and im not talking about "muh call of duty" im talking about real fucking fast, like sanic-speed fast, like Tribes Ascend for example.
The game has to have a decently sized active playerbase as well. The only game i've seen that resembles what i've been looking for so far is Quake Champions but that hero system turns me the fuck off.

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Dead genre sorry mate

Titanfall 2 was pretty fast.

day of infamy

Hard Reset
Serious Sam 3
Shadow Warrior 2013

They're all single player, though.

nobody likes going fast anymore grandpa

previous quake titles
they weren't exactly thriving but they're not dead either

literally any fps from the 90s

Amazing how you can tell a person's approximate age from the words they use in a post

nice trips
What sucks is that I really love the speed and that feeling of zipping around while blasting away at people, yet the genre is so fucking dead.
Post one that has a decently sized active playerbase.
I play Quake 3 Arena from time to time.


I love Vanquish but Vanquish is not multiplayer my friends.

Hard Reset and Shadow Warrior reboot suck m8.

depending on whether or not you enjoy f2p, there's dirty bomb. there's free rotation of 3 heroes to play which is shit, but the gameplay itself is enjoyable for the most part

Played Dirty Bomb, didn't like it.

Runed-up D44M on Arcade Mode is quick as shit

Depends, do you mind really barebones simple?


TF2 is your best bet

Eh...I'm very hesitant on touching TF2 but i'm willing to give it a try. How fast is it usually?

Overwatch is pretty fast with certain characters. I think they're still having a free trial connected to the one year anniversary event that's going on.

I am not fucking touching Overwatch at all.

Titanfall 2 is one of the fastest first person shooters currently on offer.


Hero Shooter.
And I just really dont like the feel of the weapons, and the characters feel slow as shit.
I really like what I have seen from Titanfall 2, but many people say the game is dead and I can't find a current playercount. You know anything about that?

Which characters did you play?

No matter which characters you play aside from MAYBE Pharah, the weapons really do feel like shit. Even Roadhog's bigass shotgun feels like it's shooting confetti at people.

McCree, Zarya, Mercy, Reaper, Roadhog, Soldier 76, Pharah, and Basiton
I did not like any of them. And every fucking one's weapon feels AWFUL.

Not going to lie to you, the playercount is undeniably low. However, it's stable and gains more with every content drop, the latest free dlc packing having bern released last tuesday. Matchmaking rarely takes more than a minute or two, since most gamemodes only need 12 playerson average. If the numbers still aren't enough for you, than at least you have a campaign.

The mobility of the heroes in OW is a joke compared to what's possible in Titanfall 2

Fuck it, i'll play the free trial for Titanfall 2 and see how I like it.
Apparently the playercount is 3000-6000 players and a bit lower on PC, but i'm willing to take that.

OP I've been in the same position as you until I bought Titanfall 2 a few weeks ago. Definetly a fast paced shooter with a sizable and decent community. Not to mention free DLC.

nu-Doom? It kinda fits but it also kinda sucks

If you do end up buying it, look up the general on /vg/. Not nearly as bad as other generals, although it does come with it's own brand of post-tribes autism.

titanfall 2 is seriously great, especially for going fast

to follow up, grapple and stim get you real fast

Depends on the class, though most are slower than the average 90s FPS.
The fastest classes are the Scout, who's a glass cannon, and the Medic, who's a typical support.

Unreal Tournament
Overwatch with some characters
Tribes Ascend is free on Steam
Quake is making a TF2/Overwatch clone at the moment coming out soon too

You fucking kids. Titanfall is CoD with wallrunning. CoD and all of it's derivatives are garbage.

Give me 6 reasons why CoD is trash

Titanfall 2-Stim
There you go bud. The only problem I find with it is that the aim assist can be pretty coddling

Half-Life 1 is still kicking pretty hard. Good luck keeping up with the Gauss Jumper Elite.

I play it.
>Unreal Tournament
Dont play it much, Unreal Tournament 4 is pretty fucking dead currently.
Fuck off.
>Tribes Ascend
>Quake Champions
I literally said in my post that I don't like Quake Champions because of the hero system.
Eh, I don't like call of duty personally but Titanfall 2 doesn't really feel like COD.

Try Urban Terror if you don't mind old graphics. There's stamina limit but you can still build up some sweet speed.

TOXIKK is pretty good but has a small playerbase. You can play for free without character customization and shit though so I'd give it a look.

gotchu famalamadingdong

t i t a n f a l l 2
that's all you'll ever need. Also run stim and play ronin with an extra boost


>Not mentioning how fucking fast you can move as Soldier if you have the gunboats
Fucking ~20 damage rocket jumps on a class with 200 HP is ungodly.

have you tried Strafe?

Have you even played titanfall 2? I'm calling bait

I wanted to, but I didn't. Soldier is fucking fun class.

Kid icarus uprising

Titanfall 2 is all you'll need

I assume he wanted a good game, not a borefest. You're better off looking forward to Dusk when that comes out, even if it's neither fast nor multiplayer.

titanfall 2 can get pretty hayai (there's a pilot only mode)

>Overwatch is pretty fast with certain characters
movement is a joke in overwatch