You DID kill his wife and brother, right? I sincerely hope you didn't let John Marston's murder go unpunished

You DID kill his wife and brother, right? I sincerely hope you didn't let John Marston's murder go unpunished.

Other urls found in this thread:

I just killed the dude, his family didn;t do me no harm

>killing unrelated family members for 'revenge'


This. An eye for an eye. He didn't kill Marston's wife or brother or anything

Making ten assholes out of him is enough. Good that Rockstar added those options, though.

>Morals in the wild west

Presentfags begone

He was going to fucking kill them, though. Marston just didn't let them

>wild west
>not living with honor

Back to the inner city with you, nigger

HE was? Oh so his family wasn't doing anything? Why the fuck would I kill them then? You want to be the same nigger scum as the guy you're getting revenge against? Great plan, idiot.

>Assuming I'm a nigger
>Being correct

S-shut up!

Oh shit, I'm sorry

He killed the uncle though, so i just killed his brother

Hell yeah, shot her in the chest then lassoed her and dragged her wounded ass almost all the way to the brother in law. Put one in the back of his head.

I forgive you

If Ross really wanted the whole family dead he would have sent men out to search for Jack and Abigail, or he would have left a garrison of troops at their homestead. The fact that Abigail was buried next to John proves otherwise.

Way to be a fucking disappointment to your father.


Gotta kill everybody involved, or else they might come back for revenge against you.

If he wanted his input noted he shouldn't have gotten himself killed.

I just killed the dude, I'm not going to stoop to his level and kill unrelated innocents for petty revenge

I just killed the wife. Let him live with the grief like Jack did.


You kill the rest of his family you become exactly what your pa didn't want for his only son.

I roped his wife and made her watch me kill him

But why bother killing the wife and uncle when if I leave them alive they will live with the knowledge that they gave away the location of their dearly departed to some mumbling sketchy autist

>don't kill siblings
>they end up looking for you and killing your family

nah fuck it I erased em all.

Jack is a disappointment regardless since he still kills Ross and lives the outlaw life John didn't want for him

Yes I did.
Drowned his wife on the lake near her house and hog tied his brother and made him wait for the train.

Why? Ross' wife was a sweet old lady. Ross' brother didn't strike me as an asshole like Ross did. Either way, it would be entirely out of Jack's character to just murder them.


I just killed everyone, fuck having to deal with his brother a few years later down the line.

You had the option to play like a fucking murdering asshole as Marston as well. Hell, Marston WAS a murdering asshole. I was just making Jack like his father.

I wanted to spare them... but I knew that any survivors may one day come after me or (if I have any) my kids. I killed his wife and set the cabin on fire. I killed his brother and placed his body in the water. Then I killed him... and then placed tnt on his corpse.
This one's for you pah.

Marston didn't want his son to turn out like he did. He wanted a better life for his kid.

It was too late for that as soon as he set out to kill his father's murderer. He put himself on the path

Hence why jack is a disappointment

He is going to be the main char of RDR 2.
It will be the story of how he became such a hardass.

True, still though, Red Dead didn't give me the MURDER RANDOM CIVILLIANS urge like GTA does so it didn't even occur to me to kill his wife and bro. My roommate at the time this game came out did though.

god I can't fucking wait for RDR 2. I'm even buying a PS4 for it.

I made the choice that John would've liked and stopped playing the moment he became the main character.

So in my game he never went to become a faggy outlaw and maybe grew up to be a productive member of society

>That side mission where you pay off the pimp
>Never give him the money as John
>Give it too him as Jack
>That guy has been standing there for 2 years

This is why I murdered in cold blood.

What if he has a son who'd like to avenge his death? gotta kill em all.

All the side stories are like that. Imagine being that crazy religious chick and wandering in the desert for three years

It's what young John Marston would've done, like father like son. Prove me wrong faggots.

One of the most poignant things about RDR is how the father sacrificed for the freedom of the son, but the son just didn't understand. The cycle of violence continued, no matter how hard John tried to break it.

Fucking LUDO ahhhhhhhhh.

Who the hell directored RDR those Rockstar credits are always a fucking mess.

I don't see why anyone would keep playing after killing Ross. I just made sure I played until I was sick of it with John, then finished the game.


I always wondered how the side shit works. I didn't have any side quests left after I finished the story so does it just play the same exact thing but with jack instead of john?

From what I can gather, yeah. They have dialog for Jack for anything John missed, no matter how comically impractical. Its so players won't have things lost forever if they missed it after the story.

Besides death, I thought that was the only one that would be impossible if John died before completing it.

I remember I couldn't get 100% completion because of one side quest that I could only finish as John or some shit. Was fucking infuriating.
Think it was one of the Irish ones.

Most likely the one where you meet the devil. Only john can meet him.

He's death, not devil.

>I'm an accountant of sorts

nah i let him go, he was just doing his job.

He did some highly illegal, morally questionable shit to do his job. The nuremberg defense doesn't actually work.

>Not NIG
are you deaf

john was a cumskin, why should i care about cumskins

>Implying John would have wanted Jack to waste his life on revenge in the first place.
The whole point was he wanted his son not to be the kind of person he was for most of his life. It's what makes the ending rather sad.

A what

>Jack will probably still be empty and bitter for the rest of his life. Exactly what John didn't want for him.
I didn't cry, but I felt so damn empty finishing this game.

Cumskin aka white boy

God damn, you niggers come up with the gayest fucking pet names.


>not MIG

Underrated post