Do i need a fighting stick to play fighting games like Skullgirls or is it alright to use a PS3 controller?

Do i need a fighting stick to play fighting games like Skullgirls or is it alright to use a PS3 controller?

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an autistic furry has been the SG champion for two years now

he only plays with a regular controller. no reason for you to get an arcade stick these days

Controller is fine, but fightstick is better. Don't get one unless you get really into fighting games, and if you do don't get a cheap-ass one that will break in a month.

Well i found a made-in-china cheap ones from a company called Mayflash, one of them costs like 1 hundred AED while the one with red buttons costs like 330 AED.

>Wanting to buy the worst stick

The fuck are you doing? Go find a used, decent stick on or whatever. Don't get the mini ones

There's one called X Arcade that costs 389.00 AED

Is that good enough?


i dunno about that one. if you really want an arcade stick, you need a high end one. at least find a venom arcade stick which is probably the cheapest, decent one. i remember geekay games have that

Almost all arcade sticks are out of stock in Geekay games official website.

nope, just play on pad.
>but fightstick is better.
not really

Fightsticks are literally just another way to hold your controller, it's all preference and comfort
I use one because my dad brought me to an arcade a lot as a kid and that's how I got into fighting games and that's what I'm used to

Just get a hori rap 4 that's a petty solid stick to start with. You can also be a special snowflake like me and get a hitbox. Imo it's easier to learn and has less margin for error

I've used an arcade stick before, i just never purchased one and i am more comfortable with a PS3 or Xbox 360 controller, but i just can't get good in the game when i feel lazy to read a character's moves to do a combo.

>when i feel lazy to read a character's moves to do a combo.

And what makes you think getting a stick would change that?

Skullgirls got a different control layout, when it says i have to press HK, i don't know what to press.

I have trigger finger on both thumbs so I probably should learn to use my stick, since I have such a low input success rate.

Its just inconvenient since its so bulky, and I could never really find a comfortable way to hold the stick.

I played with my keyboard at a not-shit level, so no.

That's your own fault

It's all about preference. A lot of top players use fightsticks because they grew up in the arcade. Now days, there's a growing generation of those use controllers and they're just as competitive. It also depends on the game; some work better on pads than others. I'd also recommend looking into a fightpad, rather than a fightstick, as it might appeal to you more and it's much cheaper.

I don't see how, explain please.

>Skullgirls got a different control layout, when it says i have to press HK, i don't know what to press.
>Different controller layout
>don't know what to press

Are you for real?

>game tells me to press certain button
>I don't know what to press

No PS3 control layout.

Just use your phone

is this the thick skullgirls thread? yesterday we didnt have one

this is the peacock skullgirls thread

Top 8 for skullgirls at combo breaker this past weekend had a variety of players using dualshock 4s, hitboxes, and standard fight sticks. There was even someone with an inverted wasd layout put into a shoebox.
Just play what's comfortable.

This game has a general

don't fall for the stick making jew memes

Literally a matter of what you are the most comfortable with.


but I want it to be the Parasoul skullgirls thread



Don't lewd the Peacock.

to people who use the d-pad and not the stick

how the FUCK do you do charge moves? do you claw grip it?

You don't need one, controllers do just fine for the game

do you happen to have tentacle umbrella

No. What controller you use pretty much comes down to preference.
If you have some way to try out stick for a while without making a big investment into one, try that for a while, and see if you like it.

i own a stick but how do you guys tap button, like one finger hovering above 2-3 or tap dial a combo

Fine, have this instead

that shit never happened, unless you commission an artist to do it, and I dont think you will, right?


I played on pad and nobody on this website could step to me

rock out with your cock out

does Umbrella really like her sister's butt?

I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. Like, the timing for when you actually have to input your button presses for your character to actually do the chain you want?

Pad is equally viable. Really no reason to play on a stick nowadays. If you really want one though get qanba q1 its the best quality and price compromise. I have one I felt like I got a good deal.

I'm a poorfag so I can't just drop money on a stick but I can't help but feel like playing fightan would be much easier with a stick. Playing on pad is slightly awkward, but manageable. It does make certain motions and doing certain combos much harder though.

Does anyone know how much it'd cost to get a decent fightstick with art of my choosing?

Don't drop that kind of cash on something you don't even know if you're comfortable with. Unless you have a local arcade that you're able to familiarize yourself with using, buying a fightstick is a total gamble on whether or not it feels right. Especially not one that's "decent with art of your choosing."
If you're playing on PC, just use your keyboard and try out a few different layouts, experiment with whether you feel comfortable with buttons. Buttons are not only the standard for the hitbox layout, but also a lot cheaper if you decide to just build a controller in whatever layout you desire. If you absolutely need a joystick in your hand, at that point you can take a dive on a mid-low range stick to make a low-risk assessment of whether it's something you actually want to dedicate 100+ dollars toward a high-quality one with custom art.

Welp. I'm fappin to peacock. Guess I have to learn her combos now.

i could never do it justice like that artist can, but got any peacock requests

This fucking game, how do I git gud?

bridal dress, holding a bouquet with flower petals fluttering down to the ground

You play the game, start a lobby

But pic related only cost me like $30 and it hasnt broken yet for 3 years

pick a character(s), learn your moves and get some basic BnBs, LEARN TO BLOCK, and in this game in particular, learn to not stop trying to block even when you are already in a combo. If you turn off your brain and just try to let them finish their combo, you are likely going to get reset all day. Learn to not mash while getting combod and to not burst whenever you can, cuz that shit can get baited, and hooboy it ain't pretty when it happens. Learn how to play neutral, and figure out how you can get your chosen characters synergize with eachother, if you are running a team.


>There was even someone with an inverted wasd layout put into a shoebox.

Who the fuck is that madman?

i guess im still trying to figure out how you use a stick as in tapping buttons in sequence when there big buttons. my stick is 8 buttons but i technically only need 6 so i guess hand layout.

>Play three's
>Pick Double, Painwheel, and Filia
>Rapidly tag out and mix up ground and air attacks
>Win every time

>tfw it's dead on PC

The only way to get people to play your game on this shitty platform is to slap "INDIE EARLY ACCESS SURVIVAL ZOMBIE SHOOTER WITH CRAFTING" on the box art.

Is Playstation still alive? I know Second Encore added cross platform for Playstations, so I'm considering dropping some cash for the PS3 version and making the switch from Xbone controller to Dualshock

PC has the biggest player base. Why are you not in the SG discord?

I have my index through ring finger generally sitting on/hovering over the top row, with my thumb around the first button of the bottom row.
Assuming we have it set up as :
LP MP HP Assist1
LK MK HK Assist2
Honestly, I don't press buttons much with my thumb, my index finger will hit LP LK and MK, middle finger will generally stay on MP, my ring finger will go for both heavies, and my pinky will hit my assists.
Course, I'm not super rigid about this. It really comes down to situational comfort based on what I want to do, and it can vary based on the way the buttons on your stick are actually arranged. (I have pic related, for reference.)

What about something like this?

I've heard this is a pretty decent fightstick to start out with.

>waaaah! there aren't hordes of random shitters to stomp to inflate my ego

Facing the same two guys over and over gets tiring, regardless of if you're winning or not.

>too uncreative to mix things up in a team fighter

yeah, cause my big issues are grip handling. and finger placement. i feel like moving my finger to another button takes away from performing the combo so i should be using another finger i guess. it gets hard doing combos with say sfv for vskill and activating skill trigger during combos. this here is my stick.

Alright so I was playing solo Filia against Peacock/someone/someone else idk.
I don't want to sound like I'm complaining about projectile spam but I really don't know what I was supposed to do there. Ringlet spike doesn't reach fullscreen and I couldn't jump or airdash in because there were aerial projectiles too, so I just kind of sat there gettiing chipped to death. How am I supposed to deal with that shit?

never ever ever ever buy X-Arcade.....

aye aye capn

Peacock does have deadzones and openings, some of which will be covered by assists, most likely. The problem is that you need to play patient and safe to really get in, and quite frankly, she is perfectly content with being annoying and bullying you from full screen, which is going to get you to start making mistakes.
Ringlet is basically useless in projectile wars, and barely counts as one, so don't bother with it here. Really, you just have to inch forward (Like straight up walk forward or jump forward, if you feel like a dash will get caught before you can block) until you can start pressuring her, and kill her as quick as you can, which as a Solo vs a trio, shouldn't take too much. If you aren't completely attached to being a Solo, a long range assist can to wonders of eating/bodyblocking her projectiles.
Also, once you get in, consider snapping her out. Not only will this heal a solo character of a portion of their red health, it gives you a chance to get rid of one of her assists, and give you some time where you don't have to chase her and deal with her fucking wall. A peacock without assists is still annoying and will still fill the screen with bullshit, but without assists, they can't cover their ass nearly ass easily.

(Don't play Filia and haven't put much thought into the matchup, but I think the upward angled airball might put her high enough to where the only things you need to look for are item drop and airplane George, assists nonwithstanding, and I'm pretty sure it recovers pretty quick and you can air dash out of it. Might be worth experimenting with.)

Bafael is a pad warrior and he's pretty competent, at super high levels you should have near perfect execution which is achievable on both so it probably doesn't really matter.

You're not going to enjoy Skullgirls. ESPECIALLY if it's your first fighting game.

The game is fucking hard as shit, and you will absolutely have no fucking chance against even the most average player online. This is compounded by the fact that it isn't actively played much anymore, and with all the balance patches and other stuff, it will be hard to find information about the game to improve with, and most players online are gods who have been playing for years.

It's a fighting game made as a love letter for fighting game fans. The game is full of moves and mechanics that make reference to other fighting games and is full of advanced techniques that are in other fighting games.

Also: If this is your first fighting game and you aren't even sure if you'll be interested in the genre, don't waste $100+ on a fight stick. Being smashed by a 15+ second, 40+ hit combo and then ANOTHER 15+ second, 40+ hit combo when you don't anticipate a reset or block correctly WILL make you want to quit.

tl;dr: don't play Skullgirls as your first fighting game, and don't spend a ton of money on a fight stick if you're unsure if you'll be interested in the genre.

Skullgirls is one of the easier games to pick up due to the helpful community, good tutorial, and easy inputs.

Join the discord.

>15+ second combo
>and then ANOTHER 15+ second combo
what is undizzy? stop being stuck in 2013

>fact that it isn't actively played much anymore
the tournament scene is bigger than what it was at EVO2013

What do you suggest then? 60$ SFV over 5$ Skullgirls?

I've been playing street fighter and Tekken since i was young and i still sucked.

You could just buy SFV used like I did for like $18. Or you could wait until the rumored Super SFV edition, which is going to be a major overhaul of the game, along with coming with a lot of the DLC.

Also, I swear to god, I can't play on a pad for fucking shit.

Yes, easier to "pick up" because most attacks chain into other attacks but does "easier to pick up" mean that it's easier to get good at and play competently without any previous fighting game fundamentals? The game is much more complicated than other fighting games and definitely isn't a good example to introduce someone to fighting games with.

Skullgirls is the sick guitar solo that you play in front of the whole school after learning the fundamentals.

>the tournament scene is bigger than what it was at EVO2013

I distinctly remember that EVO2013 had the highest entries for SG. It all went downhill or got stagnant after that. They still got 150 entries for CB which was same as last year

Get a memebox

>rumored new SFV edition
>"seasons" still rolling out
yeah, no

>does "easier to pick up" mean that it's easier to get good at and play competently

EVO2013 had 128

>yeah, no
SSV is supposed to be post-S2 though. And it's not like other games don't do this same thing. Got a GotY edition or something before the XL edition. Overwatch just got a GotY Edition and that's still rolling out with (free) content. Didn't KI do something similar as well?


Yes PlayStation Skullgirls is still alive especially in eat coast and Asia Xbox is dead


Im able to get by just fine with the PS3 controller on Arcsys' fighting games. I personally can't stand playing Skullgirls without a fightstick though.

In execution light games like skullgirls you don't really need a stick no.

>The game is much more complicated than other fighting games
>Jump attack into retarded MvC assist pressure and infinite resets fuck neutral

Fighting games are fucking casual nowadays m8, try Garou or VSav for size, those actually require execution and fundamentals.

You need to go back.