Is he really the hardest JRPG boss?
Is he really the hardest JRPG boss?
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Was he a boss?
Pretty much, him one shottinh your whole party is unpredictable
Who? Me? Yeah, I am.
He's only hard because it's a pure luck battle. Which is why it's also a poorly done boss fight.
In another SMT game, he would hit you for 999,999 when the HP cap for the game was 99,999 or something.
Bonus boss in DDS1.
I guess that's what happens when you can just endlessly eat other demons or something
Does make sense why's dumb broken compared to the digitalfags, he doesn't even acknowledge it as a boss fight
10 fatestones Saruin felt harder to prepare for and was a more satisfying bossfight, also because the music is way better
10 Fatestone Saruin from Romancing Saga Minstrel's Song is technically the hardest JRPG boss from a gameplay perspective.
Any boss that lets you cheese the entire fight through some sort of lock for their turns automatically disqualifies it for being the hardest boss.
It's also a much better designed fight then Demi-fiend.
He said hardest not best.
Demifeind is MUCH harder. But I agree Saruin is more fun.
I dunno, full power Egg from saga frontier 2 might be harder by virtue of being in a game without holy grail and overdrive
>cheesing Demi-fiend
Even the strat to make the fight more manageable runs on luck since the game can easily say fuck you and ruin it all by not putting any of your party members to sleep.
I disagree demifiend is harder, he might be harder than regular saruin but no way he's harder than the full power version
He can literally end a battle in a turn when he wants
IIRC the only way to beat Demifeind is to start the fight asleep, he can oneshot your entire party otherwise. Perhaps in terms of skill Saruin is harder because he's a fair fight and Demifeind is almost entirely RNG, but look up the fight. Digital Devil Saga. He cycles though six other demons who spam status effects.
How did starting the fight asleep help?
I mostly remember not being able to go in with anything more than a simple resist skill on and Ciello being useful for the first time ever.
Technically so can saruin (unless you grinded to absurd levels of hp), it's just less likely to happen.
The thing is that demifiend is just a coin flip in which I wasn't very invested because there wasn't a lot of decision making involved in the fight, just basically praying things go right, so I can't see it as "hard", just obtuse and luck based.
Saruin is in a better game so there's a lot of micro decisions going into your party builds and your actual actions in the fight.
Could you guys explain how you define "hard"? In terms of taxing mechanical skill and reflexes the answer would be some ARPG boss, maybe from Ys or something. If you're talking about strategical difficulty then I dunno, the answer would probably be something where you need to restart the game and precisely plan out character builds in order to win. Not sure if Saruin would qualify for that, I'm not that far in Minstrel Song. I suspect he's overrated because I was told RS2's meatball was supposed to be extremely hard and it wasn't
Gale has a 100% evasion while asleep in this one setup.
Kingdom Hearts 2 has better bossfights
Hard in a jrpg is quantified by the amount of setup and preparation that goes into actually winning the fight, how likely things are to go horribly wrong if your preparations were bad.
I thought that only happened if you walked in with element resistances.
Steven dlc on apocalypse.
Kingdom Hearts also has Mickey Mouse garbage
He can still Gaia Rage at any point.
*Stands up*
Turbased games
>Just grind and grind and you'll have everything you need
Action RPG's
>actually have to learn boss move patterns on the fly and react accordingly knowing when to time your attacks and which specific attack is effective where
Other than Gaea Rage and having Masakados Magatama, all of his skills and demons are only later-mid-game stuff, too.
Seven heroes is hard as balls what the fuck are you on
Are you one of those guys that follows guides, reads wikis, min maxes on a first playthrough and then complains the bosses have no surprises left ?
Strategy and reaction are 2 very different contexts. OP implied strategy so there's our threads context.
Final fantasy still counts as a jrpg. So i present you this piece of shit
Good look beating him 4 times in a row without Yojimbo
I can do that too
Turnbased games
>strategize your party, builds and equipment selection to fit the situation and prepare for the boss
Action rpgs
>use your invincible dodge move on the telegraphed attacks and then mash X on the boss when he shows a moment of weakness
Sup chumps
I went in blind. It was an exciting battle but I managed to win on my first try.
After beating the game I read some guides and stuff but going in I didn't even know how sparking worked.
Just started the game. What's the ideal build for Serph if I'm planning on taking out Demi?
As long as you don't get dicked he's not that bad. Still haven't beat Penance. I don't even think I could find the memory card anymore to try though.
>Can't even beat Elizabeth in P3.
Good thing I got bored of DDS halfway through, Demi-fiend would just make me sad.
My SMT MCs all go Lu/Ag. Free turns.
this is probably the ultimate fight in the entire series.
since he's so reoccuring and he represents the TRUE creator of the ENTIRE SMT universe (even the Persona universe)
not to mention you have the strongest characters in the series in your fucking party for it.
They say the legendary Sup Forumsirgin who goes through with full 100% demifiend tattoo gains infinite mana
Look nigga, just because you play souls shit or recent trash like XV or nier by devs who never made ARPG's, don't mean they represent the genre at all, they don't all have invincible dodge shit.
There has not been a single turnbased game where i grinding did make a problematic boss easy, except one that actually punished you by grinding called last remnant. Every other turnbased trash grinding is all you gotta do.
>where grinding didn't make a*
Boy that typo
>last remnant punished you
*rolls eyes*
Nope, his fanbase is a bunch of niggers.
Last Remnant isn't the only one that punished you. It was inspired by an entire franchise of JRPGs even more obtuse than it is, it only gets hyped up on Sup Forums because it was the only jrpg of note on Steam for years. Not even hating on the game itself here, it's just not as notable as you think it is.
>they don't all have invincible dodge shit
Every good one (and most bad ones too) do. Most people don't consider defensive options an inherantly bad thing like you seem to though.
I felt so accomplished when I defat that fucker on apocalypse difficult. took me 40 min~ And three tries thanks to singularity wave.
he only did that if you entered the fight with resistances to his abilities, this is standard SMT horse shit
>enter fight with resistances to abilities like is completely natural
>boss just spams shit that insta kills your team and ignores resistances
makes you fight him the hard way, which is honestly an RNG shitfest itself
Yes please tell me about all those mysterious arpg you supposedly play that are good, I'm waiting :^)
>There has not been a single turnbased game where i grinding did make a problematic boss easy
Yes because you can't grind in arps oh wait
Yeah where's this invincible dodge frames in Ys games then?
Yeah I'm sure those other titles you couldn't even name can't be solved my grinding
Which Ys game are you talking about here that doesn't have invincibility frames? The original I & II? Admittedly I can't comment on that one, haven't played it.
>couldn't even name
I said the franchise that inspired Last Remnant, didn't I? The one that features games that locks quests and characters off depending on your battle count?
>dude just grind lmao
Even at max level and 99 in every stat Demifiend will still kill you on the first turn until you formulate a strategy that can last you for an hour long fight. No amount of grinding can just nullify the fight.
My dick when that happened. My only issue with the entire thing was that it didn't happen in a game where you get access to every SMT character rather than specific versions of MCs.
Super Robot Wars: SMT levels of crossover would have been perfect for a Steven bossfight.