>It's ok when SEGA releases a Yakuza game every year set in the same city
>It's not ok for Ubisoft to release an Assassins Creed game every year with a new city and setting
Why the double standards?
>It's ok when SEGA releases a Yakuza game every year set in the same city
>It's not ok for Ubisoft to release an Assassins Creed game every year with a new city and setting
Why the double standards?
well you see user
one game series is good
the other is NOT
Did you actually play Yakuza?
if assassins creed released a game every year with the same city it would probably be a better series
but thats only assuming assassins creed has ever had a setting as interesting and as much to do as the Yakuza games
Cause the world is not focal point of the Yakuza series. They know this so they focus on other aspects of their game. And it's not like it's the exact same map, they constantly add aspects of there map. Wither that be underground or add vertically to the map and let you go on roof tops.
Ubisoft on the other hand markets there new world's as the centerpiece of the games value. Same with Rockstar and Elder Scrolls, if they had they same map it would most likely fail because the story, combat, atmosphere wouldn't be good like Yakuza series.
Thanks for making this post so I don't have to
If you actually played Yakuza you'd realize real quick that it does everything better than AC and any game in the series is a superb game on its own. The devs arent retarded like the AC devs are and actually care about what they make.
Japs are autistic while the West are retards.
Yakuza didn't betray the white race for SJW bucks yet.
>any game in the series is a superb game on its own.
6 has convinced me series needs to die
6 was i think the first time i looked at a yakuza game and went "yeah this is a downgrade"
even dead souls atleast had some fun ideas.
Yakuza games have...
>Good combat that isn't just MASH COUNTER TO WIN
>Likable characters
>Fucktons of non-story content that isn't just collecting flags or some shit
>Entertaining dialogue
Assassin's Creed games have...
>Good boat gameplay in two whole games.
Gee, I wonder why people like the former more.
One simple reason. It's an exclusive game. That's it. Console owners will defend and praise their exclusives to death. I'm not even joking.
>good combat
>QTE the game
Thanks for letting us know you haven't played any Yakuza game
Despite being the same city it changed drastically in every game, plus most games have other cities exclusive to their respective game.
Sort of like Pokemon gold/silver letting you go back to kanto
Nah, as a yakuza fanboy I would buy it for any platform, if it was PC exclusive I would love it just as much.
Yakuza is good
Asscreed is bad
next question
>Yakuza is fun
>AssCreed is boring
Wow this is so hard
Yakuza 3, 5 and 6 are worse then the bad AC games
All these people defending it are dumb
Thanks for letting us know you haven't played any Yakuza game
piss off, westcuck
yakuza is a lively soap opera
ass creead is lifeless corporate backdrop
not him but yakuza gameplay is simplistic repetitive shit.
>not him
Yes you are and don't even bother posting a pic you IP evading cellphone posting FAGGOT!
I'm willing to forgive yakuza for recycling because their games are actually fun
Also they don't have $$$trillion dollar budget
I don't think reused assets are a problem if the content is what people want. Most of the time what I want out of a sequel is the same game +more. I think people complain about reusing shit but usually games this happens with there is broader problem with laziness and or half developed ideas that is the real problem.