Joycon breaks after one night of fighting games

One of the most popular streamers just said that one night of playing Ultra Street Fighter 2 killed his joycon. "Quality Nintendo product" he says sarcastically, saying it's shameful that the Switch is poorly made and couldn't withstand one night of fighting game fun with his friends.


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What do you expect when this guys has tourettes




and autism. trying to crack jokes when he's with "his friends" should be on a cringe compilation.

Sad and pathetic

people still watch this guy? wtf?

but why do joycons break just from playing standard fighting games?

Use a Pro Controller then

We're all waiting for him to say Nigger again

>People like thing?!


did i miss something

do u faggots like anyone thats not a neckbeard


I'm having a hard time believing he ever said nigger in public

He really did

He 100% said Nigger dagger

He's in the FGC, wouldn't be surprised if he said nigger plenty of times off camera.

It was a slip of the tongue on a stream. He apologized and explained once he realized what he said, even though it was just a slip of the tongue and no one actually gave a shit.

When you try to meme chigger chagger ninjer dagger it's bound to happen eventually

fuck off neogaff

>chigger chagger nigger dagger*

I like Nickelback.

Fuck off Sup Forums


Nigger it's fucking nu/v/. People will blow anything over proportions. Why do you even try to land some reasoning here? It's a lot cause.

Is this even meme worthy? Who hasn't said nigger before.

Face the truth faggot

Max said Nigger on stream and NeoGA/v/ went in full damage control

Bitch ass Max would break a Joy-Con. He's a shit tier meme who can't do anything.

Based DSP and Lord LTG have such high meme powers that they can caused a Switch to explode by touching it. In fact, DSP did just that and had to play BOTW on WiiU.

>Literally no one in this thread even attempts to defend Nintendo
>only deflect becayse they know there is nothing to defend

LMAO, the Switch is fucking FINISHED. Get dunked on kiddos, your garbage Fischer-price toy got demolished by one of the most popular streamers.

I like how the thread just immediately devolved into something that has nothing whatsoever to do with video games.

Was he death gripping the joycon?

That doesn't clear anything up for me at all. I don't even watch the guy's videos, all I said was no one actually gave a shit that he slipped and said "nigger" instead of "ninjer."

I want to discuss DSP and LTG. They are the only people on YouTube who know how to speak and play vidya.

The Nigger Dagger is from a video game (For Honor)

probably because the person using them is a chronic button masher


It's funny because he felt compelled to yell out random stuff because of muh retarded twitch streamer hype culture but fucked up and said NIGGER DAGGER like a dumb tool then fuccboi viewers donate thousands of dollars because they're that emotionally attached to a streamer

Used to watch Max since 2012 but a couple years ago I started getting tired of his clickbait thumbnail face bullshit and his fake attitude.
When he did that stream where he shat all over Miku the anime parody stuff was kinda funny but this was too far just for donation money despite the chat telling him to give it a chance, I stopped watching. Plus then the nigger dagger thing happened which was funny as fuck. Guy's a fucking tool and I wish I saw that sooner.

I only have enough information to know that he spent a night playing SF2U on the Switch and the joycon broke that same night. For all I know it could of ran out of power and he was too much of an idiot to charge it. What probably happened was that he was way too hard on it and it failed. I don't know why he was playing the game with a joycon instead of a pro controller.

he had a defective unit since day 1, i love max but him claiming that this mirrors all systems is downright dumb

Well its one incident.
Even if its a "popular streamer" theres not much to say outside of either "He shouldnt get so mad that he smashes things" or "Ninetndo needs to make stronger stuff"

>I don't know why he was playing the game with a joycon instead of a pro controller.
he was

Max s pretty genuine in his vids, he tries hard to be fair to MvC Infinite for instance since it's not out but after the simplified inputs and roster leaks you can tell he's dissapointed as hell. His only solace is that X and Stryder are in which I kind of identify with since Ultron and Dante are the only characters I would touch.

His streams are incredibly cancer and should be ignored at all times though.

It's either e-celeb discussion or console wars. Take your poison.

Anyone here ever get a chance to play Max online?

>What probably happened was that he was way too hard on it and it failed. I don't know why he was playing the game with a joycon instead of a pro controller.

Your damage control is absolutely adorable

Why is this even a thread. Some popular e celeb talked 30 seconds about how he broke a controller during a stream. What's the big deal?

I like Max's videos but just because one guy breaks his controller, it isn't the end all be all

>literally just one night of playing some SF2
>i threw my controller at the wall like every normal person playing fighting games and it just broke
>quality nintendo product, can't handle SF2 LOL

Doesn't this guy work for MS or some shit? I know he got a job working on Killer Instinct a while back

His opinion doesn't matter cause it's biased

>he doesn't main the Chinder Changer Nigger Dagger

e-celebs are cancer, but a broken clock is right twice.

This isn't even the first time I've heard of this.


>Implying it wasn't him sperging out, squeezing the controller, and mashing the buttons

>damage control
>countless Nintendo hate threads

You sure seem to be awfully caught up on such a weak console.
I think you're just bitter that Sony is going to lose again.

>Play like a retard and have no hand-eye coordination

>end up breaking controller

>seeing its this fag Max, he overdid it

>Blame Nintendo you don't have self control

Fuck off Max, no body cares

Or maybe Nintendo just made a cheap faulty system and it broke :)
It could always get better over time friend

I don't know how he was using the Joycon, and this is the first I've heard of anybody breaking it over the game. Actually, this is the first time I've even heard of this person.

I can't defend this. He just has to send it in for repair. If I see any more reports of this, then yeah, it's a problem.

Anyone who watches these sweaty neckbeard John Goodman's is cancerous anyway.

This, Max take your Nigger dagger and Sudoku

>Fighting game sperg

He chimped out and broke it in rage like a typical tourneyfag. It's still Nitnendo's fault partly for not making the controllers out of Nintendium anymore.

Lulwat, he plays KI on PC, almost never turns on his Xbox

>It's still Nitnendo's fault partly for not making the controllers out of Nintendium anymore.
>can drop if from 1000 ft
>Nigger dagger spergs out and slams it against the floor dozens of time
These spergs go through GC and N64 controllers like mad, it's not the Nintendum's fault

>implying you don't crack jokes with your friends

Don't you even try to blame this on Nintendo, you homo!

As you can read in this thread, Nintendo is not at fault here. It's that Nickelback looking faggot's fault for breaking his controller!

You're being ironic but yes, fgc faggots throw their controller at the ground ALL the time

Pretty sure he said ninger.

He said Nigger Dagger