Could you actually market toys that are based on mature rated games to children?

Could you actually market toys that are based on mature rated games to children?

There are Call of Duty and Halo MegaBloks

Hint: It's not children who are buying these.

plenty of kids play M rated games

>Hint: It's not children who are buying these.
Hint: Yes it is. Anyone who still buys this kinda shit is a child no matter their age.

This is cute. Why does Sup Forums despise children?

They're jealous that they haven't aged yet

have you ever heard one talk?

They did it all the time with R-rated movies in the late 80s and early 90s.

You can market anything to children. See: the endless toylines based on 80s/90s R-rated movies.

The box clearly says 17+, I don't know why you would assume this is for children.

You must be a teenager. They had Rambo and Alien action figures in the '80's my dude. Rated R movies. You think adults were buying Rambo toys in 1985?

If this had 13 written on it instead of 101 I would have bought it.

>Fallout 4

And Robocop, and Predator, and The Toxic Avenger...

They're called manchildren OP.

Hint: these games are marketed to and made for children.

>Why does Sup Forums despise children?
I don't hate kids, hell I want some of my own down the road. But god damn, kids online are fucking horrible.

>funko pops that aren't "cutesy" shit with giant heads and no detail
Might be cool. I honestly wish their range was larger. I've always wanted some cool nostlagiabait action figures to decorate my room with
>you will never have an decent Dark Souls action figure
>no Plutonia playset with OG Doomguy, a Revenant, a Chaingunner, and an Archvile
>No Enclave Power Armor, T-60, or NCR Ranger figures
Now I'm sad. These fucking figures aren't even TOO bad at like 15 bucks each. I expected more.

japan makes figurines worth thousands of dollars. I'm pretty sure no child would be able to get their hands on one of those. so I think the real question is does it matter?

I'm still pissed that no one has ever made a nice Cyberdemon toy.

12 to 16 inches, spring loaded missile launcher, comes with three little Lost Soul accessories...

>I'm still pissed that no one has ever made a nice Cyberdemon toy.
Same. It's almost surprising considering all the toys made about popular movies during the 80's and 90's.

At least Doom got some neat little minis made by Reaper but fuck, good luck getting most of those nowadays. Besides the fatso and the Baron they go for insane prices (if they go up for sale at all).

27 and society is much different nowadays, more and more people actually care about what their kids are doing