It's not a true Marvel vs Capcom game without them.
It's not a true Marvel vs Capcom game without them
So MvC1 isn't a true Marvel VS Capcom game?
Sentinel is shit.
It's so sad to see how Disney destroyed the Marvel universe in a couple of years.
This is literally all Perlmutter's doing
Blame Fox.
It's their fault disney/marvel refuse to do anything F4/Xmen related
>Blame Fox for Marvel acting a like a bunch of immature faggots
>tank franchise into the ground
>get in pissing match with Marvel Studios and Disney Movie Productions and throw a fit telling them they can't use mutants in their Marvel Cinematic universe
>surprised Marvel cut all comic production and IP representation in all media for X-Men/F4
Fox's fault.
Why would Marvel put in an X-Men? It would just be advertisement for a IP they won't make money back from.
They MIGHT come back as DLC, OP. Not trying to shill but I'm holding on to some faint glimmer of hope that MvCI isn't complete shit.
This. The Mouse money has only helped the situation become worse.
X-Men have been rumored to be in Season 3.
They're doing the SFV model and trying to make a quick buck.
Known leaker who's been 100% accurate so far in regards to Capcom games leaked them on /r/kappa
I just don't understand why they aren't in the base roster. Shit like this is going to cost them sales that they might not ever recover from. Like, at least throw Wolverine in there and maybe an unexpected character like Cyclops.
Disney is a money-making colossus, why would they advertise something they won't make money off of?
It's not a true MvC without him.
Jedah was added to make a steal off fools like you.
nigga, disney/marvel still has ALL the merchandise rights for fucking THE ENTIRETY of the marvel universe. They still make a FUCK TON of Marvel Legends X-Men figures... you know why?
Because people fucking like X-Men
It literally makes no god damn sense to have ZERO X-men characters in the game
I mean, I know the reason why, but this is Mahvel here. X-Men characters are not only a staple, but the franchise literally started with them in the first place.
You my nigga for posting my nigga with the file name "my nigga"
Other characters Marvel is making movies about take priorities, you won't see X-Men until Season 3.
I know in my heart that jedah is actually going to:
>Have a shit English voice actor without his iconic laugh
>look ugly as fuck in-game
>will probably have a shit loveseat
>his theme will be butchered
All hype gone after realizing this
It's okay. Monster Hunter rep was added just to make money off me as well. I don't want to buy MvCI. But I want to play as a MH character.
guess I'm waiting a while to buy the game in that case
We still need my nigga Captain Commando too.
Just give me Demitri ffs.
And her. Tron's an MvC staple, and has been since MvC2
MvC is easily the worst MvC. MvC2 is the first true MvC that got people talking.
You get Wolverine but it's Logan Wolverine and he's weak as fuck but has a lot of health
Can someone explain to me the appeal of Marvel Vs Capcom? Playing the first game on PSN, with all the shitty sprites from other games that often don't even match in style, poor balance, and shit controls makes me feel like its the predecessor to MUGEN-like games where people just toss in random characters without much thought just so they can have OMG GOKU VS SUPERMAN XDD match-ups.
>Captain Commando
>literally named after the company
>forgotten forever
It really irks me that Capcom made a Wii side-scrolling beat-em-up that could've easily been a CapComm game, but the named it something else and it sold like shit.
Wait, what? They did?
Also neutered to fuck and back. He'll probably use green slime instead of blood to not scare the kiddies.
The game looks FUCKING GROSS. It's like it doesn't know if it wants to
be realistic or cartoon looking. This game is LITERALLY street fighter x
tekken reskined with marvel & capcom characters, right down to the
whole "gem" system it was hated for (replaced with infinity stones).
in The textures & animations look bad, watch the trailer reveal again. look at that captain America
intro when he talks, watch his mouth movements. Also, why's he all
hunched over like that? Did I mention that this game looks like a
fucking SMARTPHONE/IPAD GAME? Why Does this game look like a
regurgitated MVC3? All the voice lines and special attacks are the same,
but it sounds as though they've been re-recorded. The difference is
that the voice line delivery and things on the visual end aren't as
powerful or exciting as they were in marvel 3. Can anyone tell me why
all the movesets and voice lines are the same btw? I guess that just
because they slapped Mega Man X into it, I'm supposed to accept this
GooglePlay Store lookin' ass game as the next step for MvC? And for all
you people who're saying "THIS IS EARLY PRE-ALPHA FOOTAGE" yeah, yeah,
fuck you, the final end result is never really far off from the
originally shown "pre-alpha footage" stuff. On a side note I'm so glad
that UMVC3 is being released on steam/PC, it's one of my dreams come
true. I just hope the online doesn't die out as quickly as every other
fighting game on steam.
I just hope it bombs and we never get another Vs. game ever again.
>and we never get another Vs. game ever again.
Fuck you, I'd like to see Nintendo vs. Capcom someday, along with TvC2 maybe or SEGA vs. Capcom.
Not to mention just a straight up Capcom vs. game like Capcom Fighting Evolution but not terrible.
It's a cash grab plain and simple, Capcom needs money since SFV flopped so hard. They know Marvel sells so they convinced Disney/Marvel to let them make a game (because it's good fucking advertisement for their future movies) got the license and now making a really cheap video game by reusing assets from MVC3/UMVC3. They're going to attach a SFV DLC model on it as well, 3 seasons so they can sell season passes. Disney/Marvel Cinematic Universe characters are getting the first dibs, X-Men isn't coming until Season 3.
It's insulting that Capcom is making this game, and even more so that people like and are going to eat this shit up
I want Marvel v. DC. Capcom
Spyborgs, it was an original IP from Capcom. It was incredibly generic, but I can't help but feel like it could've had it's main cast replaced with the CapComm crew without altering the game much.
>wanting capcom games in 2017
the fuck is wrong with you
>Nintendo vs. Capcom
Why bother? Megaman and Ryu are the only ones that matter and they're already in SB4.
Who else is there besides Speed Racer, Samurai Pizza Cats, and SoulTaker?
>SEGA vs. Capcom
>Implying Sega cares about older IPs
Just be happy the former got in with Sonic and Bayonetta
>I want Marvel v. DC. Capcom
This is actually exactly what the fuck I want and I don't even give a fuck.
I thought that was the game you were talking about but I don't remember it being side-scrolling. Didn't they overhaul it midway in development and it ended up generic that way?
>Why bother? Megaman and Ryu are the only ones that matter and they're already in SB4.
You could easily do a huge crossover between Nintendo and Capcom. The two companies' IPs mesh together really well and they've always had a long history with one another.
>Implying Sega cares about older IPs
It's sad that they really don't but SEGA vs. Capcom would be pretty sweet, not to mention seeing Platinum's characters interact with Capcom ones.
>willing cooperating with capcom after they buttfucked them when they were called clover studios
>I hope we never get video games again
leave this board
I honestly have no idea. I didn't pay attention to it except thinking it was a CapComm game for whatever reason. It was side-scrolling in the way levels behaved, but it was a 3D hack-and-slash in the vein of the TMNT PS2 games.
At least you could have Bayo beat the fuck out of Megaman and Ryu in SB4 to relieve stress.
I could see them doing it, maybe. Hideki Kamiya already said he'd be okay with Dante and Bayonetta meeting in PxZ3 if that game ever happens and he'd love to make Devil May Cry x Bayonetta, not to mention VJ3, Okami 2.
Batman v Daredevil
Sigma v Cyborg v Dethlok
Punisher v Red Hood
Wolverine v Lobo
my fanboy is showing
sorry guys
Deathstroke vs Deadpool?
Namor vs Aquaman?
Spidey vs Supes already happened in comics
Storm vs Wonder Woman
Black Cat vs Catwoman vs Silver Sable
Vile vs ???
There's too much crossover potential here, man.
>Chun-Li vs. Lady Shiva vs. Elektra
>Iron Fist vs. Karate Kid vs. Ryu
>Zatanna vs. Morrigan Aensland vs. Scarlet Witch
>Power Girl vs. She-Hulk
>Taskmaster vs. Deathstroke vs. Deadpool
>Supergirl vs. Kamala Kahn
>Vixen vs. Black Panther
>Green Lantern vs. Nova
>Darkseid vs. Thanos
My idea was more straight up Marvel vs. DC by Capcom with a few Capcom characters thrown in as guest characters.
I also really wanted to throw Spawn, Hellboy, Invincible, and Vampirella as guest characters too, since I feel like they kinda deserve it.
Marvel vs DC by Capcom
-Broken Combo heavy, 3v3 assist spamming Xfactor ToD combo TAC infinite game
DC vs Marvel by NRS
-Slow ass shoot projectiles with characters who have guns
so many good choices here. Especially Taskmaster vs Deathstroke
At least Marvel vs. DC by Capcom sounds like it'd be hype as fuck.
My nigga
It's a damn shame Marvel doesn't like to do crossovers these days. There's still so much stuff you could do with something like that.
they should though
the Batman/TMNT crossover was SURPRISINGLY awesome
I would buy the crap out of Batman/Moon Knight book
I want jump vs capcom.
Mvc dooms movelist of flying around the screen punching people and shooting lasers would fit goku perfectly
>the Batman/TMNT crossover was SURPRISINGLY awesome
DC has been doing a lot of crossovers lately. It's one reason why their comics are much better at the moment. They did JL vs. Power Rangers, which I've heard good things about. And then there's stuff like Wonder Woman '77/The Bionic Woman. While it's not quite an intercompany crossover, they're also doing a Justice League/Looney Tunes crossover as well. Too bad Quesada's in charge over at Marvel. JLA/Avengers is like one of the best pure fan service superhero comics. Shit was so good.
I want America vs Capcom
We have 45 Presidents to choose from.
I wanna be big papa trump with a putin super.
it had wolverine
Captain America vs Donald Trump
They'd probably team up
Hail Hydra
>Politics hijack
>Not even hiding that he's a Russian shill
oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing
>not wanting to play as Barry and taxing the poor via healthcare, sapping the enemy of their meter and if they can't afford meter sap their health
>not wanting to play as Bill and have innate damage reduction against morrigan
>not wanting to play as Bush Jr and stumble trying to put on a plastic poncho and deal damage to the enemy on accident
Reagan and Trump can have a special tag team super called MAGA
why do you hate fun
I'm more upset about losing smug eyeball
Doctor Strange already had his movie sold, and isn't getting a sequel. No representatives for you.
The buyout was 8 years ago. Disney has been destroying Marvel for years.
And yet X-Men films are consistently good, unlike MCU where the second movie was the peak and and everything after was quipcity.
>isn't getting a sequel
how delusional are you? The ending was obvious sequel bait.
Only First Class, Deadpool and Logan were good.
DoFP and The Wolverine too
Marvel/Disney has all their movies planned out until 2032. It's not on the list.
This, they just haven't announced it yet, because the first one came out just last year. Give it a bit of time, he'll definitely get a movie post-Infinity War.
Actually it'll probably be glowy like in localized arcades.
Shitbags like you need to go die in a fire. Falling in the MvC scene after watching the Yipes meme.
Remember to boycott infinite.
For what purpose
MVC is great because it feels like a real game instead of MUGEN.
Every character has unique win quotes, their own themes and even assists.
Also 2 on 2 is better than 3 on 3.
tfw you thought the character models only looked shitty since they were going to go all out with the roster but its actually the weakest roster to date
It's not true Marvel vs Capcom without handrawn sprites.
Seriously, I don't know how you ficking idiots got tricked into buying Marvel 3 and I don't know how you fucking idiots are excited for 4.
Remind your low IQ brains that Capcom hasn't made a quality game in YEARS.
Even Tatsunoko was half assed in some ways. Buuuuutt Capcom can't do no wrong because you fuck heads refuse to play anything BUT Capcom fighters.
i hope WANERBLOS vs CAPCOM(and marvel)
Disney Vs. Warner so we can have Cap v. Bats but also Mickey V. Wakko
Sick of MCUvC, XvSF2 when?
I really like MonHun but hunter was the lamest fucking choice MvC.