Boot up quick play

>boot up quick play
>control point map
>everyone is dps (including me) except a tank and a healer
>lose the game
>the only tank tells the dps to kill themselves for not playing well enough
>this happens in literally half the games i play

Wtf is wrong with this fanbase?

this could apply to any game that relies on having a team of healer/tank/dps

Everything is the DPS' fault, apparently.

Because the DPS should be the people putting the work in. That's what it means to be DPS... you're responsible for the damage. If the team isn't getting enough picks, that is more on the people responsible for damage than the people responsible for soaking damage, or the ones responsible for healing it.

I can't tell you how many games have been lost because the DPS is utterly failing. And with four of them? That's just embarrassing. Playing as Rein and getting golds with 5,000 damage and 5 kills? That definitely seems like a DPS issue.

play arcade custom games only

better for your soul

The tanks are probably right.

DPS players are pretty retarded, 80% of the time.
Most Genjis try to deflect lasers or waste their reflect on characters who fire so slowly, they were better of flicking ninja stars
Most Hanzos just spam the arrows of simple geometry until they get ult, then they just aim for the objective
Most Bastion players are on attack

Not to mention most DPS players have the mindset of "I can flank, my team's got the cart" or "better back up and hold this spot before we push" all game.

t. DPS main

>tank and healer's job is to get shot a bunch and sit on the point
>DPS has to actually win the game
As long as the tank and healer weren't being stupid, it's on you guys.
Also this And DPS players are the most likely to care about KDR.

>be attacker team
>be tracer
>see Rein+team is enganging in combat with enemy Rein+team
>chance to flank
>blink behind
>get Rein
>life is only blinking
>kill another
>blink away
>engage in another enemy
>oh shit 10hp
>recall back to safety
>get headshot by hanzo

Fuck Hanzo.

>playing Reaper
>fuckin niggas up
>fuckin the tank
>fuckin the dps
>get fucked in the process
>go into ghost form
>dive into building to get a healthpack
>hanzo presses e
>aim into the hallway

I don't mind Hanzo, but fuck those goddamn scatter shit. Fuck Soldier and his rockets, too.

tank was right
99% of the time i've noticed DPS are actually the shittiest players, explaining why they take the role with least responsibility. But, because they're shitty players, they're also BAD at their damage role. A competent healer/tanker would be able to do significantly better dps if they were filling that slot instead of being forced to be the meatshield/healslut. That's one reason I really loved CoH, an offender could both do team support and rip assholes.

>everyone is dps (including me)
Then switch heroes. There is no perfect team composition. Also git gud.

People who pick these:

Should actually fucking kill themselves.

>I want Overwatch to be Call of Duty: the post

You're playing a casual game

No its "I want to win games" the post.

>this games balance will always be a joke
>this games maps will always be a joke
>this games 2cp will always be a joke

Back when I played, any time I saw a 2cp map, I just quite before it loaded.

2cp is the worst shit ever on overwatch, seriously. It's so bad.

Orisa is legit, don't be hating my favorite cow

It's going to be sweet once Pharah gets balanced.
The Pharahfag tears will put Roadfag's to shame.

>pick soldier
>win because nothing can shutdown his sustained and burst DPS except D.Va

As a roadhog main I almost constantly get gold on kills/damage/objective time and it's fairly uncommon to see DPS players compete for those medals unless we have a competent Reaper or Soldier.

Yo mama is a casual game.

Legit at making shitters pick Orisa instead of Rein.

Rein >>>> pure dog shit >>>> Orisa

She brings fucking nothing.

People so far gone that they think overwatch takes that much skill to play

>competent reaper


You forgot Genji

You can thank the shitty MOBA fanbase for that. They moved to this game.

Genji is good and nanoblade is devestating.

Forgot to add that people who pick McCree over soldier are shitters aswell.

How is Pharah unbalanced?

One of her biggest strengths is fucking rein up 1v1
He can't charge her
He can't win a shield war vs her
She can block his ult

She can pick people off their feet and take away control with her graviton, which is a free kill if you and your team aren't shit

People severely misunderstand what meta means.
It does not mean these heroes are the best always pick them, it means these heroes are the best at the highest levels of competition, something none of you will ever experience anyway.

>Anubis attack
>Playing healer
>Enemy team has a Pharah/Mercy
>Pharmacy absolutely raping our team
>No one on our team is trying to do anything about them at all. AT. FUCKING, ALL. It's like they are invisible to everyone else on my team
>No one will switch to Soldier or McRee to deal with them
>Switch off healer to Soldier, easily mop em up
>We still lose because now we have no healer

Speaking of Reapmaster Reaps, has anyone here dicked around with PTR Reaper with his new passive? I have a lust for 'do damage to heal self' characters in other games and want to know how he plays with the change.

She doesnt have his ult which is why you should never EVER pick orisa over rein in the first place.

She is way less flexible with her super weak 900 dmg shield.

You need rein to break chokes, or hold chokes.

Rein fucks up orisa 1v1 in close range no contest, just swing the hammer around she cant do shit.

And so what if she could take him on 1v1? You basically fucked your whole team because you didnt wanna pick rein because you can "Maybe" 1v1 rein.

Post your points i wanna laugh.

Reaper confirmed for viable again.

Pls fucking no.

Reaper as a character should never be allowed to be viable.

>tfw you have gold damage and eliminations as healer or tank

i play quick play to fuck around with heroes i want to learn.
if i want to squander my time in a competitive environment, i'll go to comp

you last longer, but it's not like, a super huge chunk.

it feels like a nice middle ground.

Too edgy for you?

This shit is so frustrating, if you even bring it up with the dps they usually say "medals don't mean everything!"

When will they add a scoreboard so we can shame the ass dps.

>but it's ok because its ilios

>it's ok because its ilios

>tfw routinely get gold elims with

>You: Need pin point accuracy to kill her (and she can't be killed by half the roster in the air)
>Her: Can be in the air almost infinitely, no fall off damage, splash damage, and knocks you around while raining rockets from across the map

That's assuming she doesn't have a pocket Mercy


soldier is the most braindead hero ever

if i owned OW, i'd always play the position the team needs

>fucking niggas up

DVa's easy to get Elims with; all you do is just hold LMB and sometimes hit shift to run into people and you can rack up elims. Top it off with a well placed ult and you should rack up Elims.

Now, a REAL achievement is blocking as much damage as a Reinhardt with your defense matrix.

Boop deaths are too fucking easy on some maps

That's not how you spell Roadhog/Reaper

She's balanced by the fact that Hitscan weapons are much, much better than projectile weapons in overwatch. It's also much more difficult for pharrah to take advantage of cover and shields since she's up in the air.

Pretty much you need 1 single person on the enemy team with mediocre or better aim to play as a hitscan character to make her completely worthless garbage

career average is 9k


This is you user.

If anything "balancing" pharah would require buffing her.

>Blaster Kills: 0
>Gold damage

Did you swap to Mercy just to get that picture?

Yet she's one of the highest picked DPS in high ranked games and is in fact becoming the most DPS picked period because she dominates the games she's in.
Just because she's killable doesn't mean she's balanced

Literally just pick Soldier or McCree and bully her till she switches.

It's not that a big a deal, they're my pals, it's just a funny image.
Why are you getting so mad?

DPS players are generally retarded. I've survived on a point as Ana, D.Va, and Lucio alone with at least 4 DPS trying to kill me for as long as it takes someone to respawn and run back to the point. You faggots suck at aiming even on PC and it's pathetic. I should never ever get 5 gold as a healer, but it happens

>leave quick play match because i have a duo torb/symm on my team just building stuff inside the spawn and spamming emotes
>block and report them
>come back 15 minutes later and try to play a match again, get put on the same team with them
>leave match
>decide i'll come back the next day and play because the queue is fucking cancer
>fuckhuge warning on my screen saying i'll get a leaver penalty if i leave another match
fuck this game, maybe you shouldn't queue me up with griefers that i've blocked, ban everyone that picks torb or symm instead of punishing me for leaving a match i was guaranteed to lose before it even started

McCree's damage fall off does not make him a viable counter.
Soldier can't kill a Pharah with a pocket mercy.

Fake and you know it
No one will suck your cock here

you ppl just make this game sound cooler and cooler

She's only getting picked by duo running pharmacy. Fix mercy and buff pharah.

Zen, Ana, McCree, Soldier, Widow, Orisa, etc. all counter her pretty hard. If some balance patch makes Orisa meta it will be all over for Pharah.


Guess how I know you're bronze?

She's only getting picked by duo running pharmacy. Fix mercy and buff pharah.

>please gut mercy and make her useless so I don't have to learn how to play ;_;

Yes you can. You have two options as Soldier against PharMercy.

>Be a REAL good shot and hit with the rockets.

Or, and hear me out on this one...


Like I don't know how this is hard for anyone to understand. She's just a floating target with limited movement.

Actually if you look at the numbers, she is more popular in Bronze and Silver and becomes less and less popular at higher levels of skill. In grandmaster she's below soldier, Roadhog (who is effectively a DPS character), Genji, Tracer, and McCree. Even in Bronze where she's most popular she's below Soldier

So basically, she is a character that is only chosen by idiots who suck.

I've done the same thing. On points where the spawn room is close to the point like Hanamura or the very end of Kings Row as defender you can just hop around the cart or payload and amp it up when you need healing and even an entire team will fail to kill you in quickplay

>enemy team has a pharah on anubis
>im soldier on trying my best to kill her while rein puts down his shield every sec,enemy zarya is shielding and even a fucking zen and mercy healing her
tired of rank

yeah, or they think they're helping by spamming to hit her, so then you end up pinning her whenever she shows her face, always looking for her, and then the rest of the other team walks over your team while you're distracted.

I'm not saying gut her but both pharah and mercy can't be buffed because of how well pharmacy works. They tried buffing mercy and had to undo it because pharah would one shot zen/tracers. The fact is both pharah and mercy are underpowered but they make a hell of a wombo combo so buffing either one will break the meta. The meta needs to change anyway. It's been the same since launch except ana joined.

>You need rein to break chokes, or hold chokes.

I can't even entertain this, you haven't even heard of dive comp. Just another stale as fuck plat player

more like gut mercy so 'support mains' actually have to learn how to play the game

This is what really bothers me.

Why do people think pharamercy vs soldier is a good comparison. It's a 2v1. Give the soldier a partner and see how fast the tables turn.

I just pick Zenyatta and steal all your medals.

Also, you can control your team.better than anyone else. Telling them you have Discord on _________ and watch the whole team move as one trying to get that kill.

They just need to nerf their flying capability

It's simple. Mercy cannot damage boost in mid-air.

Pharahs projectile speed is increased by 15%.
Pharahs damage decreased to 110 per shot.
Pharah's healing received is reduced when in mid-air by 30%.

>I-I was merely pretending

That's retarded. Why are you nerfing a character who's been in the trash been most of the game because of a combo that requires a healer to ignore the rest of her team that stops being effective after gold?

the worst days are when im the ONLY one getting kills and the other team realizes this so i get insta discorded into pharah mercy boosted rockets while my team is screaming in there mics to kill her

Just make it so that when Mercy presses shift it cancels all her other abilities until she stops. No more le invincible fly right into the midddle of the enemy team and ressurect woman
No more completely invincible aerial combo because the healing/damage beam will get interrupted every now and then giving people an opportunity to blank pharah's brains out
Might actually force mercy players to think for once instead of just blindly pressing Q every 2 minutes

>Play comp
>Be Pharah, Defense on King's Row
>Only one alive
>Enemy approaching payload
>"Concussion Blast from above"

I think i heard them scream.

You're missing the point completely. Mercy is damn near useless. Her best and arguably only gimmick is pocketing a pharah. Fix her and give her a reason to actually be with her team over pocketing a pharah all game.

>1 healer
desu people think this game has to have a good balance, but the only real thing i see as absolutely necessary for a team is two healers. if you have one healer, the ratio of healer to those needed to be healed is 1:5. with two healers it becomes 1:2. that's a big fuckin jump, and the healers don't have to be so frantic and relied upon. its possible to go one healer, but everyone else pretty much has to have a self healing ability to make it work. the comp after 2 healers can be decided in any way. 1 tank 3 dps, 2 tank 2 dps, 3 tank 1 dps, 4 tank or dps.

>playing on ilios
>4 dps (hanzo, soldier, tracer and genji)
>halfway through the 2nd round the gold is 5 kills (Im playing reinhardt btw)
>ask people to switch it up, not calling anyone out in particular
>hanzo replies: why dont you fucking switch?
>I did, I was reinhardt and now im winston, we're still not getting kills
>guy solo healing gets tilted and leaves the match
>genji and tracer players who were in a group start fighting with the hanzo cause no one wants to switch
>wait the minute and a half and leave
I fucking hate this game.

Pocket bastion, have rein or orisa provide shields nonstop. Somehow win every time.

It's not a problem with Overwatch, but the entire gaming "community" at large. Unless you have a big group of friends, you're fucked if you expect proper communication between teammates. Ten years ago, it was much easier to make a friend online than it is now. It's one of the main reasons why MMOs aren't very good anymore. Communities are becoming more cliquish, just like office environments.

A tank, healer, support, dps..
They're just recommendations for new players. 3 tank 2 heals is pretty common. Anything could work really. It's all just application.

>shitty hanzo main telling other people to switch
kill all weebs

>playing with randoms
well there's your problem.

For some reason the official quickplay comp is 4 Dps, 1 tank, 1 support.

>pick Orisa on Ilios
>keep firing graviton bubble above the pit
>drop their tanks in like nothing

Most shitty DPS stubbornly stick to their role because MUH MANHOOD MUH I'MA STRGHTKILLA FAGS
Theirs no talking them out of it.

How come all you fucking stupid retards understand why Pharmercy is dominating right now?

The way to nerf Pharmercy without touching either Mercy or Pharah is to fix her counters.

Fix McCree
Tighten Sombra spread
Solder got unessesaryily Nerfed to shut faggot whiners up
Ana got nerfed

Pharmercy counters are the problem not Pharmercy.

Guess you don't know how to play reaper

That's the problem with Blizzard, they only balance based around whining

>mfw I reliably kill pharahs as Zenyatta