Death Stranding is Silent Hills/Mgs 5 Reveal

e3 2017

you ready?

delete this

I'm not ready but it will happen.

Nope. It'll just be an average, albeit unique, kojima game.

MGS5 is complete and Silent Hills will never exist in its previous for.

paging caramel

stop summoning him

Nope anyone who thinks this is retarded

why must you do this?


>wanting another sequel or remake
>not hoping for a cool new ip
Ruse cruse fags make me sad.


It's coming guys.



Pls tell me he killed himself over the thought of being wrong



holy shit I've figured it out! Kojima BTFO

There's actually a better chance of 9/11 being an inside job than this happening

9/11 WAS an inside job though

>cords don't dangle nor go through the first D, H, nor R
thanks for the laugh user

it's possible. He hasn't shown up the last 2 days.

Shit. Alright, guess I'm gonna pre order MGS5: Sleep Walker then

Kojima is an egomaniac and all the cool ideas the franchise had stemmed from Tomokazu Fukushima. After dropping him the best he's been able to come up with is nostalgic pandering and recycling tropes.

He simply isn't creative enough to pull off something like this. The ruse cruise is long over.

I saw him earlier today, don't get your hopes up

>dogs eat standing
>the dog ending in silent hill 2
>diamond dogs
>there's a dog in MGSV
Eat standing is Silent Solid Gear Hill

silent hill and mgs are dead user, get over it

he's been in three or four threads today alone. i think it's actually his sleep time right now, and dispenser, solidus, liquid, venom, caramel gibson all only show up when caramel proper is around.


That banana...

>Kojima reveals that Death Stranding is SIlent Hills
>Introduces his new friend and co-director of the game

please no

yah, utterly retarded :^)


>E3 happens
>no news other than a ANOTHER new death stranding trailer
>that's it
>all theories disproved

you have no idea how im looking forward to the BTFO of MGS fans

Excited for Ds
Excited for mgsurvive
Get rekt rusefags

E3 will be so embarrassing for you Tbh

Solidus cracks me up, it's like everything is run through Google translate 15 times. Everything else there is fucking cancer though

Suicide imminent

Caramels autism even shows up on google search now. Haha wow

>Caramelpill me

Damn, I hate the guy, but this sentence is just too good to not say out loud.

Because of him, now i have something to look forward to on E3

the collective suicide of a conspiracy theorist tripfag. i already have 50 shitposts ready to cement his ass

this. Konami will keep metal gear alive, while Kojima makes a new IP. Sounds fucking good to me, all we can all we can do is hope that both games are good.

Please post your unrelated and uninspired response image that is not even an argument, kiddo

and what if he was right?

i will admit defeat.

the question is. can he?

I just think he'll disappear

Fuck off kid

nice falseflagging

yep thats the final straw

Konami don't give a fuck about a bunch of nerds spamming their Twitter and Facebook. When the truth is revealed everyone will love Konami more than ever before for daring to along with an artist's vision. Their stocks and profits have done nothing but improve since Kojima was "fired". The controversy was spread using rumors and second hand sources. The truth will be spread using the biggest gaming event in the world.

Who is this guy?

the worlds biggest silent hill fan, who else?

Nah :^)

Wait a minute... that banana

>those filenames

nigga are you samefagging?

Hi retard :^)

Is the caramel pill the easiest to swallow?

That's just the google image search default name. Calm your tits.

>he doesn't know
god bless Sup Forums X


why are you talking like this?

wut? reverse image search it if you're that paranoid, unless you are meming some meme i don't know.

you monster! i dont believe how blind normalfags are tho.... kojima you are really the absolutly madman

Nah :^)

Hey Caramel I fucking know you're there. When you get utterly blown the fuck out in two weeks before you blow your brains out I want you to post on here and tell everybody that you're sorry for shitting up the board for the past two years. If you promise me that you can shitpost as much as you want until the end of Sony's conference.


Nah :^)

dispenser is pretty good, too. the timing is great.

Hi retard :^)

you just deny the truth, i am sick and tired of this shit, i will see you all after the announcement and i will be expecting a fucking apology

Nah :^)

Why the fuck didn't they make Silent Hills

I'm never going to get the ultimate horror game and I'm pissed

>Why the fuck didn't they make Silent Hills

but they are

Hi retard :^)

well dispenser is here.

Fuck off retard, you don't know who you are dealing with here.

Quick rundown on Caramel:
>kojima bows to Caramel
>in contact with nanomachine aliens
>rumored to possess precognitive abilities
>controls the games industry with an iron fist
>owns game developers all over the world
>direct descendant of ancient rusemen
>said to have an IQ of 400+
>Caramel will guide video games into a new age of wisdom, ruses, and love

fuck off caramel

They are not and this knowledge never gets easier to handle

PT was so fucking good.

Nah :^)

Hi retard :^) hope it didnt take you too long to search for that webm.

Mr. Caramel is not available at the moment, to dial a pasta, please submit your inquiry and a suitable one will be dispensed within 1 to 5 business days

Nah :^)

Because Kojima is a hack who wasted millions of dollars on extraneous bullshit that wasn't important to the game and Konami got sick of him wasting money because they wouldn't make nearly enough of it back.

And for some reason people think that Konami kicked him out over two years ago, cancelled a game with a playable teaser with tons of star power behind it, set Kojima up with his brand new studio, gave themselves tons of bad press by firing him, cancelling the game, rushing out MGSV, completely abandoning the games business to focus on pachinko, and some people are STILL FUCKING HOLDING OUT HOPE that Konami's been fucking with everybody and these games are still going to come out.

There is not a single company on Earth who would EVER waste that much fucking money for video games which will (let's fucking face it) probably only sell 4-5 million lifetime, if they're fucking LUCKY. If you're just memeing when you say "HAHA LE RUSE CRUISE" then whatever, it's fun to think about it. But if you seriously believe that, like there's no doubt in your mind, you are batshit insane and need to get yourself checked into a mental hospital. I am legitimately concerned for this Caramel faggot's health for his unhealthy obsession with the inner workings of Konami and love of Pastebin.

All that for some gross looking sloppy pizza

Hi retard :^)


Nah :^)

Hi retard :^)

what the fuck is this heresy?

Nah :^)

>He doesn't know the flaming pizza dome

Hi retard :^)

Nah :^)

Hi retard :^)

you're right, i don't. is that really some kind of pizza? i'm sincerely curious and confused.

Nah :^)

you guys are really dedicated to this.

Nah :^)

Its retarded Midwestern American shit

Because after all the time and money Kojihack spent on mgsv it was still a half finished game at best and they decided his celeb status wasn't worth keeping him and his projects around when you can just invest in pachinko instead.

fair enough.

Hi retard

Hi retard :^)