>make a limited event window for legendary items
>items are super rare so you have to get as many loot crates as fast as humanly possible
>lock loot crates behind Arcade mode victories
>now for the kicker: remove No Limits, the ONLY even remotely enjoyable and balanced Arcade mode for the duration of said event
Blizztards will defend this.
Make a limited event window for legendary items
They do this every time. Get over it.
Eat shit nigger. Stop defending Blizzkike.
They never disable No Limits until now. That's what the problem is. They could have removed CTF, the mode THEY SAID THEMSELVES DOESN'T WORK, but nooo.
I'm fine with Total Mayhem as of now but what really grates me is the retarded 1v1 they made in favor of the original one.
Play total mayhem
You are attacking? Leave the game you are defending? Enjoy the easy win
everyone has a bad opinion on this subject but me.
The problem with Mayhem is that they didn't even bother to balance it for each character. They just used the same multipliers across the board rather than utilizing individual values that don't break the fuck out of the game
>I'm fine with damage sponge enemies that can heal and shutdown every 2 seconds
Whatever you say fang.
Events are 2 weeks long and any arcade mode that isn't 1v1 or 3v3 is cancer
except that total mayhem games can last 10-20 minutes into overtime because no one dies
just play random heroes with a few friends, it's obviously super random whether you get good hero lineups or not but it's still pretty fun to play outside your comfort zone
wow trying to kill winston and lucio on the cart for an hour is really fucking fun
>wanting Overwatch to be even more RNG than it already is
I also like how they forgot the add the cooldown multipliers to Soldier making him completely useless in Mayhem
at least random hero games end quickly if one side gets a really absurd comp. total mayhem always lasts an eternity.
>People care about skins in a FPS, which means you can't even see the damn skin you have equipped.
You just want them so you can show off to internet strangers. You guys are really vain. Get over yourself.
>stop liking what i dont like!
>show off cool hats to internet strangers
>medics know i've wasted enough money and time into a shitty 9 year old game to heal me more
>enemies get demoralised by the guy with the gaudy hat whos clearly has more experience than their shit hatted asses
There's pros and cons.
Every fucking new skin is locked behind an event. I really gotta wait a year to get the New Year Roadhog? The last skin that isn't event locked was Reinhardt's shit from like 8 months ago.
Holy shit how bad are you I get my arcade boxes within the first hour of playtime just doing 3v3.
Just play total mayhem. I literally get 6 free wins
>not running triple tank, 2 healer, and sombro
Total mayhem is the easiest of all the arcade modes
Skins are the only reason to continue playing Overwatch since the game itself has no substance.
Have you played CTF? It's absolute garbage easy, especially so with a Dive comp and good defense. Started to enjoy that more now
>I have to have the skins I want or else its not fair ;_;
Shut up. It doesnt effect gameplay. You dont need them. Stop whining like a child and play the game.
If you need skins to make it better than you dont like the game. Stop playing and play something that wont make you cry.
Literally ever CTF game I've had was a draw. I can't waste my time on it
>tfw still no goldrat player icon
I can buy everything else I want...
Mayhem is the most fun mode though.
>Moshing on the payload that is 4 meters from Point B for 10 minutes
Let the skinner box go. Just do it, there is no need to autistically grind every single skin. Play the game when you want, if you want, how you want.
This is a serious advice.
I enjoy mistery heroes
>he still play it
>he still whines when they are obviously going to fuck him over
>and he still fucking plays the game
You are to blame. If it really rustles your jimmies so bad you should stop fucking playing. Of course they are going to keep it this way, it pushes people closer to just buying the crates.
At least all the skins in this event look like complete shit. Which one are you trying to get?
Fisher Price Bastion?
aDVa Sarkeesian?
Power Ranger Genji?
Save your credits and wait. Hopefully this summer's event skins will be beach themed