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cliff did nothing wrong

You tried... to shitpost... my board?! HUH? NOT ON MY WAAAAAAAAAAAAATCH!

you dont buy dead rising to SHOOT zombies retard


You don't want to shoot, you want to melee that shit up.

it's a 2006 game and capcom was still used to resident evil shooting. also the point isn't to kill zombies. if you want that, get nu-male rising 4. to me, this game is proof that the 360 BTFOs the ps3 any day.

It's not a shooter.

So she raped those girls with her nightstick, right?

You're the reason we have shit like DR4


That's hot.
Jo lead a hot life.

How can a man be such an absolute retard?


have they ever patched the shit AI in this game so they can follow you

>shooting the zombies
What a fag

DR2 Off the Record seems okay. I don't want to craft weapons though, I don't have any interest in that and it seems like such a big part of the game.

Eh, crafting's not that bad once you get a few good weapons made and just go nuts. Off The Record is a fun time.

I only make Spikebats. Its the only practical thing to make so far.

>Fat bitch has one of the best themes in the game
What went right?

>Old woman starts tearing down the barricade
>She's just too powerful for anyone to stop her

Don't underestimate tard strength.

Why didn't they just push her out with the zombies?

fuck you vincent

She had to save her doggo.

>not beating zombies to death with your bare hands and whatever bullshit is in arms reach
Never gonna make it.

For real though Dead Rising 3 may have been the beginning of the end for quality of the series, but it's actuals storyline was all pandering and I loved it.

>not just using mannequin torsos.

>not just using shower heads

Shower heads are for gays.

>not using the puke from a randomizer

I liked dr2 better

Did you get Katie her Zombrex, user?

Suits you fine so.


You son of a bitch.


Beep beep out of the way, most memorable boss coming through.


Whos bright idea was it to give a clown two real chainsaws?

Only because he's usually the first psycho anybody fights.

So did Adam's brother just not listen to the part about how he was chasing Frank with chainsaws?

What did DR2 do wrong with Psychos to make them all so unmemorable?

Probably ignored it. Clown pride is strong.

I remember "I'M NUMBAH OOOONE"

>dead rising 4 ignores how frank was becoming an old man looking to find the truth
>we are going back to our roots

You shush now.

I remember Randy pretty well

>he doesnt remember Leon
>he doesnt remember TK
>he doesnt remember Diva
>he doesnt remember Slappy, who everyone knows
>he doesnt remember Double D

go away

It's no use, she's too strong
Two men just aren't enough to stop her

How is the DR1 PC port?

It should've been a completely different character. A shopping mall during Christmas was a good setting




Dumb sluts.





>We will never get a dead rising game set in a third world country that can't afford the zombie cure.
If they want to keep up the American Government sucks B-Movie stuff they've been doing, they should go full out. Have the US doing some zombie warfare for oil.

I have been saying this for the longest time, dead rising is at its best when its a guys first time this being franks third time in an outbreak he is experienced I know your saying it cause it sucked but I really think dead rising should always switch protagonists and frank should just cameo

>dead rising is at its best when its a guys first time
But dead rising 3 sucked ass.

blame capcom vancouver being retarded

It's gameplay sucks, but the story is actually bretty gud.
>Finally get to learn what happened to the 50 zombie kids
>Over the top government conspiracy
>DR2 cameos
>Cure for zombies


Nick and Katie were the worst parts about DR3's story.

you got the video for that scene?

Why didn't they just shoot her?

The guy in the gun shop didn't let them have any because he was busy shoving them up his ass.

>fuck yes a grocery store!
>look at all this food!
>wait... what was that noise?

>it's no use
why would you shoot an old woman before pushing her out of the mall?

Never forget
>We like Frank because he's badass, has the biggest balls I've ever seen on a video game character and kicks ass.
When I played the first Dead Rising Frank was none of that. He was just a regular guy trying to survive.

But there's a guy with a shotgun right there, you can even grab it before running to the safe room.

It didn't have shells in it.

Well he fought that guy on a tank.

It has 20 if you pick it up.

What was their fucking problem?

He didn't put the shells in it.

they praise kek

Daily reminder that at the end of Dead Rising 4 Frank dies.

But in the DLC he turns into a zombie and gets cured and escapes and everything's fine so killing him was pointless.

we gotta clean up this board, one thread at a time!

zombie apocalypses usually end up making death cults

>try to fight them all barehanded and with a bat
>get swarmed
>tied up and robbed
>missed out on Sean boss fight and that surviver died

>Have to get past the wall of cultists
>mfw pocket sand

Frank doesn't load any shells when you pick it up

Best boss theme of 2

got those monies didn't we goy?

He didn't know how to shoot it and just wanted to be cool, alright?

>We'll never have a good DR again

>2's entire fucking soundtrack is nothing but celldweller
What the fuck were they thinking?

thats not Switchback
it had some blue stalhi in it to.

>not getting a bowling ball and using frank's patented bash move where his entire arm dislocates from his body for maximum velocity

>it had some blue stalhi in it to.
There's a difference?

Okay Sup Forums
Capcom gets you into their office
"If you think you're so smart, why don't YOU make Dead Rising 5 good and financially successful. "

What do?

what about

Dead Rising: Canada?


American war on Canada with zombies?
Sure, I can dig it.

Dead Rising 1 is an objectively FLAWLESS game.

That AI is pretty garbage.