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"We could use more troopers like you!"
Good feels.

It feels like every BF2 thread is just an excuse to post the same memes again and again now. I haven't seen Sup Forumsattlefront in ages.
The Battlefront reboot was a mistake.

Have faith, user. BF 2 might not be soul crushingly terrible

The fact that it's got a campaign based on the Empire gives me a little hope but the first one was just such a slap in the face that I don't think I can justify ever spending money on a sequel.

Empire campaign is the step in the right direction. Maybe even some redpill on why the Empire was a necessary and justified entity.
(140 years of war followed its destruction in legends)

Considering that there was 1000 years of peace under a single galactic government prior to it and it lasted less than a generation, I'd say the Empire really sucked, even compared to Earth governments. Palpatine had absolute control of a system which had the potential to end scarcity, and he fucked it up bad.

As much as I like playing the Empire in SW games Palpatine really was a shit tier leader. Although the new Republic in sequel films might actually be worse, I can't tell yet.

The Empire was fucked only because of serious plot armor on the heroes.

Remove CIS scum

is there a loli race in star wars?

it's going to be full of microtransactions.

A lot of things (((Palpatine))) did were reprehensible. He is entertaining to watch though.

>played both sides in the Clone Wars
>when some fucking clone learned the truth about Order 66, Palpatine went to full SHUT IT DOWN mode
>leaves everyday Imperial duties to his subordinates; guys like Tarkin and Thrawn could not offset nearly everybody else's fuckups against the growing Rebellion. Yes I'm looking at you, Krennic, you massive faggot

I've completely lost faith in all the new star wars comics, shows, games, and movies.

I don't get this guy, he looks old enough to remember the Jedi order and the clone wars but he questions Vader about the Force.

Also how do you erase ALL information about the Jedi when they were the generals of the largest army in the galaxy?


Vader comics have actually been great. Best part was when the Sand People actually worship him as a god of death.

Star wars is just a nostalgic thing from my childhood, now. In hindsight the prequels were garbage, but I remember them fondly and still have a soft spot for the clone wars.

most people never met a Jedi. He, like Han, had HEARD of the Jedi, but never saw one in action.

The Jedi are a significant force in the galaxy, but their numbers were so small. Meeting one in person was highly unlikely in such a vast galaxy, it's no big surprise that guys like Motti get the wrong impression of what they were.

The Jedi purge also likely made many Imperials grow arrogant and complacent.

the dark times and republic comics mentioned it
the jedi didn't care about recognition so they're never mentioned as heroes to the normal people
when order 66 was done the imperial officers became the heroes and those who didn't accept and still believed it was the jedi were removed and/or killed.

If Mark fucking Hamill is shitting on the new trilogy, it's fucked beyond repair.
He's so jaded now, though

>lying down on the floor on-stage
>Memories can be vile, repulsive little brutes... Like children, I suppose!

Man, Hamill knows what's what.

>Also how do you erase ALL information about the Jedi when they were the generals of the largest army in the galaxy?

Also, considering the Inquisitorius is a thing, the Empire likely didn't wipe out information on the Jedi, just blocked access to it.


i wish people would ask him questions about wing commander.

What the FUCK happened to the Berserk anime??

I swear to fucking god if they add black and female clones in the next ea battlefront. Fucking Swedes

They wouldn't do that... Right?

I'm pretty sure Palpatine didn't do anything in the day to day running of the empire

>Prequel gameplay at e3
please be good

Will there ever be another good Star Wars game again?

No Star wars sucks

They are really tickling dicks by having prequel content and space battles in the next battlefront. I want to believe

The troopers you play as will defect to the newly formed Resistance during the second act.


I know you're pulling this out of your ass but at this same time this is totally plausible for a modern Star Wars game and likely going to happen.

>Will probably never have battlegrounds that seamlessly blend space battles and ground combat like in that really old tech demo

I'll never not be sad

They can't do that because vehicles are a powerup that you can't enter or exit.

