You're not denying you're a jew, Mr. Kalou?
You're not denying you're a jew, Mr. Kalou?
>does street patrol, interrogates suspects, gets into gunfights, and charges suspects
He does the roles of a policeman, detective, and assistant district attorney in one.
Definitely inspired by Raimi
>You're going to the gas chamber
>Jew calls him "goy fuck"
Damn I don't remember LA Noire being this redpilled
>Achievement Unlocked! - The Nose Knows
Welcome to every cop show ever.
To be fair, he actually is just a regular cop at the start of the game. He is promoted to detective later on.
Is this the Mad Men thread?
The State of California used gas chambers to execute people back then.
Do you fuck you boys
The only suspension of disbelief I have for this is that the allocation of police powers were probably a little more lax in the 1940s.
When does he do assistant DA work? What does an assistant to the district attorney do anyways?
>"I'm charging you with the murders of..."
They do that.
Why did they let Raimi write this mission
Who's this weak fucking sister?
>you're going straight to the gas chamber Mr. Kalou listen here you left wing-leaning parasite
>fuck you goy putznatcher
LA Noire is the Spider Man 2 of video games.
[KCHCKR] How can I help, detective?
Was LA Noire unfinished or rushed or something?
I've been playing it and it feels off. There's nothing to do between missions and the open world feels so fucking pointless.
This is from the Blooper Reels, you can look them up on Youtube
>Was LA Noire unfinished or rushed or something?
It's not GTA, user. You play as a cop detective. Wouldn't be much open world if you can't do crimes and kill people.
They just happened to use the GTA engine and the open world is just there as a backdrop. The focus is the missions and the story.
They threw in the terrible shooting sections and a lot of other dumbed down crap because their publisher was thinking it wouldn't sell to normies. I assume the open world was shoehorned for pretty much the same reason. So you spend most of the game doing something resembling policework but also occasionally get into gunfights where you singlehandedly kill a dozen people. Not to mention the entire Dahlia killer resolution. It's pretty dumb.
LA Noire was supposed to mostly be about being a cop but the development went through a lot of shit so it was a slow development, then Take 2 stepped in to help finish the game but they had to turn the game into a GTA clone
He only does street patrol in the first 2 or so cases and investigates the crimes because he's first on scene and waiting for the actual detectives to arrive who then let him solve the case so he can get promoted.
They were too ambitious and scrapped a whole bunch of ideas and content during development because they wanted to fit everything onto a single bluray disc
>LA Noire Supernatural side
Why didn't Rockstar ever think to include a supernatural demon-based case set like they did for Red Dead Redemption with Undead Nightmare?
Shit would have been amazing, like Fallen but in the 1940's.
>Spends hours arresting suspects for murdering sluts
>Finds out it WAS the Black Dahlia all along
>Game forced you to be wrong
The best part about this game were the atmosphere generated by the arcs.
That kick down to arson was a ball bust and a half. Everything caught aflame and burned down to ashes, and Cole rose like a phoenix.
Too bad the rushed Black Dahlia ending leaves so many people with a bitter taste of the plot. Could have been done better, but was substantial enough to convey corruption and the dangers of subversion on both sides of the law.
What exactly did he do wrong again?
>dex vs str
Erioioire every time, baby.
Lamaj a shit.
The game would be significantly improved if you just get game overs for being retarded during an investigation. Instead it uses some kind of scoring system and you can end up being scolded despite solving a case.
>I like your ass
L.A Noire had some of the best motion capture i've ever seen. it's fucking surreal
the original devs were stereotypical lazy hipsters that never got anything done and were overly ambitious so when rockstar took over they started rushing it hard and added a bunch of dumb shit so it looked more like a cop version of GTA so normies would be more likely to buy it
BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE ON XBONE WHEN? would like to replay this shit and be a dick as much as possible
It's always a tough choice. On one hand, lamaj has the added ability of having two firearms as well as agility, a deadly combination indeed. But on the other hand, erioioire has a strong build and exceeding physical strength. it would depend on where they fight I guess.
Because Rockstar didn't make the game you fucking idiot.
I don't know what that means
To be fair he should have died
Yeah, a lot of those specialized police divisions didn't even exist until the 50s.
It was even worse in smaller towns, where the cops did literally every job short of judge.
I never touched this game. is it worth me picking up for 6 bucks?
its fun as a novelty, go for it
I played it on PS3 btw
How dod they get away with it
Best detective
It's honestly one of my favorite games, but it is very flawed.
He wore a two-piece suit
Should've gotten the death penalty for that alone
Yeah, it's certainly well worth 6 bucks. I wish they did a follow up to this game. It had so much potential, and while I had a lot fun with it, a sequel where they learned from their mistakes could have been amazing.
That's not Rusty
>Ken Cosgrove cop game II never ever
>When someone sais Communism Works
He's really fucking bad at this
He's too reliant on the facial expressions
>Well this obviously suspicious man said something that is obviously untrue, but I look at his face and it doesn't look like he's having a stroke right now, so it must be true.
It doesn't help that Woolie's general shittiness is magnified by the two doofuses beside him talking during dialogue and telling him to make incorrect choices.
>straight, uninterrupted, serious poker face with a gaze that pierces miles through your soul
>smug look, shifty eyes, obvious hesitation, and all exaggerated enough that an full-blown face-blind autistic can detect your bullshit
I did not survive by hiding jewelry up my ass in order to bribe guards for enough food only to be treated this way by the likes of you. You were in the Pacific theater, no? They you may have burned men as well. Your's may have been alive, but the men I burned were my brothers, not my foes.
*blocks your path*
>First mission
>get lectured by a couple of old detectives
>don't recognize him at first, but one is your future partner in homicide, Rusty
>end of the mission, arrest the owner of the pearl-handle gun
>find the bookie notebook in his dresser, Cole is confused to see the name "Floyd Rose" in it
>is told to put it away and don't stick your dick in a hornet's nest
>it never comes up again
>but if you checked your notes in the brief window of opportunity, you'd see Floyd Rose was the other detective with Rusty
>5 cases later you get promoted to homicide
>"Rusty's former partner had to take an early retirement"
This game had so many little hints to future plot developments that ultimately didn't matter, and you had to play the game twice to notice
>you can hear the exact moment where Pat reaches the boiling point over Woolie forgetting the controls and having to look them up
>tfw this was one of the Last game'sI rented from Blockbuster
Should i buy this? The general consensus seems to be that it's mediocre as fuck, but i like the idea of playing as a cop serving justice to loonies and degenerates. So is it worth it?
Say that to my face, YOU GOY MOTHERFUCKER!
I'm autistic and I kept getting it wrong after the first few cases, but I'm told most other people did as well. I mostly had to figure out if they were using a different face animation then in the previous question and then pick the opposite
I never understood this. Was Rose another crooked cop?
hey buddy
That bitch was drugged up on something by the paramedics.
You had to actually pay attention to the dialogue here.
Jesus Christ
>load last checkpoint
Yes, people were just mad that it was an 8/10 game instead of a perfect 10
The open-world aspects suck, it's a point and click adventure game. Which is a shame since they made an incredibly detailed map of old LA that is borderline academic in quality. It's one of the most detailed recreations of a real city in any game, period. But there's ultimately nothing to do.
Wow this train station is nearly 1:1 to the real thing that existed, you can spend 30 minutes just walking through every hallway, platform, and the depot. But all you can do in it pick up a collectable, you might not even see the landmarks that don't have a mission on them.
You fuck young boys, OP?
Because LA Noire's development was a clusterfuck and it's somewhat miraculous that it even shipped.
>first real guy he bags is a jew
>cheats on his wife with a german
"When in doubt, Doubt."
I think literally one person in the entire game doesn't try to lie to you.
>listed as a client for an illegal bookie that might have had his gun stolen for a murder
>is the first at the scene but doesn't want to investigate
>later is forced to resign/retire
>Rusty doesn't want to talk it
Nothing gets by you detective. Granted, everyone missed it in the actual game unless you replay, but it's spelled out in greentext
>That mission where your captain gives you desk duty if you dont beat the shit out of a black guy with the rest of the LAPD.
What did he mean by this?
I mean seriously, this thing is a nightmare.
Point taken. thanks.
It really is a shame to the game had poor execution in the actual gameplay.