What was the moment where you started to suspect that the developers had no idea of what they were doing?

For me it was when they decided to change the combat of the game so far in development, then the leak becoming truth slowly, proving that the development was a mess and finally the Microsoft E3 demo. I was still in denial, but deep down I knew this game was fucked. It still hurts, though.

When Tabata became the director.

When the game was first announced

You can tell more care and time was put into FF14

When they announced it to be an open world.

I want my random encounters back.

Duscae already had some weird moments and issues, but Platinum demo was the end. I feel bad for the dev team that had to keep up wih all the feedback garbage especially redesigning the whole combat system less than a year before release

The bigger problem is that you can always see the enemies and they're always the same once you saw that aera, there's no surprise at all.

But XV was great, one of my favorite games in years

Platinum demo fucking sucked. I though that I was doing something wrong because it did not feel good at all fighting the Iron Giant. I though that they would fix it when the game released, but alas, they did not.

platinum was awesome go fuck yourself u low ass dutch

Before the dreaded one arrives, let me warn you

Is this real? I thought Lucy was supposed to be the cold pragmatist.

She's way too nice to be xv-kun

>all those cities and towns
And we only got Altissia and Lestallum, and both of them were uninspired and terribly designed.

What the fuck happened?

I remember how adamant somebody was about this map. Of course the actual map looks nothing like the clay model in the OP.

>yfw the entire upper half of that already pared-down map isn't explorable

Shut the fuck up and don't remind me of that disappointment.

I still can't believe that there's not even a glance at the Lucian locations mentioned in Kingsglaive. Goddamn it.

Wasn't there supposed to be a kingdom or something called Solheim?

Solheim is an ancient advanced civilization. Some of the dungeons are remnants of that nation. Like Costlemark and Steyliff.

Ye, you gotta buy the next bs dlc, though.

They changed it to some ancient kingdom that died out long before the events of the game and is barely mentioned/relevant. Possibly responsible for some of the ruins like at the Vesperpool, idk

>You can tell more care and time was put into FF14
Really? Fuck, 15 must be REAL bad then because 14 is the most blatently unoriginal 'copy what's popular' piece of shit ever.