FFXIV Shillblood thread
FFXIV Shillblood thread
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Reminder that White Mage is going to be just fine and everybody is overreacting.
Reminder that YOUR favourite job is going into the SHED for the next two years and WONT be coming out till 5.0 AT LEAST
>tfw MNK
Who's ready for 45 minute dps queues?
Ywn make 1k a month by talking like a moron for 5 mins
reminder that it's literally impossible to figure out rotations before release, and that basic arithmetic is black magic and should be forbidden
Guys when does PotD get boring? I've been spamming it for the past week and I'm still not bored of it. This is so much more fun than dungeon trash spam. Being able to solo monsters and/or sneaking through them while trying to get chests while my team gets to watch me is great, I didn't know I'd enjoy it this much.
>tfw you have a sketchy link in your clipboard and accidentally paste it into the chat bar while being in a full party but fast enough to avoid pressing enter
I almost fucking died bros, i get to live another day
Any WAR`s started to theorycraft the rotation? Because I can't see how we can fit the new OGCD Upheaval in the rotation.
We will want to build de 100 bar and then start burning through spenders. Though the decision is during the downtimes of either getting 2 fell cleaves or a fellcleave and a upheaval seems really dumb, everyone will choose 2 fell cleaves
But I'm PLD
What the fuck, who needs $1000+ to make crappy machinima?
You better not be a footfag or I'll end you.
Just started playing this, how's my character?
I make 1400 after taxes every 2 weeks
Are you this mad your shitty job got exposed?
Do you really need to post about him here constantly? Nobody cares. Fuck off.
i know i'm supposed to be mad at this for reasons, but 1.5k a month isn't a whole lot of money and i'm pretty sure that's before patreon takes its cut
you look like a young mexican boy
Ewwww, nigga u gay
>hurr durr he's nothing i'm spesshul I make more shekels kek!
He's making money for doing basically nothing you retard. Sasuga americlap reading comprehension.
Do you need to be subbed to install on PS4?
Fuck that, I've got other shit to do. I'm tkaing a healer or tank to 70 to unlock shit and then grinding it afterwards. There's too much dosh on the line to waste any time on 50-60,
>ywn make billions to shitpost on twitter for 8 years
free trial lets you install
Leveling my main to 70 first (DRK)
But I will level SAM right after, gonna be my main DPS
>1k a month
>a lot
Stop being underage lol
I hate Alphinaud and I hope he dies horribly in stormblood
Upheaval is generally a better use of your IB gauge and you should be trying to use it as much as possible.
Change the hair and remove the lipstick.
I want to slam Alphinaud's boipucci
Try again
Sproutshitter here, just did Titan for the first time. Can I expect more great tracks for the remaining Primals? That shit was jammin'.
i'm pretty sure it's for keeping your beast gauge at/under 50 when infuriate+zerk is coming up, since any extra beast juice will be wasted
like obviously you're going to prioritize fell cleave but i'm pretty sure you're going to be effectively floating a lot of meter most of the time
Pajeet of Light
From almost all of them, yeah
Unironically my favorite part of every patch is hearing the new Primal themes.
If you don't mind some spoilers, here's one of the songs from Heavensward. I almost don't recommend listening though, the first time you hear the music in this game is always fantastic youtu.be
The last digit of your post number will be your new main DPS class if you reply to this post.
0 - Dragoon
1 - Samurai
2 - Monk
3 - Ninja
4 - Bard
5 - Machinist
6 - Black Mage
7 - Summoner
8 - Red Mage
9 - Your current highest item level DPS
Yes. Don't listen to any soundtracks or watch footage of any future primals in order to enjoy each song to the fullest.
the music only gets better
A lot of the primals have great tracks, yes.
The music in general is one of the best parts of the game.
Two of my favorites.
But I play healer but out DPS the DPS
Haven't played since last year and haven't been keeping up with Stormblood news
How's DRK now?
Hell yes, the titan tracks are jammin'. Just wait to like you get to Ravana.
It's not shit.
as good as it was before if not better
Well I just tried. You do need a current sub to log in and begin updates
Great now, better in two weeks.
time to ruin the thread
Hyped to hear that, Anons. I'll take the advice though and skip listening to any of the others until I get there though. Thanks a bunch.
I'm leveling up Dark Knight and I have a question
Are you supposed to drop Grit during dungeons to get that Blood Weapon buff? It already seems like my health craters faster than it did when I played paladin and warrior so I'm worried about turning it off and getting wrecked while my autistic healer is busy trying to DPS in cleric stance
Ha, good thing only my main is leveled to any real capacity!
This fucking larryzaur faggot is always using Sup Forums and the subreddit as platforms to shill in a sad, desperate attempt to get those views on his fail ass videos because he can't get a job like a normal person.
Absolutely fucking obnoxious and I hope he drowns in a bathtub.
I'll level SAM with quests while waiting for DPS queues
there's only two truly disappointing trial songs, and a third one when you find out there's a version with a female vocalist that's a million times better but isn't in the game
Until you know what you're doing, drop Grit for bosses, but keep it up for trash packs. Blood Price and Syphon Strike will give you enough MP to be useful without BW.
Are you undergeared? Honestly, that should never happen in dungeons unless you have a crappy healer or your gear is shit. Make liberal use of your cooldowns, they're a lot more important than when you're a Warrior or Paladin.
Please be ninja I've already got ROG at 20
>and a third one when you find out there's a version with a female vocalist that's a million times better but isn't in the game
Which one?
ayy it's yo boy larryzaur here today with basically ERP