9 more days until MH5 is announced at Sony's conference
9 more days until MH5 is announced at Sony's conference
This is getting sad sonyfags
Yeah whatever you say little guy.
good, I'm tired of playing MH with pixels big like my head
Keep dreaming, sonybro.
I'm a Sonychad and literally could not care less
9 more days until pic related, Sonyfriends.
You're going to jinx it at this rate and they'll announce the Paul W.S Anderson movie tie-in game instead
>he thinks monster hunter will be on sony
mental illness general
isnt it already confirmed exclusive to the switch? Its technically the only way its gonna escape portable hell.
Would be weird to do since at the big MH event not even 2 weeks ago they made a big deal of announcing MHXX for Switch.
Monster Hunter by Telltale Games
>guy who leaked monster hunter games since Tri
>Sonyshits keep clinging to this rumor
>will be B-L-O-W-N T-H-E F-U-C-K O-U-T when it's announced for Switch
>have popcorn ready for the backpedalling and the "haha we didn't r-really want monster hunter!" posts
>accidentally hit your palico
>"scruffy will remember this"
It would either be announced at TGS or the PSX. I doubt it's going to happen. It'd be nice to play MH on a real console, though. Even a Steam release would be excellent.
George lopez?
Even if the rumor pans out, won't you still feel ripped off when you get an empty open world QTE Americanized shitpile while the Switch gets an actual MH5?
XX is coming to switch, that's a real console.
Only source is just POST ON Sup Forums, never tied to anyone specific.
yeah but it's not a real new game it's port with HD res
kinda like a psp emulator
Yeah and if it's right enjoy your casualized """""""modern""""""" bastardized Monster Hunter, pleb.
Who cares? DMC5 is being announced. fuck the other games
Switch is not a real console. It's shit.
Source was 2ch, not Sup Forums
You have to let go user, this isn't healthy.
You are aware that if that rumor is true, it's going to be the worst Monster Hunter game ever, right?
It begins
That jap link was debunked already. The MH5 for Switch garbage comes from here.
Monster Hunter has been getting steadily worse with every release since Freedom 2
>implying it didn't become full casual with X/Generations
Nintendo ruined MonHun, the peak of the series was Freedom Unite/3rd.
Monster hunter portable 3 was really good then it went all down hill fron there
Is MH1 any good or should I not bother emulating it?
it's fucking awful and you use the right stick to attack
if you need something to emulate, do P3rd or wait for citra/cemu to be more stable and play 4G/3G
Didn't everything have ridiculous amounts of health in the original? Or am I misremembering?
not really, I don't think capcom has changed specific monster health since the first fucking game, there was just so little variety in weapon movesets and options that shit took forever to kill
As much as I'd love it, I doubt it'll happen.
It'll be pretty dope if MH5 comes out on PS4, but it won't be exclusive.
it makes no sense why Capcom would bring back the franchise to a Sony platform. These games only sell well in Japan where Nintendo is king.
Of course they won't, they'll gladly eat it up and claim it as the superior version simply because it's on the ps4.
[Citation needed]
They aren't going to ignore 50 million potential buyers you fucking idiot.
Yeah dude all the FIFA bros and cod kiddies are going to buy Monster Hunter.
You think AAA companies don't know who the fucking audience is that's buying systems? PS4 is a normie Chad box. The userbase would never EVER buy monster hunter and the PS4 is a flop in Japan AND it's not portable.
So it's gonna be on 3DS forever then, because there are 65 million 3DS's.
Let's say its some awful movie tie in spinoff and not proper mainline....
Will sonyggrs still brag to save face and pretend its the best thing ever who cares about "proper" MH or will they admit it's shit?
see Hiro's newest posts on Sup Forums in that livestream thread
It would be nice to have it on a console
Woah... sony won!
Jesus Christ sonybros are absolutely seething at the possibility that MH will be a Switch series from now on.
Get a grip niggers.
4U was awesome wtf are you on
I have the PS4 and Switch.
I don't give a shit who gets it as long as we get confirmation that it's coming. I bought Gen and hated it so I doubt XX will be much better.
Time for us to take it back
Sony is finally gonna win bros!!
Bit off topic, why did Monster Hunter never really take off in the west? The concept is fucking awesome, and westerners seem to love "difficult" games given how much they jerk off Dark Souls
Not happening at E3. You're looking toward tgs and if it's actually on Sony platforms PSX for a mh5 reveal. They have XX on switch to push right now, they aren't going to double dip in marketing.
Couldn't care less, based Sony will announce so many amazing PS4 titles this E3 that one or two false rumors won't make any difference.
>Nintendo ruined MonHun
All Nintendo did was create the hardware and pay for Capcom's servers with the original Tri. If you have fingers to be pointing, point them at Capcom and ask why the won't release a mainline game on on a Sony platform.
Be honest now, how many people out of that 50 million that play nothing but guns and sports is going to pick up Monster Hunter and furthermore, stick with it?
Well considering it made the series popular in the West to where we keep getting new games, I'd say otherwise.
Better that than nothing at all since it wasn't selling on the dudebro systems everyone would rather play Nathan Drake movies on.
Kinda reminds me of the fags crying about fire emblem Awakening ruining their precious series when it's responsible for it's revival.
You either get with it or move on.
Fyi about MH freedom unite.... it is on sale this week on playstation store for 4.99. I picked it up to play on my comfy vita. It is the psp version and looks pretty damn good compared to what i thought it might be.
We don't have the population density for local handheld multiplayer.
kek i got it for 1.99 or so years ago. these sales are shit, and they should just port them to steam along with the first two EDF games. i know they're not capcom, but they need to be on steam
It was on ps+ free years ago like 2014. I mist have mossed it then but 5 bucks was a fair price. Regular is 20. I played it on my hacked psp years ago but the vita is so nice with a pair of grips