Achievement: rank first on the global leaderboard

>achievement: rank first on the global leaderboard

>game has online achievements
>online is dead

Continuing to report for obvious Sup Forums raid. Remember to sage kids.

>achievement: play with the devs in online.

>achievement: upload a video of the game to youtube and get at least 100k views
(it's actually real, although I forgot which game did that)

Quake 4 sucked.
Usually Viral "or someone who has"

Team fortress 2
Also, Nicohate on this thread.

achievements are for scum

don't tell me what to do

Stop this. Why not hate someone that deserves it like Eli

Nico will finally see her dad

>achievement is some pvp shit
>servers are dead since 2013

>being this much of a kek

I think you mean Kanan

Time for both of (you) to go

>Nico bullying
Worst kind of poster desu.

>achievement:being an Im@s clone and failing at it
>also licensed games don't count

>game have all great trophies that you would get no problem
>has 5 online trophies that are easy, but the online is dead
>not plat possible

fuck you doom 3 bfg

Nico is cute


Nico drinking clorox is cute!

achievement: walk around town

>achievement for topping the leaderboard
>mention it on Sup Forums
>everyone on Sup Forums says "now that's a REAL achievement" and "that's what achievements SHOULD be"
>they say this, and honestly believe it, despite the fact that the vast majority of the people who ever unlocked the achievement were the people who bought the game as soon as it was released and therefore got the achievement when it was easy to get, meaning the possession of the achievement almost certainly correlates very strongly with purchase date and only weakly, at best, with skill

That thread was probably a year ago but I still hate you faggots for it.

You know what they say about girls with tiny hands

I kinda like those achievements, but when it's based on either monthly/weekly or even daily leaderboards

if anything it gets easier to get as time goes on since the good players end up quitting

achievement: the real article

You almost have to feel bad for Eli: not only the least popular character out of the cast but gets constantly shit on by fans, especially recently but then you actually watch the anime again and realize "yeah she actually kinda sucks" and she got what was coming to her.

you're retarded. if anything, as time goes on all the bad players leave and only the good players remain.

>beat game and the post-game content, including hardest long-ass dungeon
>check if missing any trophies
>"trophy: die 50 times"
>go die for the very first time
>unlocks a new dungeon and other features that you've missed out on the entire game
>every death takes a few minutes transitions/loading and standing there while getting beat up on

not everyone bother setting scores all the time, especially old bored players

however, a large playerbase will always have bunch of scores up

plus you can also aim to set a score right after a reset