Is FarCry4 any good? saw it on my local store at $20...

Is FarCry4 any good? saw it on my local store at $20 , never played any other so i don't mind if it is the same as 3 or somthing.

If you aren't sick of the pretty standard open world formula, it's fun. I kind of enjoy just screwing around in it.

If you haven't been burned out on the Ubisoft open world formula you'll have a great time.

All things considered it is a good formula. They just use it for every single game.


There's the occasional sjw moment, and I personally find the radio announcer(after you liberate a bell tower, the radio in every car will broadcast some weird Indian redditor dude while he spouts dead memes) horrendously fucking unbearable. But the gunplay, leveling & unlocking are all done really well, and most of the quests are really enjoyable. Chaining a whole encampment of enemies is extremely satisfying. Very recommended

Is that what you do when he's too rough?

What sjw moment?

If you haven't played any other Far Cry, then sure, it's worth 20$. Expect all the usual shitty Ubisoft design with a billion fucking waypoint indicators and hundreds of identical distractions, but it's got some fun to be had.

If you'd played Farcry 3 though there would be no reason to play it at all.

Atleast for me FC3 was probably the best single player story driven shooter i ever played and in my opinion theres no game with a better anthagonist, michael mando/vaas was just untoppable.

Even though pagan is nowhere near a vaas he is stell very charismatic and likeable, the worl is pretty nice especially when you fly around in a copter and the story is ok.

For a couple of bucks... yeah why not, but i would rather buy it on summer sale or in a keystore, for me looking back now i think that in your position those 20 bucks would still be abit high.

It's Far Cry 3 under a different skin.

So sure play it if you want, just know it's the template for every FC game this generation.

>give us tons of weapons
>stealth approach gives more experience when clearing out outposts
>clearing out outposts erases any enemy activity in the area
>never use the cool weapons
Why do they do this?

far cry 4 never came out. farcry 3.5 was alright, for some reason now they skipped straight to 5.

They do let you use fucking war elephants, which is neat.

This joke pisses me off. What you call Far Cry 3.5 is titled as Far Cry 4. But you acknowledge Far Cry 5's title. It doesn't make any sense.

Well if thats the case this user would be a greater faggot that expected because 3.5 would be blood dragon

The moment where you murder a ton of brown people

>things are gated by money and rep
>money and rep are worthless by the time you finish the first area
this game had the worst currency balance I've seen

Far Cry 3 with some updated graphics and new tricks. Nothing special in this game other than Pagan Min.

Don't expect any re difference among the other first person ubisoft games. Story is quite good. Well acted. Id get it for the story and story alone.

if you like 3 youll like 4. 4 has a few more things but its basically far cry 3,5

Pagan minb more likeable than the rebels lmao