month

RAM disks are where it's at

Man, shit can be unwieldy until you compress it. Lossless compression is still compression. It all starts a lot larger

I'm trying to give advice, nignog.
If your choice is between graphics and processing, and a fucking SSD, then you've got to be retarded to choose the SSD.


Let me guess you're using Windows 10? With all the background telemetry and ads it tends to gobble up precious RAM that could've gone to your game.

There's no choice when you can actually afford parts, kiddo. People that buy 1060 do not necessarily cannot afford 1080, they just see the need in it.

because it's the current year, 16GB is the new norm

>wake up
My life is some cruel dream right? I can just wake up and all my 2d waifus will be there, holding my hand?

>People that buy 1060 do not necessarily cannot afford 1080, they just see the need in it.
But they see the need in an SSD? Yeah, that makes sense.
Also, l2English, you retard.

Stay poor kid.

when game developers stopped giving a shit about PC releases and filled their games up with so much shitty bloat

years ago most games that came out would actually work, now most games are shitshows on release with memory leaks absolutely fucking everywhere most going unfixed for years if ever

there's no reason for shit to be as bloated and slow as it is and you shouldn't have to buy excessive amounts of RAM to counteract this, the fucking devs need to get their shit together and stop being lazy

Cool argument, 3rd world monkey BR.

there isn't any significant difference between ddr3 and ddr4

yeah win10 but the same would happen for me in windows 7. when i'm not in game windows only uses like 1gb ram max but when i get into a game it would use up to 9gb.

if you use more than 70% of your system ram, windows automatically throws background apps into pagefile which is why your pc feels super sluggish when you come out of a game e.g. if you right click on something nothing will happen, apps take forever to open etc.

GTAV and Nier Automata both freeze my computer if I leave Firefox open, with 16GB of RAM, simply because I have page filing disabled. I'm considering upgrading to 32GB. When I build a DDR4 rig

10 gb memory leaks on top of the already performance heavy game

its not about AAA performance anymore, its all about the performance you get in unoptimized early access games now.

my whole rig isn't enough these days, I still have an i5-2500k from when they were the hottest shit around, and my original card was a 560Ti from when that was the hottest shit around.

but PC parts in the future will require DDR4 ram and you will have to buy it if you want to upgrade, Ryzen already only support DDR4

I don't know anything about computers and you guys attacking each others choices is making me cry

Stop please!

>E5-2670 0
Proxmox virtual machine innit?

>install 16gb of ram
>not much changed

At least now i can disable pagefile and not get HDD loading stutters in many games.

Oh no you really got me. Let me go cry to my M2 and my 1080Ti. If you have the need for a 1080 but would need to cut the SSD you should reconsider your life choices kid. OR you could just go working and stop being a faggot.

There's plenty fucking reason for a game to use 8gb of ram with intelligent precaching, 4-8k textures, and proper AI.
There's no difference between 14nm and 32nm processors then? You're saying a similar thing.

It's okay user. Just come over here everything will be okay when you got your SSD.

probably tommrow

>mobo decided to stop using half of my ram

8gb was fine, but this is actual hell

yeah, but why would user buy ddr4 if he's running a perfectly fine haswell i5/i7? Even sandy bridge is doable still.

I have 16gb, wanted to upgrade to 32 but my mobo doesn't support it
kinda dumb

if you're buying ram now you might as well buy DDR4 in case any upgrades you want in the future need it

Newer components are throttling on anything larger than most 22nm chips these days.
He'll have no choice in four years probably