any games as good as this well done steak with ketchup
Any games as good as this well done steak with ketchup
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>this triggers the /ck/
a tale down under?
Reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with eating a well done steak with ketchup.
Cave Story
Why would you ruin a steak like that?
Who could eat all that?
They're probably a dumb Trump supporter
I think you mean improve, friend
>take a good concept and completely ruin it by not realizing what made the original concept good in the first place
Dragon Age II, obviously.
>Puts sauce on fucking everything because he cooked out all the flavor.
Alternatively Trump himself, that is one thing I simply cannot find the means to defend, liking fucking well done steaks.
Christ, I don't ever wanna see this image again. Is this a ja/ck/ thread?
It's not meant for one person quite clearly. People like to eat together in groups, you are aware if that right?
Do you even know how to differentiate between sauce and natural juices?
I don't get what the big deal is about the steak.
>not cooking your food
>eating food plain
>The Four Horseman of Apocalypse.png
That's foreign to me.
I made a bunch of great steaks at a party once and I saw a *man* put yellow mustard on his.
daily reminder Hawaiian pizza best pizza
cavestory with a side of corona
oh sweet this retarded thread from earlier where someone will make it political somehow and it will turn into a 200 post clusterfuck
Except for the part where a thinking, feeling being was murdered in cold blood to become a meal for some degenerate ghoul.
>Trump supporters like well done steaks
>Clinton supporters don't like meat because they are whimps full of estrogen
>Cooked out all the flavor
>Below 150c/300f
BBQ is like trying to shitpost with fighting games.
You just reveal you know jackshit.
>well done
what the fuck?
now i've seen everything.
this is dog btw
Aliens: Colonial Marines would be the only thing that matches steak and ketchup
Huffington Post bringing the hard hitting journalism.
The two choices this past election were so vomit inducing to me that I just stayed home and didn't vote since I live in a state where our laughable electoral college would have made my vote literally useless anyway, and that nigger should not be eating his steaks charcoal like some sort of fucking philistine. Just like Shillaries bix nood pandering that she carries hot sauce everywhere. If the meat is a good cut and prepared appropriately, you don't really need anything else.
What's the vidya equivalent of a well done steak?
Nature kills each other all the time. We're a part of nature.
What you think animals just frolic through the forest? They brutally kill, rape and eat the shit out of eachother to survive. The real colour of nature is red, not green.
Stop being a fucking hippie and get on the food chain or get dead.
>Comparing a sapient being with one that isn't
Why are vegans so retarded
>"And some commentators, myself included, took things a step further, drawing parallels between the kind of person who eats overcooked steak and the kind of person who votes for Donald Trump."
>"Disclaimer: I, too, tend to enjoy beef cooked to a nice, toasty hockey puck. Come at me."
Wait a second, what?
Is she saying she's also a trump supporter?
Sure, if you dont mind being a terrible, awful member of the human species.
>Even the keyboard choice disgusts me
Why are vegans so retarded? Their parents should've beat it out of them when they were kids.
A human being is definitely equal to a lowly cow, this garbage ms paint strawman comic swayed me, I'll now swear off meat forever.
>he doesnt put ketchup on his bananas
>predators exists, so breeding slaves, keeping them in unnatural, confined places, denying them their natural rights, then killing them for comfort and not need is moral and acceptable
You ghouls truly are subhuman.
Normies will flame you for posting that, but you're absolutely right. We live in a society that could make fairly convincing soy pseudo-meat taste like chicken, steak, hot dog, etc. No animal should have to get tortured anymore. But then again, it's all for profit. Same reason infant boys get their part of their penis sliced off at birth and used to make thousands in profit via expensive skin grafts.
Everything is always for profit. It just saddens me sometimes. Ruining someone's sex life permanently, not to mention severe neonatal trauma (babies are fully conscious during the procedure, minimal pain relief) just for a few thousand dollars.
That meat is charcoal on the outside and is raw on the inside.
Is there something wrong with well done or just eating well done with ketchup/mustard?
I hope this fat fuck kicks the bucket soon
This is pure bullshit because Libertarians are the exact people who get angry over people who don't vote.
t. voted for Gary "Aleppo" Johnson
Nigga what? Last I checked the lions dont rape the antelopes
How about you eat the hay from your fucking strawman you cuck
you have downsyndrome and dont understand anything about meat
wonder if honey or pb goes on steak
>friend gets mad when people pour ketchup on their steak
>we go out to eat one day
>he drowns his steak in A1 sauce
>Everyone I disagree with is a Trump supporter.
> The world is fucked because of Trump!
Can you just shut the fuck up about politics? This is a video game thread you miserable cunt. You Liberals are fucking annoying ass cry babies. Shut the fuck up or go burn down your campus or go hold a pointless sign at a protest nigger.
>doesn't know about smoking meat
Poor thing.
Steak gives you ass cancer, who cares
actually I cook meat every weekend to eat with friends. That meat is garbage.
It's funny because the people who post on Sup Forums are still living at home and eating whatever their Mom makes.