
It's time to liberate Ala Mhigo Sup Forums. You know what you must do in 2 weeks.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Liberate Ala Mhigo
I think you mean blast through Ala Mhigger and hang out in Doma.

Stop making these FFXIV threads. Delete this shit mods.

>missed the opportunity to save my party was PLD on Coils
>will be able to do it now with Passage of Arms on Rift

Ala Migger fucking shits. Let me visit Garlemald already.

you think they'll remove the scripture limit for stormblood?

14 threads are not allowed here? wut.

>Implying you can "safe" anyone with a shitty 15% mitigation

I don't see you complaining in the daily new vegas threads, fuck off faggot

Are we going to Ala Mhigo or to another fucking continent?

scripture is getting rolled into poetics, or at least all the current gear is going to be buyable with poetics
there's almost certainly going to be another capped tomestone

There is a difference between daily and consistent 100% uptime. I'm hype for Stormblood as well but 2-3 threads up at a time that immediately get replaced are literally what /vg/ is for, even if /xivg/ is fucking cancer.

Fuck ala mhigo, they pulled the exact same shit as the empire trying to conquer the rest of eorzea but for some reason we have to sympathize with them


>2 or 3 threads at a time
I don't see you bitching in Overwatch threads either, fuck off faggot

>people shit on Toriyama and Tanaka for being hacks
>when the entire development team of XIV is full of Japanese Todd's

You would if you opened them you fucking blind retard, people bitch about those threads every time

I made a flowchart for RDM's rotation.

Import Cidney's hairstyle.

>Stop making these XIV threads
>Stop making these Fire Emblem threads
>Stop making these New Vegas threads
>Stop making these Trails threads
>Stop making these Persona 5 threads
>Stop making Overwaifu threads
>Stop making Neptunia threads
>Stop making Guilty Gear threads
>Stop making Zelda threads

Oh wait only one of these gets complained about and it's by the same four /vg/ niggers that are assmad people actually talk about the game outside of their fag-house, kys

What if they cut all WHM cast times to 66% of what they are now and 50% when under that no mp state? Would that save WHM or make them too OP?

>elezens get their own expansion with three extra patches fully focused on their city-state
>highlanders have to share their expansion with weebs and lizards

how come no one mentions the fuckable beastmen tribe we'll do quests for

Which sect is better for AST as of right now? I know its gonna change for SB but im leveling one right now

just let lillies be used for things other than reducing cooldowns on 5 abilities. literally WHM's job gauge is AST's Spear which says a lot

Nobody makes Nep threads much anymore now that people realized they are games for the ironic weeb audience.

Kys you worthless piece of shit excuse of a human being.

Nice Lamia reskin, Hackshida.

I see one every single day, I just don't give a shit that it's there

>members of the same species look similar

Wow way to go Hackshida

>Consolidated White Mage 4.0 Feedback Thread

>Dumb down (most) everything
>Somehow even -less- dungeons per patch than 3.0
>Potentially the worst balance the game has seen yet
>Re-re-recycling of old content (Savage Primals)
>Ala Mhigo isn't even a city, just a one-off dungeon
>Tomestone grinding for another 2 years

How the heck is anyone excited for Stormblood

If I don't care about glamour, and aren't interested in going through the hassle for a house, is there any point to gil?

This. Time to quit and go play that other MMORPG that's so much better!

>Re-re-recycling of old content (Savage Primals)

Where's that said?

Sup Forums sucks this games dick more than the official forums Wowfugees do.


>1 dungeon per odd numbered patch
And I thought heavensflop was bad

PotD is full of depressed WHMs leveling AST/SCH, shit is just sad.
Give WHM a party-wide Temper buff (damage up) and a Libra-like buff (crit up) and everyone will love the job again.

>mfw I have to go Quarrymill for anything that isnt doing PotD runs

Also, I'm new to game. Where can I store my shit, my inventory is full

Crafted gear and materias.

talk to the retainer vocates in any of the cities, you should(?) be high enough level to get them
alternatively just vendor all that trash

Oh damn, I remember the tooltip for these, but I never hired one.

Thanks dudes, now I'll be able to store all these level 4 and 5 materia I got from PotD

Yeah that's me right now, leveling AST since the team is brain dead tier retarded and just keep buffing it

That's not entirely true. A big part of 4.0 will be "Beyond-Savage" content, which has been stated to be super hard versions of old content on the scale of Savage Second Coil

So not necessarily primals, but old fights none the less

I distinctly remember them mentioning 4.0 would have 'Something never done in an MMO before'

Do we know what that panned out to be yet, or what?

Don't really see what the issue with that is. It's not like we don't get new stuff as well and it's such a waste to let those old fights go to waste.

I thought that was supposed to be centered in on Omega raids?

I'd love to see the CUH-RAZY stuff they could do with Titan and Levi though

Wasn't that the QTE thing in Creator raid?
And they promised "something that will take advantage of the MMO genre" for 4.0.

They stated it wouldn't be any sort of raid tier, each piece of beyond-savage content will just be one fight

You know how they've referenced Savage Ozma several times? I'm pretty sure that's how it will be implemented

At least they aren't pretending to be generals like your threads which are up 24/7. Go back to your shit hole that is /vg/

Literally me right now leveling SCH in PotD. I have no idea what I'm doing, I've never played any ACN class. I guess I have time to learn though, but I already hate the pet system. I don't understand why Sic and Obey even exist, since it's literally "Shitter" and "Not a shitter" pet stances. You're pretty much required to bind every pet ability except the heals since they just spam shit like Fey Wind at random. Which means I have to bind these abilities, but since all of my normal keybinds are used for my other classes, I have to drag the pet abilities onto my bar rather than binding the pet bar. Which makes me wonder why I even have a pet if I'm just going to use all its abilities myself anyway.

>people talking about game scenarios in changes in those threads
>people talking about game scenarios and changes in these threads

I don't see flowcharts working. Priority list seems so much simpler.

>false flagging

In 2 years user

>tfw the map zoomed out for the first time and scrolls past Garlemald in the 4.0 opening

Priority list doesn't work very well for RDM because it has so many "If X is true then do Y" conditionals.

...That's exactly why a priority system makes -more- sense you dingus

>Check out the price of gils on some goldseller
>Leviathan 1M = 1.79 USD
>Gilgamesh 1M = 9.9 USD
>Balmung 1M = 15.59 USD

I know we probably won't get Ala Mhigo's due to plot, but are we even going to Doma, or just that town near it?

>mfw i have $2,600 in balmung bucks

They started building up going to Ala Mhigo/Gyrabania for 4.0 but during development they realized the western playerbase absolutely hates ala mhiggers so they added some bits in Doma/Othard to keep preorders. If you read between the lines of the latest hands-on, Ala Mhigo is going to be the bulk of the expansion's content even though they made a big deal about Kurogane. The new city's in Doma but the new endgame idling town is in Ala Mhigo and all the post-4.0 MSQs are supposed to be about the liberation of Ala Mhigo just like HW was about the Dragonsong War.

I could see lilies being useful if they affected the last cooldown rather than the next cooldown.

Like, if assize is on cooldown, having three leaves would let you use it twelve seconds earlier.

You have no face?

I really hope they don't lock dyeable armor behind that shit like they did with Alexander.


I don't habeeb it.

Everyone says Noct, but I seem to have to play much more actively when running as Noct versus Diurnal autopilot mode with two regens running.

>most densely populated server with highest gross per player/capita value
>gil is somehow more expensive to buy

How does that even begin to work?

diurnal for solo healing and if you get a scholar in the group
nocturnal if you get a whm in the group

Sounds like some shit goes down in Ala Mhigo which forces us to leave like cowards

harder for bots to get into since it's locked 24/7 now

Here's what's going to happen
>We mount a big offensive against the imperial forces in Ala Mhigo
>Get our shit pushed in
>Yugiri and SamuRoe drag us off to Othard to help with their problems
>Spend the rest of the leveling process advancing the Othard/Hingashi plot
>By level 70 the resistance has finally gotten back on their feet. Rhalgr's Reach is established as the endgame staging ground/idling zone.
>We go back to launch another attack on Ala Mhigo, except Shinryu reappears.
>Big flashy trial against Shinryu ala Ultima/Thordan, which concludes 4.0's story
>Patch stories then revolve around dealing with Ala Mhigo and culminate in a trial against an Ascian-buffed Zenos in 4.3 or 4.4.

More players, more buyers, more demand.

Noct is easier because of pre-shielding, and you can actually dps much more safely during a fight.