Which game has the best brown bricks?

Which game has the best brown bricks?


Dorf fort



grandadz rofl

This meme has always confused me, Minecraft bricks are red, not brown, I dont understand what inspector gadget meant.


user... you might need to get your eyesight checked man

He was referring to the dirt blocks, not the clay bricks.
That begs the question if Inspector Gadget knew about Minecraft before the review, and was simply being ironic.

My detective skills say you've quite PAWssibly never had sex.

Him and Mike were talking about blocks before the review even started.

He was clearly pretending to not know Minecraft to make the review feel more real.

Metal Gear Solid 3

Got a shitty 1.7.3 BETA minecraft server up

Here's a link to a cracked ver you can use for it:


You gotta change the version to beta 1.7.3 on the launcher after installing, to do this you need to just edit your profile to enable you to select alpha/beta versions and select the 1.7.3 BETA specifically, not 1.7.3 official version.

server address is badserv dot crabdance.com
port is 25565, but I don't think you need to put that in.

Nobody is joining in your autism, faggot. Your self-deprecation doesn't help your case.

I think "brown bricks" was supposed to be a poop joke because Mike Matei's sense of humor never evolved past that of a 12-year-old.

There's already a few people on placing brown bricks, how very sad of you!

>Ha! People joined my minecraft server! Jokes on you!! XD

Your aspergers is uncurable, I'm afraid.

choke on my chode, you're the person in a fucking minecraft thread who doesn't like brown bricks!

"Brown bricks" is a reference to a video that gets constantly referenced by Oney, you fucking mong.

Minecraft appeals to babies so of course someone with a baby's mindset would shill their server on Sup Forums.

There really is no hope for you

And yet you're here in a thread about a videogame you don't like.

You are literally brown bricks.


I clicked on the thread to see brown brick shitposting, then I ran across an autist advertising a Minecraft server.

Who the fuck advertises Minecraft servers other than those with developmental disorders?

>I clicked on the thread to see brown brick shitposting

stopped reading there.

You come onto the internet to just shitpost? Sad!

>i click on threads to shitpost because my gay e-celeb talks about it
>gets angry when someone is trying to play the relevant video game with other anons


>inspector gadget has joined
> brown bricks
>inspector gadget has disconnected *

Honestly mike deserved more shit for his elmo in grouchland review

I have this autistic weeb friend who's been saying this shit all week. I thought it was some kind of reddit meme.

Do you have a link to the server file?

But user, surely you can appreciate the sophistication of mispronouncing it as "Mine Crap" and the layered, subtle, subversive humour of Inspector Gadget making bricks out of his own fecal matter?

There's still plenty of time, this got necroed 5-6 years later


Holy shit, has it really been that long?

Seed you asshole, I want to play.

it seems to just take a little bit to connect

I don't understand this shit. It's no less funny than any of the other eceleb bullshit you faggots constantly post.

>i didnt play minecraft and only hate on what its beome
>i hate fun
>i probaly hate undertale too
i dont like mc any more but when it was new it was fun and original

Anybody else use shaders? What kind of FPS do you get when doing so?

you got owned, my dude.

Pokemon red and blue

Brown brick is my favorite pokey man

Or just use tlauncher like everyone else
