What's the hardest you've ever carried a game?

What's the hardest you've ever carried a game?

If you don't want people to know your name then you should've blocked all the names

I onle ever carried games in S4, where I used either Railgun to oneshot Fumbi carriers or the cannonade to push them into the abyss, prety much stonewalling their attacks.

In CS:GO where 3 of my teammates left as we were losing 1 - 6 or something, we had 3 bots and 1 other guy playing with me, I somehow got 3 - 4 man kills round after round and sometimes aces, and finished the game with 100+ points. I gotta give my one other team mate credit too for being good with nades and finishing off kills.

(third guy rejoined around last round so he shows up on the results screen but he was gone for a good 12 rounds straight)
Also the one bot on their team was a guy who got kicked in the last couple round but i assure you it was 2 v 5 comeback for the majority of the game.

I dont know what happened, maybe they let their guard down and stopped playing well or maybe I entered sage mode but I was fucking proud of that game.

quickplay kek

I did it a ton in Awesomenauts. Destroying turrets and the drill with just my army of clones was incredibly satisfying.


almost double this, quadruple the healing, and I had gold objective time and objective kills as well

We had two fucking healers and I'm 100% sure they were carried the entire way to plat.


This is like the average competitive game for me, are you guys still gold or something?

>once had a 96 elim game with Zarya on Lijang tower and we still lost

A team bank of lives was a mistake

Is this the new Gears?

Gears Ultimate Edition, newest Gears is Gears 4

>Gold 773 healing
Did you play against one other person or what?

As a sym main I carry all the time. I set up and then back off for th team to do some damage then run in and finish off the entire enemy team with my beam and get POTG every time.

Our lucio was on fucking point, and this was way way before his nerfs, this was just after the game came out.

probably quickplay

Are we looking at the pharah who did her job well or the Reinhardt who somehow fucking spent 94% match on fire despite being a fucking shieldbot??? He must have gone fucking ham.

>claims to have carried the match
>not MVP
I don't think so, OP

This is a pretty standard game for any actual decent soldiers. Only thing remotely impressive is the accuracy.

to be fair, rein could have gone nuclear only if dpses were absolutely dominant

Tanked my rank to 500SR a few games ago I got 90Elims and 50k damage with genji

Jesus fucking christ

I had a match earlier that left me SALTY AS FUCK. I had over 50 kills and 30,000+ damage. Gold kills, gold damage, gold objective kills. I was playing Junkrat, and I was truly putting in the work, getting 2 picks at a time or more, basically every engagement. We were on Nepal Village... and my team STILL fucking lost. Why? Because the fucking Mercy and Soldier were literally standing like 3 inches from the point, firing in at it, instead of stepping onto it and stalling at the end of the match. I literally rounded the corner and watched them stand there, as I tried scrambling for it. There were literally only two opponents on the point, they wouldn't have even died on it. Fucking idiots.

Pretty damn hard. This is from about a year ago.


64/14 as Sombra (I'm a support main) I had 4 golds by the end

>splash damage hero
>bragging about kill participation

The same could be said of a lot of heroes. Do you know how fucking easy it is to get kill participation with D.Va? Literally ping every opponent in a team fight, you'll get kill participation for every single one of them. Same with Winston. Same with Reinhardt. Same with Reaper. Same with Bastion. Same with... well, you get the point.


Halo 3 Ranked Team Slayer, one person on our team quit and I had 35 kills and eight deaths by the end, teammates made up the rest of the score to 50. Ranked up after that match, too bad I don't have a screenshot of the post-game score.

>shoot rein shield
>100% accuracy


Think the map was oasis or nepal koth, the type of game where my team won 2 then the other team won 2 and the point was just contested for so long since everyone was just trickling in

Please, do not tell me you are the one carrying in this image, OP. Your card is unimpressive and it's not even the best card.
At least you didn't post an image of 4/5 golds and thinking that means you carried.

career average is 55%, which on Soldier is impressive

It's pretty easy to go shit like 12/2 as master yi when you're playing with and against idiots. If league has ever taught me one thing, it's that I should always assume my teammates are awful and I should be relying on myself to carry

this, i'm tempted to find the replay out of spite

Good times man I never made it to lvl 50, got up to 45 in lone wolves I must've won 5 games in a row then lost 1 and my skill went down and I just said fuck it 45 is fine. I carried the shit out of some games though especially big team battle. That was one game where it felt good to be an absolute monster 4 shotting everyone.

I've carried a couple times as Mei. Even got accused of aimbotting (is aimbotting a delayed projectile even a thing)


Back when league was fun :/

>silver 4


His healing ain't even impressive. He's bragging about a good, but not a great game, it's really easy to get 10k healing under the right circumstances

>tfw going absolutely nuclear as the support
Best feeling

playing multi-team doubles in halo reach, everybody pretty even, but me and a random are in last place with 43. i kill 7 people in like 10 seconds including a no-look roll behind a guy trying to sneak up on me and putting a sword in his back to win the game and I had like 38 of our kills.

halo 2 team swat on lockout everybody on my team quit within a minute, i go 43-8 and win the game

>2 seconds on time

I went something like 22-0 as Sniper a few years back. I carried both teams to an alternate world made of rainbows and lollipops.

The entirety of this season so far.

Feels bad man

>tfw you get matched into a 3v5 game late, and still have a higher score than the rest of your team combined and doubled.
>still lose.

Games of R6S where I go something like 14-2, getting 3-5 kills on the rounds we won while my teammates did next to nothing but reinforce the wrong fucking walls or rush straight to objective without clearing roamers.

More recently won a game of PUBG on my own in squads because my teammates both died right at the drop sight. Got like 9 kills that game.


I had a Wraith King game where I went like 24-2, similar scenario.

That type of shit really salts me up. At least fucking die trying to stall for fuck sake, I haven't played competitive seriously since season 1 and the start of season 2.

got 5 golds as zenyatta once.

I don't play many online games, but it has to have been either at TF2, or Overwatch itself. Thing is, I'm always affected by some sort of crazy beginner's luck that causes me to do some crazy good stuff by sheer luck the first time I start playing, that I'm never able to replicate again.

In TF2 it was dismantling a tower full of engineers by myself as a spy in a custom server. In Overwatch it was something like 85% headshot accuracy as McCree the first time I played as him.
My aim since then has been about 25% for REGULAR shots.

Lost it afterwards.

A TF2 game years back where I dominated the entire team.

this was fairly recent, ive had games like this in league too

>blocking out your name
>leaving everyone else's in

Fuck you dude, either block all or none. No one's going to fucking hack you.


Though we still lost and my ending accuracy was 20% effectively proving that my five golds was due to just being slightly less shit than the other five people on my team.

League of Legends
I played Teemo, my entire team was shit but luckily, the enemy was salty as fuck. I could literally kite the entire team into my mines/mushrooms via trash talk multiple times. I had them raging at me the entire game and it cost them the match.

I think I might have had better games, but I usually do well on this map.


kek try carrying someone on a real game kiddo

here is a screenshot i took of a pretty crazy TDM carry.

>Back in 2007
>Playing COD4 MP Beta on 360
>My team had nothing but little kids and I was the only adult on team
>Fuck this is gonna suck and winning will be impossible
>Teammates getting massacred because kids
>Ended up carrying the team getting most kills and winning the match

Jesus Christ kids are the worst. They need to stay offline.