Rising Storm 2 stories

Rising Storm 2 stories
>Be american pilot
>Blast ride of the valkyries
>Start shooting and screaming like a madman
>Kill more than ten of these fuckers
>Get hit
>Start rotating around
>Hear that sweet Crescendo before crashing

I love this game

Other urls found in this thread:


>never play MG class because I always thought it was a support class and draws too much attention
>finally decide to give MG class a try
>it's basically an assault rifle with less recoil, tracer rounds to help me aim, AND I don't even need to fucking reload
>me and a couple of guys capture B on Cu Chi
>I mow down a whole squad of 5-6 gooks in an open field without even letting off the trigger
>kill a couple of gooks in the tunnels under D with my pistol before emerging behind their lines
>running around with my m60 alone, behind their lines, tearing them to shreds and they don't even know what the fuck is going on

Why didn't you guys tell me MG is so fun?

ITT we post games that are better than RS2

Why aren't you guys playing Squad instead?

Because you don't get to shoot gooks in squad

>be gook
>USSR anthem playing
>GI hiding in a helicopter shows up
>flying straight towards me
>starts firing his machinegus and rockets towards me
>pick up my trusty RPD GI-terminator
>Aim straight for the cockpit
>scream off the top of my lungs and unload
>chopper spirals out of control, flies above me and crashes on the hillside
>anthem of the USSR winds down as I am running up the hill to inspect the wreckage of my victim

Are there any new maps in the release or that all the maps in the beta?

>cant see shit
>get killed across the map
Just like the real thing!

>Holding last point on hue city
>HIs swarming the temple
>hear the sound of F4 phantoms coming to deliver the final blow
>napalm was called on a retarded spot by their TL and kills all of the GIs on point
>burgers screaming over public chat

We still lost though

Congrats I think this has officially taken the title for most pathetically shilled game

Nothing satisfies like RPGing a full troop helicopter when it's flying low, seconds away from landing

>hes so new he cant spot false flags

Why do engineers not take flamethrowers? That's the point

For that authentic US blue-on-blue fratricide experience



Love the NVA taunt voice command.

Reposting from last thread

>be GI
>be in tunnels under C point on Huehuehue City
>throw a frag at were I think gooks are
>two GI's walk ahead to where I threw my nade after watching me do it

Post your best experiences with retarded pubs



>Throw C4 into building
>Tell teammates on voice chat I threw it in
>Blow it up
>Kill teammates across the street anyway

mostly just ppl running right into my line of fire

or helicopter pilots never landing

I've killed just as much friendlies as I have enemies with C4. I'm just bad

Definitely not better than RPGing a cobra strafing right at you 30m away and splatting your poor gook friend with its corpse

I'm really enjoying the game so far. But I have to say I am really disappointed with the voice acting. Nothing that I've heard so far really compares at all to:

There seems to be a lot of complaining about this on the steam forums and on the subreddit. Do you guys think there's any chance they'll go back and improve the voice acting?

>playing Hue
>be sapper
>plant mines all over B
>high tail it to the top floor
>get four kills as GIs swarm in
>plant more mines on the stairs
>get three more kills
>objective lost along with A
>"return to the combat area"
>fuck that
>get seven more kills with PPSH while unsuspecting GIs move toward C
>they catch on and come looking for me
>more kills via traps
>finally get swarmed by grunts and nades
>mfw i die

I think this game just clicked for me, I've been going on killing sprees and staying alive for a ludicrous amount of time. Hiding in the brush is actually a fucking tactic, and RPing as a black GI who's seen too much shit that swings out of the bush capping motherfuckers all day, shit's bananas

probably or workshop will have soundpacks at some point

The voice acting is terrible for the Vietnamese. I'm hoping they'll redo the VA



>pushing C on An Lao
>come across tunnel
>don't have time for this shit
>drop a nade on it
>squad mate stops to manual tear it down
>"hey fucker, move away"
>he go boom
>"told ya, stupid"
>"Player has forgiven you"

I wish crashed Huey's left their wreckage on the map permanently to be used as cover


Like I really enjoy the actual gameplay, and I think the guns sound and feel good. The game needs more maps but that's not too bad right now. But I'm used to the Red Orchestra games and RS1 having really good sound design and voice acting, and the poor quality is really disappointing to me. The voice acting in particularly helped to make the older games feel a lot more immersive and real.

>Sneak DEEP into gook territory as Recon, armed with a grease gun.
>Sit behind gook spawn points.
>Waste zipperheads left and right
>Kill a commander with a claymore I laid
>Gooks spend the whole match looking for me in a bush
>See on gook approach my bush
>he wastes me.

The game is good and fun, but it needs more fucking maps

I got an achievement from that


what did the Vietnamese announcer mean by this?

>tactically crashing every helicopter around an objective to block the enemies path


you guys think mosin is a bit underpowered right now? I swear I shot a flamethrower guy twice in the stomach and he just walked it off like it was nothing.

What they mean is that they need a better voice actor

>be US Transport Pilot
>wanted to try out advanced flight model for fun on An Lao Valley
>Trying to land GI's on Delta but can't quite get to a safe spot
>See squad of gooks on what is soon to be my new LZ
>Ram one with my heli, let my troops out to finish them off, then fly away

you do know its seriously just one dude who wants the game to be hated by homosexual autismos like you, right? Also 200% sure he is the same gay who does the escape from tarkov shilling claiming it's like stalker when even the devs say it's not.

>flying huey
>trying to land
>AA fire on me
>abort landing, fly off, if I had landed I would have gotten everyone mowed down
>take hit to tail rotor on way out
>start spinning all over the place
>manage to get control back
>limp back to base as quickly as possible
>tfw manage to land it safely and save all our tickets

VC is literally the most patrician faction in the game


that would have been terrifying as the infantry guys in the back

How in the fuck is this game so good, especially after the clusterfuck kf2 was?

I better see you faggots torching gook bastards and slants heads.

hit registration is bullshit in this game. i can't shoot over cover but if i unload a magazine at point blank range all my hits will miss

Yeah and amazingly none of them got hit in the crossfire, they started freaking out in vehicle chat

Speaking of which I really want to figure out how to play music over vehicle radio so I can play Fortunate Son for all the boys in back

The best part of this game is killing Burgers

Because Rising Storm and Red Orchestra were good and RS2 is basically a reskin with some updated mechanics and non-shit vehicles

>playing as niggers and welfare queens in a foreign war

I'm sure there's some guides about micspamming

What happened with KF2?

Is it worth buying now?

>neither team has tickets left
>7 Americans left, me included
>72 Vietnamese chinkos left
>Funnel as many gooks outside of A as we can.
>Bomb the shit out of it
>Cap the last objective.
Tfw we 7v77'd and won. Go America.

day 3 and already complaints of 5 map boredom kicking in

god help you all in 4 weeks

Hue City point C is fucked for burger side

Why do people insist on playing this map

>gooks don't have tickets
>there are 72 of them
>we win against 77 of them

song be is much better

because it's a fun, hard push that has multiple points of attack. it's a meatgrinder, but it's fun as fuck to play

sounds like your mom


Cu Chi is literally the best map

its fucking awful if the vietnamese team is stacked and the american team is full of bad players

You literally die non-stop

>no choppers

Any map is bad if the teams are stacked though

It really is. It's very balanced aside from the final objective, but that still doesn't diminish how great it is.

>VC blew my tail off over D
>still moving decently fast in one direction
>rock out of the spin and throttle down
>land decently safely just outside the village with all hands surviving
>pop a guy who came to check the wreckage with my .45
>Charlie mad as fuck

>not hue city

give me more urban maps god dammit

>inna An Lao Valley as Burger
>VC are attacking the hilltop base again
>end up as the last American on the hill
>hiding in a bunker, spray any gook who walks by
>CO begins to call in air support
>"Whoever is left on Charlie, I'm sorry."
>I'm left on Charlie
>Beg him not to do it go full RP mode and tell him I have a family I need to get home to
>Napalm strike comes down and incinerates the hill
>hear the sound of dying gooks all around me
>somehow the napalm doesn't touch me
>moments later reinforcements arrive and we push them off the hill

Imagine that situation in real life, jesus
That'd fuck you up permanently

>Place booby trap
>GI kills me
>GI steps on booby trap

Every fucking time.

what do you like about hue city? what does anybody like about hue city?

i just like urban maps. i hate the jungle

Its shit

>be american radioman
>stick with commander
>realize the entire team is on C while the enemy has capped A B D E and F
>switch teams
>helicopter literally lands next to me and I unload both barrels on their bitch asses
>a second later an RPG comes screaming in and my screen explodes into colors
I hate all the new players I hate them!


>buy vietnam game
>faggots keep wanting to play urban warfare


it's vietnam, embrace the no frontline

Anyone else have a problem where your ping starts normal, but when you get in a heli it slowly starts increasing until it's like 250ms and the heli is rubberbanding all over the place?
It only seems to happen on certain servers.

I would be happy with a supremacy mode in an urban setting. The only complaint I have with Hue is the bridge and it being territory.

there will be a Saigon Tet Offensive map eventually and they'll probably add Supremacy to all the maps eventually if modders don't first

Am I the only one who actually likes C in Hue? Whether attacking or defending it's only a clusterfuck if you don't have a competent commander.


>go to climb over a ledge near the spawn
>glitch out and somehow desync from my body
>body is still in the position near the spawn
>cant sprint, climb, or cap points but can walk around the map
>can shoot people but can't be shot because my body is still back at the spawn

You guys said there'd be 3-4 new maps with the release too. That didn't happen either.

tfw game is so shit you have to roleplay

keep it to yourself. let's hope they don't fix it. see if you can replicate it and report back with your findings

I wish. Having a no-frontline city to fuck around in would be great.

>prefire into rooms as VC to kill GI
>its actually Thong Nguyen your brother-in-law
>as you realize you killed your own brother-in law, gweilo GI comes in and burns you with his flamethrower

that same exploit was in RO2. In a trench on Mamayev you could deploy an mg when attacking C and be teleported over the big bunkers and shoot into their spawn, but you weren't actually there. I could only ever replicate it once more so i had no idea how it actually worked

When can i play as nazis?

When you play Red Orchestra 2 you moron

Play Red Orchestra 2 dumdum

>Watching squadmate fucking around with a claimore
>He notices me, stop for a second and then keep going, all the while we have eye contact
>It fucking it explodes all of a sudden
>In less than a second, where my squadmate was standing, there is only blood, gore and a pair of boots.
>I love the smell of napal in the morning

>same second
>nonconsecutive post numbers
I wonder what was

>switching teams mid match

looks like bfd

>be combat engineer
>buy esp/aimbot
>torch everyone the fuck out