Why do so many plebs prefer generic fantasy over sci-fi?

Why do so many plebs prefer generic fantasy over sci-fi?

Is it THAT hard to get good character designs in terms of facial features at least?

Xenoblade 1 was alright, not exactly a fan but all faces were very varied and in X all looked almost the same (even if it had a "reason" for it).

In 2 I don't mind the girls but the MC looks odd and it's a bit way too animu for my taste, I would've gone for something a bit less generic.

The fact nu-Sup Forums would prefer being the 12 year-old boy on the bottom instead of piloting the sweet sweet Gundam mechs on the top is sad.

Because the generic fantasy had more cutscenes and a longer mainquest despite falling to shit in the last act. If they swapped positions and X had the crappy openworld but a huge story and Chronicles was actually fun to play but had a crap story people would prefer sci-fi to fantasy.

I want flying mechs in another Xeno game. It felt incredible the first time you took to the skies.

>can't be the twelve year old on the bottom piloting the giant mechs on the top

is this what it feels like to be the middle child

mecha sucks

all their stories suck

Swords and melee in fantasy. Mkre combat options. Scifi its shoot and kite till the end of time unless it's 40k. Also scifi designs lea towards modernist astheticcs which look like ass unless theyre weebshit.

It's youngfags whose first JRPG was Final Fantasy X.
Anyone with taste knows Sci-Fi is always superior.

>people unironically like mechs
Dancing, 1000 ton robots is the dumbest shit ever. Especially when they're humanoid, what's the point? It's unoriginal, nonsensical, pandering to gundam nostalgics

why are you a nigger OP?
we ask these questions every day

I'm sorry I don't want to trivialize combat to the point of uselessness.

>He thinks the mechs will return

Why are children so obsessed with giant robots? Fuck off.

Xenoblade X had just as many melee weapons as ranged weapons, though.

Honestly I think it's in part with sci-fi becoming actual parts of our lives while fantasy will almost always be alien and unobtainable.

Sci-fi also was more associated with the older generation while fantasy has had a larger resurgence with the recent generation (recent LotR adaptions, Harry Potter, etc).

Generally, you actually have to try somewhat with scifi, with fantasy you just plop down generic medieval europe with elves, dwarves, and dragons and thats it.

Sci-fi is infinitely more popular right now that fantasy. What delusion are you on about?

But infinite overdrive is more powerful than Skells

>He doesn't know Takahashi directs these games

and godslaying swords, people with wings in the head, potato creatures isn't?

xenoblade isnt what set generic fantasy as the front runner of rpg, dumbass

Most Sci-Fi I see in games is generic.

Man, X had some of the weirdest shit I've seen in a JRPG in terms of the story and sidequests.

It wasn't the standard power of friendship bullshit you always see, it got pretty depressing and almost nihilistic at times.

The fact it's related in anyway at all to the game at the bottom is funny.

>hating on giant robots
What a faggot. Bet ypu bitch about stuff making noise in space too.

I think he means in jrpgs settings.
We still barely have any Sci-fi jrpgs when you compare them to the amount of traditional ones.
And even some of the sci-fi jrpgs we get like Star Ocean for example, spend all their time in less developed settings so you don't really get the sense that you're playing a sci-fi jrpg.

>here is le teens with attitude and they pilot le giant robots

How the fuck is that trying? You children need to fucking kill yourselves.

No I know they won't that's why I'm distraught and wondering if this is how middle children feel when their older brother likes X and their younger brother likes Y and they keep fighting over it but you like both

I loved X's sidequests.
>Back to the Future In Space
>The water purification plant
>confronting the serial killer who killed Murderess' parents

>it got pretty depressing and almost nihilistic at times.
Xenogames have always had a pinch of that to spice things up a bit, Xenoblade 2 will probably do the same, but the artstyle is worrying me.

>A False Hope

What the fuck man? She didn't deserve this.

>le teens with attitude
you didn't play XCX

Your soul is weighed down by gravity.

I don't trust this hack after he sold out to Smash babbies.

He never would have made a direct sequel to Xenoblade if it wasn't for Smash signal boosting it.

I'd like a current gen mecha game to stay mecha the whole time and not swap to some pilot adventure crap. Preferebly in an open world settings and not cut into instances like the armored core games.

Because 70 years ago a britbong wrote a fantasy trilogy based of another book about elves written in the 1920s.

I don't think Smash was his call.
Why would he have any jurisdiction on what happens with that series?

Is there any JRPG with better worldbuilding than Xenoblade X? We learn so much about the universe and all the aliens in it and we only stay on one planet. Its pretty incredible when you think about, especially with how sparse the main story is.

Except everyone loved the mechs when XCX was first revealed.

The issue is when you actually played the game and mech combat was boring as fuck and ground combat had more options, had more player interaction and was ten times as fun. Also when you got good enough at ground combat, it completely outdamaged mechs.

I'm not saying it was his idea to put Shulk in, I'm saying he's riding off the fame that came from in.

He's pandering to the "I'm really feeling it xD" crowd.

dark sci-fi > low magic >> dark fantasy > hard sci-fi > sci-fi >> sword & sorcery >>>>>> epic fantasy > cyberpunk >= high fantasy >>> heroic fantasy >>>>> space opera

>mfw people on Sup Forums were SURE that Monolith would continue the story of X with a sequel
>b-but muh cliffhanger!!!
Funny how all these voices are silent now.

Agreed bro. I much prefer 1000000000 year old lolis that don't look a day over 4 and can lift the entire earth with one pinky and can turn into a dragon God at will and can destroy the universe if they farted.

I'm gonna get shit on for this but Final Fantasy XIII.

Please stick with me here, okay?
So I just started it a few days ago and I actually think its been pretty good so far.
The game handles exposition very well.
Exposition is sprinkled throughout character dialogues and gives the player the time to piece the clues together, however down the line the story clarifies the concepts hinted at with more concrete dialogues.
Also there is this datalog thing in the game that is basically an in-universe history book/dictionary.
You can read that for more in-depth understandings of the world, there's some really neat lore in FFXIII and it's one of the things it does extremely well.

There's also the trails in the sky series which I hear is very lore heavy, especially since it builds on this super long lineage of games that it's a spinoff to.

I recall anyone saying it would happen, especially after the writer said the next game would likely be something completely new.

They realized they couldn't manage a huge story like they did with previous Xeno games so they flipped the gameplay/story axis around and used sidequests/worldbuilding to make up for it. I really liked the approach but it does kind of shoot itself in the foot

>wow I've learnt about how these two clans of the same alien species have been warring for centuries, have a connection to animals of the land that they train to fight alongside in battle and the way they conduct their funerals and weddings
>it'd be great if one of them would join my party and fight alongside me

I love the sci-fi setting and alien designs but they're never gonna revisit it, and it just makes me kind of detest Xenoblade 2 for looking so similar to the first.

I agree, too bad this game had MANY questions unanswered, felt like I was just halfway trough, it could use more "dungeon" as well, the final episode is just LITERALLY flying your skell to the lifehold, enter it and face the final boss, what the fuck?

Even with all the open space, Xenoblade 1 had them, mechonis field in general is GOAT.

Which robit hurt you user?

I really doubt that.
If Takahashi truly listened to what the masses say about his games he wouldn't have made X.
I think he's one of the few creators that really just wants to create his dream game.

>dark sci-fi
what's this? Stuff like Tsutomu Nihei's works?

Sorry, I DON'T recall.

There's nothing saying they can't just because XC2 is a thing but I don't think it'll happen. The story was obviously second to side content and it seemed like a side game just for them to get used to HD development more than anything. So I wouldn't be surprised if they never re-visited it.

But what if I like science-fantasy?

Xenoblade X2 can still happen. People thought Xenoblade X's existence meant the first Xenoblade would never get a follow up, but here we are. There's no reason they can't make a sequel to XCX after this one.

You know XCX really is a spiritual prototype of BotW when you think about their gameplay and story structure.
Plus the fact that monolith developed and worked on both.

>Is there any JRPG with better worldbuilding than Xenoblade X?
Trails games, but that's literally their only claim to fame since they're garbage in every other aspect.

There were atleast a few autists that wouldnt relent about it, even after that interview. This was a while ago now, though; I havent even been in a Xeno thread since a few months after X released

You play Star Ocean

I think Takahashi obviously had plans to revisit the setting, otherwise he wouldn't have left so many threads hanging. Whether it'll actually happen or not, who knows. XCX DID have better attach rate than the first Xenoblade

>monolith worked on BotW
Source for this?

>I really doubt that

I don't know, creating a Xenoblade 2, especially after the first one had a perfect ending, and the fact he said he wanted to do something different, then turning right around and doing this makes me think it's something more.

And it might not even be him, considering how Nintendo made IS their bitch once FE got big.

Prolly cause theres not many scifi games, let alone RPGs. Also its much easier to do passable fantasy than decent Scifi.

Fantasy is just easily more immersed in since medieval Europe actually exists at a point at times.

And sci-fi is filled to the brim with DIVERSITY i.e. niggers.

Looking forward to ELEX perhaps?

>And sci-fi is filled to the brim with DIVERSITY i.e. niggers.

Xenoblade 2 could be like FF where games are not connected outside references like chocobos and stuff.

I'm surprised you don't know, there were a few threads on this months back.
But here's what wikipedia has on it.

>The title was originally built and demonstrated with touchscreen features for the Wii U, but the developers found that looking away from the main screen distracted from the game. The features were removed when the game moved to tandem development across the Wii U and Nintendo Switch.[31] The Wii U GamePad also affected the game's animations. Though the series protagonist Link is canonically left-handed, he is right-handed in the game to match the GamePad's control scheme, which has its sword-swinging buttons on its right side.[32] The Switch version performs better than the Wii U release when docked to a television, though when undocked, both run at the same resolution. The Switch version also has higher-quality environmental sounds.[33][34] On the game's art style and direction, Aonuma stated that it was inspired by gouache and en plein air art to help identify the vast world.[35] Monolith Soft, the developer of the similarly open-world Xenoblade Chronicles series, assisted with the game's topographical level design, which was based on Kyoto, the hometown of game director Hidemaro Fujibayashi.[36][37][38]

Not him, but about 100 staff members helped with world design/tech iirc

Mass Effect, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc

I was not aware that was a thing, looks neat.

poor bait, don't entertain it.

Fantasy, for better or worse, is more popular than sci-fi, thanks to folks like JRR Tolkien

Because of that, there's a lot more generic fantasy than there is generic bland sci-fi, and the plebs that unironically follow the bottom-tier trash are going to be much more noticeable
Fantasy is neither intrinsically better nor worse than sci-fi; there's just more of it

>published by THQ
holy shit I thought they died

Fantasy is somewhat easier to write for and to fit gameplay mechanics, shit like healing spells, people are more willing to suspend their disbelief when you say something is fantasy as well because its definition includes crazy dreamlike settings like Alice in wonderland, magic requires no explanation meanwhile everyone expects technology to function in some belivable fashion.

>Xenoblade 2 could be like FF where games are not connected outside references like chocobos and stuff

Judging by his past games, I can't be certain if this is the case.

Because it's much easier to self-insert as a fantasy character than a sci-fi one

well he kinda did this with XCX and XC with the monado stuff and the homs.

A common draw of RPGs in character growth. This is easier to convey in a fantasy setting than in a sci-fi setting, because in the former you can make shit up (dude I can shoot 60 arrows at once now) while in the latter it can appear illogical and at odds with the science established by the setting.

Nah sci-fi settings do character growth just fine just look at Star wars, Gundam, Macross, etc.

Unless you mean as a game mechanic where stats are involved, but even then it still works.

>Star wars
>sci fi

Scifi's really easy to make character development for. Look at something like Phantasy Star IV, your final party in that end up being a huge spread of character development in strength because there's so many options.

One guy's got destructive powers based on emotion, another has actual magic, another is a technological marvel of an android, and another has instant-kills out the ass from sheer hard work and knowledge.

what are your guidelines for sci-fi?
Are you one of those people who are really pedantic about that?

>Xfags continue to circlejerk and shit on anything that isn't their precious single player MMO
>they continue to cry WAAAAAH GENERIC ANIME in spite of their game being infamous for potato uguu character designs and a soundtrack by the worst anime composer of all time

>Phantasy Star
>sci fi
come on.

If its based around magic it isn't pure sci-fi, its some sort of hybrid genre.

>There's also the trails in the sky series which I hear is very lore heavy, especially since it builds on this super long lineage of games that it's a spinoff to.
Trails games don't build off the previous Legend of Heroes games at all, but all Legend of Heroes games with the Trails subtitle connect to eachother and that's eight games (with at least 10 more planned for the future)

Mass Effect is dead, so XCX was the only thing we had close to Sci-fi left. And now that is dead too.

What do I have to look forward to now? Halo clones, and mobas?

>nu-Sup Forums
Is the beginning of an epic new meme?

>with at least 10 more planned for the future
wow, that's something.

I was under the impression that all the Legends of heroes games took place in the same world, but were during different eras and at different locaitons.
I haven't played them mind you, but I got this knowledge second-hand.

so would your idea of sci-fi be works that are more technical and handwave stuff less like Asimov for example?

the sweet release of death that won't come anyway

how is XCX a single player MMO but XC and XC2 aren't?


If you are going to handwave at least make it grounded on sci-fyish concepts and not outright magic like the Force.

who are you quoting?

Blind Nostalgia.

Don't worry user, one people realize that XC2 has been confirmed to not use bong voices but rather burger voices, not even the story can save the game from being mediocre.

First two legend of heroes take place in one world, then the next three take place in very different eras of another world, and then all of the Trails games (8 games and counting) take place within the same decade on one continent.

Apparently they wrote the general plot for the entire franchise, even the 10ish games that aren't out or under development yet all the way back in 2001.

>There are people that actually liked the extremely ugly artstyle that XCX had
>Having a dark, brownish filter on environments

XCX was more colorful than the original, what the fuck are you on about?

>all the way back in 2001.
wow, that's some dedication.
I might have to put the rest of the games on my backlog.

It really wasn't. The original Xenoblade used a much cleaner and vivid color pallete.


You know there's other continents besides Primordia right? And besides, even Primordia has more variation and color than Gaur Plains