Gaunter o'Dimm

Just how powerful was he?

Like Goku

Well, he is satan.
How powerful do you think satan is?

When it was give to me the choice to stop him from taking Olgierd's soul i remembered when... satan, stopped time and literally explained it joking... sorry Olgierd, but your soul will be taken buddy.

>Well, he is satan.
I don't think it's that simple user.

He can stop time, grant immortality, see into the past and future, and transport people to the shadow realm. He makes the Hunt look like pussies.

Goku vs Gaunter vs Khorne vs OneShotJohnny vs Radical Larry
Who wins?

Eh, for some reason when it comes to beings in power, they all end up fucked by their own (self imposed?) rules. As Geralt so blithely demonstrated.

Mortals trade time control for freedom, worth it? Ehh

>can is in control of time
>time, the beast no man can escape
>makes deals with people for their soul
Sounds like the devil to me

Goku after he unlocks the next SSJ mid fight. Gaunter actually stands no chance against Goku, who has counter-time-stop feats.

He had CHIM

Goku can escape time.

Yup and succubus are summoned from hell right?

Again, not that simple. Probably more to it.

Probably very, but he's dumb as fuck. Geralt outsmarted him.

Sure thing kiddo

>Loses argument
>Sure thing kiddo

He is the manifestation of evil. There are countless figures in mythology like him. Satan like but yes not Satan since there is no Christianity

>loses argument
You need to be 18 to post here

Can we just call him a higher form of djinn like higher vampires?

Geralt didn't do shit against him.

just how powerful is God?

That user literally called out your shit theory and your best response was
>Sure thing kiddo

Take your own advice.


shut the fuck up todd

>all these niggas ITT that haven't read Goethe's Faust

What a pointless reply, what are you upset about?
Or maybe he just operates like a more extreme Djinn? That was my point though. Definitely powerful and dark, but not as simple as being Satan.

>what a pointless reply

He's a pretty classic portrayal of the trickster god archetype in mythology
I hope they respect the character by not introducing anyone more powerful than him in future games

Literally ALL the power.
Hell combine string theory with biblical passage and we are just echos of his voice.

>introduces the Unseen Elder in B&W


He's the Tom Bombadil of the Witcher universe.

the unseen elder can't stop time

>people thinking anyone can compete with radical larry

No contest

he also does it with a lack of apathy and effort

>Radical Larry
>Beating SSJ6 Goku

I mean it's a close fight but SSJ6 has the feats.

powerful enough for yen to be best girl

Strongest character in that game, but with the usual "incarnation of all evil" restrictions. The wild hunt and unseen elder got nothin' on him.

The unseen elder can barely live in the human world of the witcher and is just a sanic fast vampire.

>look at me mom, I'm trolling xD ECKS DEE

kill thineself

>he's trolling, but I'm going to feed him (yous)
Sure is summer up in here

He can't escape time, only compensate for it.
Also, Hit uses a pocket dimension to perform half of his tricks.

G aunter O 'D imm

He's not Satan user...

Could he beat saitama?

>Master Mirror


Of course satan would call himself god

>there are people on this board who seriously think Gaunter was a demon or evil incarnate

Gaunter isn't a god and he is not Satan. If all the monsters in the witcher are from alternate realities it stands to reason so is he. Perhaps he's a more advanced form of Hym or some other kind of parasite.

Personal I think he's a multi-dimensional being, something that resides in multiple landscapes/realities at once. The gifts he brings may simply be common items in some of the realities he visits, ala "Roadside Picnic".
Time doesn't exist as we perceive. It's a another measurement of distance, like XYZ. If Gaunter is a Fifth Dimensional being, one could assume that he knows how to use it the same way we (As four dimensional beings) know how to move left, right, forewards and backwards.

>Gaunter O'Dimm
gee op I dunno

Thats because the hunt is just a bunch of pussy elves

>gaunter is a 5th dimensional being
>can't be the devil because reasons
I'm convinced.

I have a theory that he is a vampire that came from a different dimmension than Regis and the other vamps that came with him. Or that he is either the antochrist of that universe or some other form of evil demigod.

Sorry I'll try and explain.
There are no true "Demons" in the witcher universe because there is no "hell" for them to come from. The demon like beings (Sylvians, Succubi, Hym's and a few others) are all from different worlds.

One could argue that he is the equivalent of a Christian devil. He is buy all means a shifty cunt, and a 5-D man would surely have abilities on par with the biblical devil.

But given the overemphasis on blurred line in the witcher, I doubt that the setting would have a character who is "just" the devil.

Read that then tell me he isn't the devil

Whilst that is one of the inspirations for it
I'd also recommend you look at Pan Twardowski.
Very similar story to heart of stone.

nonetheless I don't believe either of these stories make him the devil, because if there is a Being of pure Evil then should there not be another Being of Pure Good? why would either allow the other to go about there business unhindered?

>because if there is a Being of pure Evil then should there not be another Being of Pure Good?
In Crapsack world like Witcher you can expect Being of pure Evil exist without Being of Pure Good.

>getting this buttmad at losing an argument on Sup Forums

>why would god let the devil do bad things
That's the age old question right? Faust is actually just that question expressed in a play. This is a very famous piece of literature and is exactly what the devs drew from when explaining his character. Everything points to him being the literary form of the devil not some 5-d being from an alternate reality.

>Gaunter o'Dimm

A creature of "Pure Evil" does not automatically it will have an opposite.
I'm willing to go with this, he's just been fucking around so long he's become mythological in most stories.

Fair enough.
For all intents and purposes he is the devil I guess.

this one I wanna know about, sounds even more retarded than mine.

>For all intents and purposes he is the devil I guess.
He's the closest that The Witcher-verse is gonna get with the bargains and tricks he pulls

The whole beating O'Dimm at his own game things seems similar to tricking the Hym almost, beating both at their own game, and the victor in both cases basically tells the loser off and they're forced to leave. Cerys tells the Hym, 'you've been tricked, you must go.' And Geralt tells O'Dimm, 'Begone, you've lost.' Both look like they've been forcefully banished after being told.
So perhaps higher demon of some sort?

Yeah, O'Dimm is powerful, but he is also limited.

He seems to survive and thrive off of the deals he makes. When he makes a contract he has to abide by it.

Doesn't a background character say the word "Devil" in every scene Gaunter O'Dimm is in? Pretty sure the devs were hinting that he's the literal Devil of the Witcher universe.

>idiots not understanding classical Faustian themes.

The Witcher as a book series was basically the original "What if fairy tales were real?" edgy interpretation. It gets taken far more seriously than it should because of it being Poland's only real widely recognized work of literature.