ASMR in gaming?

Have you ever gotten ASMR triggers from a game?

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just call them goosebumps you massive faggot

Has anyone ever legitimately gotten an ASMR trigger from anything?

no but i got arms triggers from playing ARMS


I don't understand asmr, people whispering has always pissed me off which seems to be all asmr ever is.

Also they're called goosebumps.

I don't know what the fuck ASMR triggers are, but if it's supposed to be this I got goosebumps in FFX when Seymour goes SSJ3 and says "By all means, try!"

ass seduction majesty reflexes?

they are not goosebumps tho
its more like a tingly sensation in the back or side of the head

The concept of ASMR is weird as shit and as such I would never tell anyone I listen to it. That said it relaxes the fuck out of me and helps me fall asleep much faster at night.

Yeah my dude.
It happens very sparingly to me, but it is normally from music or if I am outside, like i got it while i was in Dachau which is weird but there was a really pleasant breeze and it was really calm there despite the crazy shit like the brick ovens.

I get triggered when Bruce Wayne and Celina Kyle realise who each other are under the mistletoe in Batman Returns. Without fail.

This video can explain what ASMR is.

>Not listening to gaming ASMR every night before going to sleep.
And yet people still use drugs to try to sleep

The menu in fable anniversary. The book closing/opening and page turning sounds are satisfying as fuck.

>Brick ovens

Go on..

I used to rarely get ASMR but now I get it all the time when I listen to frivolousfox

please dont bring Sup Forums memes here
the numbers of jews killed are likely exaggerated but there was definitely some crazy shit going on

If you're talking about that exhilarating feeling you get when you watch or listen to something epic, that's called frisson.

Get the fuck out of here nigger


I listen to gaming store roleplay ASMR videos I guess that doesn't count?


Link pls

if you have ever unironically watched an asmr video you are an irredeemable fag boy who needs to leave and never come back

There is literally nothing wrong with ASMR videos.

tfw I actually get ASMR but I know people who have waifus vicariously through ASMR videos.

Favorite ASMR artists?
Here are some of my recent favorites:
Maple ASMR
Asmr Xuan

>he can't feel asmr
I'm sorry, being an outdated version of the human genome must suck.

oh god I hate when she starts talking about her spirituality lite
those people faggots
jellybean has a nuclear pizza face and catplant is an actual porn actress. PPOMO is p gud and maple is fairly relaxing

>catplant is an actual porn actress.
Link or fake, her face is pretty doable desu
>nuclear pizza face
Jelly only for the voice, fuck the rest

>defending people whispering into a microphone while a video of them playing a game is in the background
it's no better than let's plays, except probably a bit more weird to be caught watching

It feels good user you should try it

If you can't feel it at all then I'm sorry for you

>fuck the rest
Clearly you haven't watched her dance vids

>gaming ASMR
the absolute worst

I remember getting them in school while a female teacher explained something to me during a test or while we were reading something, she would talk soft and slow and I felt like I was going to melt or pass out. This happened several times.

I really like the stuff some girls do on youtube but I haven't felt anything like that since.

I have, also have read shit about her personal life, so I'm not really into it
Any good gaming ASMRer?

fugggg I think I was thinking of cherry crush, not catplant.
she is kinda thicc but her face, man

>fuck the rest

ASMR triggers me because it's a whole generation of weak faggots who like theraputic things and run from pain. I like to do adderall and play doom wads until I suffer a nice psychosis and anixty. Am I cool? No but at least I ain't part of your goofy asmr safespace kid culture

>don't bring Sup Forums memes here
>the numbers of jews killed are likely exaggerated

Ultimate fucking kek

My favorite video

Also a good channel

ASMRette before she went short haired sjw dyke mode
Heather Feather is goat voice terrible face but don't really actually watch the videos so oh well
I haven't really kept up with the new stuff.

Calm down Coldsteel.

>Not taking adderall while playing with Cykas and Monkeys at the same time
It's an abstract kind of feeling


nigger I listen to ASMR while I fall asleep not to escape my pain

If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, this happens to me LITERALLY ONLY when I hear really good music.

Everyone else seems to think it's triggered by females whispering... but I guess I'm just a faggot?

The piano when you fight the Soul of Cinder.

I like the sound of people clicking controller buttons.

Also, "ASMR videos" are fucking trash for brainlet plebs. The most relaxing shit is unintentional.

Maple is cute but has some autistic videos

Also, gonna post some boob/erotic asmr if u guys want

Heather was my first, along with that bald ASMR guy, GOAT 10/10 voices by the way.

>yfw a woman will never touch you or whisper to you so you rely on a YouTube grill to do it to a camera

>if you guys want
You do not need permission to make the world a better place.

This. Happened to me with a teacher too

Nah user. I wish music would trigger this for me

Just listen to this shit mate, it's pretty low budget but the nigger has a GOTY voice.

I've seen ASMR shit. It all seems like some weird fetish thing to me. It all seems so sexually charged under the guise of being "for relaxation," especially with the saturation of roleplay vids.

she does have a really great voice for it.
this dudes voice gets me, please excuse the meme game though no homo


Wow how hardcore you are, you cut your wrists as well?

>Those thighs and tits


That's probably frisson, related to ASMR but not exactly the same.

Frisson produces a feeling of excitement, ASMR produces a feeling of relaxation.

You need to search further, find your niche
Mine is the SKSK,Omnomnom, Fuzzy shit or some very specific things like the sound of spray water landing on plastic surfaces.

>10 years ago
>Watching some shitty camcorder video about Morrowind
>Notice the shitty background sounds are really relaxing
>Same with a video of some guy explaining a clock
>Fast forward to now
>Bunch of people start posting attention whores and faggots

I can jack off to it so yeah it has a sexual thing behind it

Cutest asmrtist

>I had ASMR before it was cool
Fucking hipsters I swear to fucking god.

>tfw you can tell folks who shit on asmr werent read to as a child by their parents and if they say they were they are an obvious liar



ppomo fag here

I got ASMR from a nintendo DSi unboxing several years ago, I don't even think ASMR was even a thing yet, it's weird the places you can find triggers

Anyone else remember experiencing ASMR before people started making videos for it?

I remember it happening to me back in 1st grade in 1998 when a girl in my class took my hand and rubbed my index finder on notebook paper after making a filled circle of pencil graphite (not lead) there. Felt really good.

It'll eventually get even more attention once someone actually does research about what is actually happening with our bodies when we get ASMR, it's a really unexplored field.
Remember when your parents touched your hair while humming to make you sleep? THAT'S ASMR TOO FUCKING FAGGOT

You can't "have" ASMR you fucking moron.

Alright you faggots, post the most degenerate stuff you have

1:21:20. try not to cringe

Where exactly did I said that?

literally kill yourself
the attention whroes are pretty fucking annoying. how is asmrdarling so popular when her videos are complete shit?
I've only experienced it a couple times, usually just music. I liked ASMR videos better back when it was just some autists whispering into a shitty mic though desu

Did you feel a distinct tingly/fuzzy feeling around your scalp from the sounds?

>Remember when your parents touched your hair while humming to make you sleep?

No. Im black.

>>I had ASMR before it was cool

post ASMR waifus

My first ASMR experience was this video (never knew why but I always found it relaxing)

not a thing

this is LITERALLY nothing more than desperate virgins getting off on a female talking softly

Paramedic codec calls in MGS3

I like ppomo too.


It feels pretty good.

Why do people try to sexualize ASMR? It's bringing the wrong kind of attention to the field and giving people the impression that it's another type of porn.


ASMR with male voices exist too and are watched by a lot of people, user

Oh, I didn't phrase it properly, my bad.
My point is that today we know what it is and what it produces it, its not a fad, I felt it since I was a kid and I thought everyone could feel it, it was surprising to find it wasn't the case and an entire community about it.

probably for most of their audience, i use it to sleep though

No, it was in the back of my neck.

ok fags what are some ASMR sleep videos then

TCG unboxing videos was actually a pretty common type of ASMR back then.
I also remember that one Toy Story scene and many scenes from the Once Upon a Time... Life series giving me ASMR when I was young.

These are the best ones one youtube, but the regular kind, not that sexual/licking shit

Because people jack off to it, that's why.

also lots of camwhores that are borderline nasty, like this one.