Gc xbox

Why was the xbox so big? It's not even that much more powerful. Well it kinda is but still.

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hard drive

bigger is always better in burgerland

shes just sitting there picking at her fucking food

PS2 had a HDD and it was still smaller.

Because it's pretty much a whole computer shoved in there.

Is that a fucking white gamecube?

it was a bullshit HDD though. you still needed to buy a memory card.

Used proper DVDs

No you didn't...

Hard Drive and DVD player

Xbox had memory cards too.

White is right.

>it was a bullshit HDD though. you still needed to buy a memory card.

How many fucking save games did you have on that thing? it was an 8gb hard drive if I remember correct, and the average save file was like 2mb max. Or did you just load it with shitty music?

It was basically a PC in a box.

How do you not know ? Couldn't you have just fucking googled the question instead of making a stupid thread and outing yourself as a underage newfag?

sheeeeit, i wish i had my old xbox, the music on it would be a real blast from the past

Damn looking at that gave me a hardcore nostalgia trip. Not necessarily for the xbox, but back when most computer components looked like those, I was in highschool, taking a course in computer maintenance. Those were good days.

A PC in a box you say...

You had to remind me

it still does user

Where is the scuzzy?

Bigger = better

Also MS is a software company. Makes sense they weren't good at making compact and aesthetic systems

Huh guess im just so used to seeing ads and shit for ridiculous LED covered ram and "military grade" motherboards.


And this is what the inside of the Gamecube looks like.

I still find it ridiculous how small the PS2 slim is compared to the original.

Mod your xbox using my guide, spent a ton of time going through every step. Add a bigger hard drive too

I remember having to take my Gamecube apart to fix the laser; it's interesting how they had the cooling fan blow air straight through, side to side, with all the important parts under the disc drive.

to honor the full glory of the letter X

don't forget to remove this capacitor

>PC in a box
>still no fucking emulation after almost 20 years
>Wii U is emulatable only a few years after release

then this

Still can't wrap my head around why someone somewhere hasn't been able to make an emulator for this.

nigga there are several xbox emulators out there. They just haven't got the man power to develop all the fixes. Throw $200,000 at it and we will be playing metal wolf by christmas.
Same for the ps3. I'm pretty sure both of those are open source. wii was just a double gc, wii u was just a double wii. it was easy for people to figure out how to emulate

What a country

>Throw $200,000 at it and we will be playing metal wolf by christmas
That's not how it works, the Xbox uses proprietary Nvidia shit that has nonexistent documentation, the GPU maybe, but not the DSP, and the chances of seeing how that would work died when
happened, since there was clearly a sound card in the pile of parts he dumped on the carpet

Because the Xbox was designed a lot like a PC, there is a lot of open space inside the case. The GC is really crammed in there. Microsoft changed this with the 360 and really crammed that shit in but it didn't turn out that well with the 70% chance of red ring so with xbone they went back to the way overdone cooling.

Delta PSU on the right side. Motherboard in the lower part, HDD and DVD reader on top of it and it was designed to have very effective airflow in mind, so it was very spacious. It was a genuine computer, not a toy like the Gamecube.

If the Xbox had a external PSU unit like the PS2 slim or GC and all the airflow spaces inside the case were removed, it could be relatively smaller, but size wasn't Microsoft's concern at the time, trust me.

not news to me. I'm sure there's at least 1 more dev kit out there sitting in someones collection though.

Why does PS2 look worse than Gamecube

PS2 version was the bottom of the barrel version.

Multiplats in general were always Xbox > GC > PS2 in terms of grafix, since the Xbox used a custom Geforce with the GC using a custom Radeon

One of the best Star Wars games.