Is this worth paying for?

Is this worth paying for?

I dont know

$20 for old ass nes roms
Of course is!!!!!

No online service is. Mad as fuck Nintendo did this.

The sub price for Nintendo's online service is objectively better than everything else, but it'll need an array of multiplayer heavy games to make it justifiable, but at least it now has a streaming service.

Melee 2

as stupid as it is for them to charge for online, at least they didnt go full jew like microsoft and sony. it's only 20 bucks a year.

I'm glad they changed their stance on the "one free game a month" in favor of "you have access to this whole library of free games so long as you have membership".

I can't say if its worth it until I can test the online functionality of more games. If it is anything like mk8 deluxes online, its not terrible. Could really stand for less drops though if its going to be a paid service.

>it's going to take until 2018 for nitnendo to get a handful of NES games working with ad-hoc multiplayer

Embarrassing tbqh.

Wow. Excitebike and Balloon Fight with online multiplayer. Amazing. We'll worth $20 a year amirite? And they'll probably only add 1 new NES game a fucking month too

Depends. I play Mario Kart everyday so it'll be worth it for me, but if you're not much of an online gamer it's really a waste of money.

considering how the other big companies charge you for online, this is immensely cheap

i'd say it's worth it

>one free game rental a month
ftfy, glad they unfucked themselves for once and fixed their bullshit.

With the drops and lag I've seen in MK8D and ARMs, i don't think this is worth 5 dollars a year.

ah yeah, thats what I meant to say, thanks for correcting that. Seriously that would have fucked them in the end. Smartest change they've made in a long time.

>$20 for a year
>Essentially $1.70 per month
Fair enough.

>Literally defending paid online

Never change dromes.

>I'm glad they changed their stance on the "one free game a month" in favor of "you have access to this whole library of free games so long as you have membership".
is this confirmed?
and is it separate from VC? or will there be Genesis games?
because $20 a year for full access to Nintendo libraries is a genius idea

>we're getting free online for the remainder of the year instead of until fall like originally planned
>people still somehow manage to find a reason to bitch and moan about it
Are most of you actually fucking retarded?

confirmed separate from VC
NES games, possibly SNES also

Perhaps Nintendo realized that even kids are too smart these days to buy NES/SNES roms for $10 a pop

$4 for one month, with Nesflix


who cares

All NES and maybe SNES games they decide to port are gonna be available whenever, wherever and with added online features (whatever the fuck that means) for as long as you maintain a subscription
Totally separate from the usual VC

Not libraries, but everything they have to offer. It's mostly likely gonna be a dozen or so games for NES and SNES to start out with.

so why are they bothering with VC at all this generation if they have guaranteed bucks per months for a much better service?

now post the sony one

I'm gonna spend the remainder of this year not playing games online and then once the paid service starts up for real, I'll complain about it.

I'm saying this to make you angry, but don't think I won't do it.

I SERIOUSLY hope you don't think there's going to be a huge library to choose from.

It'll likely launch with like 5 games. All NES ROMs. And will be very slowly added to month by month.

>pay for p2p

>having to pay for Online Monster Hunter Multiplayer
Wtf man?

Fuck if I know
Even more money, I guess
Nintendo is famous for being a bunch of jews

Monster Hunter Online was a subscription based service until it came to US/EU on wii

Japs had to buy Capcom pay cards.

People who don't play online can still enjoy VC titles buy buying them for good.

Hopefully, if Nintendo can make it so people don't have to buy the VC titles they already own again, that'd be all the better.

so it is VC restarted from scratch basically?
or do those games disappear when the month is up?



It's ONLINE so they're porting local multiplayer nes games and adding ONLINE multiplayer to justify charging you for ONLINE.

Its okay if Nintendo does it

It will be separate from VC. These are special ROMs with online added.

Think of it as the Switch version of 3D Classics.

still sounds decent enough
if only because of how awful the original plan they had was

>Where DLC and scams run the most rampant

It's a better value than either other console offers, so if either of those are even close to "worth paying for" Switch online is too. $20 for online + meh extras is better than $60 for online + meh extras.

Of course you don't have a choice, if you want to play online you will HAVE to pay the fee. Just like how in Urinetown the Musical everyone bitches that they need to pay in order to pee, but they pay anyway because they have literally no other option.

does Nintendo have monthly sales on games like Microsoft and Sony?

>Paying for 90's internet in 2017

can't wait till the hackers figure out how to spoof it, so I can enjoy online pirated nintendo games for free

>paying twice to use your internet

So when does the free paid online start? When can i check out the library they have?

>I'm glad they changed their stance on the "one free game a month" in favor of "you have access to this whole library of free games so long as you have membership".

They never actually changed stance, they were planning the "Netflix of classic games" thing from the start but pretended they were doing something far worse in order to get people to imagine the worst case scenario. That way people are happy when they find out it isn't that bad, it's the exact same thing with the price. People assumed it would be around $60, but even though they knew it would be $20 they didn't say anything because they had people going "well, I don't have a choice so I guess I'll pay the $60 or pray it's only $50/40/30", and then as soon as they say "oh it's $20" people go "holy shit I was already accepting $60 as reality, this is so much better comparatively!"

Genius strategy, they managed to make people happy in the situation of charging people for online by making it seem terrible and then pulling back and saying "nah, it's only bad, not terrible".

Even if ps+ free games are mostly shit there are some good months where ps+ basically pays for itself.

This month we get Killing Floor 2 and Life is Strange for example. Now compare that to Balloon Fight and Urban Champion.

It's embarrassing.

Why do Nintendo fan boys suddenly defend online after previously shitting on it?

90's internet was definitely not just $20 a year, you had to pay by the fucking minute unless you had AOL discs out the ass.

they just pushed it back from Fall to 2018
so far Super Mario Bros 3, Dr Mario and Balloon Fight are the only confirmed games
they might announce more as the year goes on before paid online begins... or they might not
hopefully they'll clear this up at E3

>B-but Sony

PS+ costs $55USD a year, Switch Online is less than half that.

>This month we get Killing Floor 2 and Life is Strange for example
bad example

Ok? And the """"free""""" games you get in return can equal into the hundreds of dollars.

Switch online you get access to some fucking nes ROMs. Wew lad.

>it's literally ok when Nintendo does it

kill me now

Yeah those free indie games that sell for literally less than $2 on Steam. WOWIE.

/r/ the milestone "it's ok when nintendo does it" in that pic

>This month we get Killing Floor 2 and Life is Strange for example. Now compare that to Balloon Fight and Urban Champion.
If you wanted KF2 or LiS you should have already owned them though. Those are both games that the majority of people wouldn't like, especially the "no real gameplay" LiS. Nobody has ever legally owned "Balloon Fight with online gameplay" though. Don't forget PS+ only gives out shit they have a good reason to: KF2 has DLC you don't get with PS+, and LiS has a sequel announced. Nintendo's games might not be brand new AAA titles, but at least they're complete games (with added online).

Of course you have to consider one costs $60 and one costs $20 for the year. What do you assume the online costs? $10? In that case you're paying $10 for Nintendo's option or $50 for PS+ games, so the PS+ games better damn well be worth more.

fuck consoles
call me when there is a decent CFW

Well regardless of what you personally think of said games on offer it's still a $80+ value

$20 a year is really nothing and I'm broke as fuck. Sounds like fun to me. This is Sup Forums though so you fags hate fun.

>If you wanted KF2 or LiS you should have already owned them though.
maybe someone didn't know they wanted them?

I would have never played sleeping dogs, but I got for free and loved it

>If you wanted them you should have already owned them

What even kind of argument is this?

By the way another game I actually was about to buy which was on ps store wishlist "Neon Chrome" is another ps+ game this month. Saved me $15 right there :3

you are right

I could easily throw away 20 dollars right now

but I don't want to

Calling value based on the bullshit companies pull out is worthless. Killing Floor 2 doesn't come with the DLCs, and it's constantly on sale with free weekends for both console and PC. It's not worth the full price, and if it WAS worth that price to you why didn't you own it before it got given out by PS+ half a year after it came out? It's a 2016 game for fucks sake.

>By the way another game I actually was about to buy which was on ps store wishlist "Neon Chrome" is another ps+ game this month. Saved me $15 right there :3

And I was about to buy a sealed NES and Mario 3, thanks Nintendo you saved me a dozen times what your online costs per year!

>If you don't own a game RIGHT NOW then you don't ever want to own it or play it for some point

Ever consider people with ps+ hold off on some games because they might be free? Like exactly what happened me this exact month with that game Neon Chrome?

>Implying you can't buy SMB3 on VC on like 4 different Nintendo devices for $3
>He thinks SMB3 will be one of the choices within the first 6 months of the service


Like what? Only halfway decent shit has been Rocket League and the Transformers game I forgot to get.

redpill me on online membership

>>He thinks SMB3 will be one of the choices within the first 6 months of the service
They already confirmed it as a title, mongoloid.

>I'm so poor that I have to hold off on games I know I want
This is what a $60 online subscription does to gamers.

That's your connection, not Nintendo's. If it wasn't, multiple people wouldn't say works on my system.

Why the fuck would anyone pay $20 a year for a slightly better version of something we all can use for free anyway? I don't want to pay for my internet twice, I can't give this shit a pass.

__ ___ ____ ________ ____ __!

ask the people who pay 50-60 dollars for it

Have you considered that your internet is probably shit, or that the online is still new and doesn't cost anything yet so it'll quite obviously get better over time especially when it starts costing money you fucking mongoloid?

>I can't give this shit a pass

>unironically paying twice
who does this?

I know, right? I already pay for internet, it would be moronic to pay some 3rd party for a better experience online.

>Paying full price for games

What a cuck.

I haven't even bought Nier, Nioh, Yakuza 0, Persona 5 or Gravity Rush 2 yet. Still have like 4 games in my backlog I bought super cheap like Doom and Deus Ex.

pay x dingo dollars a month for access to shitty p2p multiplayer and a collection of "free" rentals you'll probably play for five minutes and then forget about.

Not yet at least.

and soon


can you repeat the question?

>paying to shitpost faster

You want to play online then prepare to pay for it.
It sucks but that's where we are now.

>paying money just to make a point on an an anonymous imageboard

Not in 8 years here have I witnessed such pathetic faggotry

For MonHun it will be. That'll probably be it, though.

Get a job, you lazy kids.

Gaming is a cheap hobby user compared to a lot of others.
I like playing games when they are new and can explore them without having every cool thing spoiled for me here.

You're probably retarded, that user's clover clearly has he paid in 2016. It's [current year], not 2016, retard.

Does it last for a year? Is it not feasible that he paid late in the year and still has access?

No. But people will pay for it anyways.

The user I replied to clearly implied that the clover user bought the pass "just to make a point on an an anonymous imageboard", which would require it be a 2017 pass

If you really have to plug in to both a phone AND the switch at the same time for voice chat, then no, it's a stupid waste of money. If not, maybe.

Why would I watch Netflix on the Switch?

This. No one is happy to pay for online, but what are you gonna do, not play online?

For the price of a game, you can buy 3 subscriptions.