Wtf happened?

wtf happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

this is what happens when you smoke weed and speedrun

He did a sequence break on his own chromosomes.

He decided to change to Easy mode, halfway through his life, by becoming a woman. But even with that, he is still having a terrible time.

mental illness

Would you?

Not enough donations

He wanted to be a girl.
At first he seemed sane, but then the meds given to him by the doctors kicked in. A lot of side-effects fucked him up. He proceeds to live off of soylent only to fuck up his body and mentality further. He thought that he would be a cute and feminine girl like most of the shit he sees online, but in the end he only fucked up his mental and body health with shit like living off soylent, smoking weed, and other bullshit.
Now he is trying to get fit by making a video of himself working out aggressively only to look like an idiot.


you already know the boipucci is prime


I thought this Tranny was going to kill themself

Suicide when?

Also he is trying to live off of donations. What he should've done was milk the speed run donations and subs all the way until he is able to live off that money financially for years. Instead, he wanted to be a girl which backfired on him completely.

Hold up. Is that the same person as the OP pic?

The internet preying on insecurity and a weak mind.

That shit they put in the water. Any cultural shift is preceded by a biological shift.

No, but just pretend it is.

It can be broken down into three easy words.


No. The one OP posted has fucked up teeth while this one has good teeth.

>you will never visit his stream one day and see him back to normal doing this

estrogen and trolling


dance with user, dance with me.




Cosmo pwease go to bed.

Is that black and white picture really him? He looks like the monster from REC.

Literally a nintenbro mindbreak.

Literally turning into a snake creature

Pumping your body full of estrogen with meme meals of the future aka soylent

She is actually really cute.

It's called being a Neotendo fan

Literally because his GF cheated on him with a literal manlet (he's 5'2") and sent him into a mental breakdown spiral.

t. someone who knew him and Adrian IRL

What does Cosmo smell like IRL and did you know him post-tranny?


Please tell me there are lewds.



>the hands
every time

>getting emasculated so hard in a Mario game that you actually turn in your man card

This will never not be funny.

I only knew him pre-tranny. He was actually pretty hygienic - His apartment looked like a meth addict lived in it though. He had maybe 5 pieces of silverware and like 4 plates, and aside from his bed and chair, no furniture.

>giant ass nose
>big manly chin and cheeks
>hiding adams apple in every picture

yeah no, at least find a good looking trap

why are ppl attracted to manfaced "traps"

why does Sup Forums keep bullying her?

>black and white
That was really funny, user

She's got Marfan's Syndrome.


I felt a wave of revulsion at this pic. You faggots need help

lost his OoT record and he suffered for it

You losers need to get out more

she looks like a battleborn character

It's an actual girl tho.

just post the nudes and get done with it

Name? I need to do research.

Top tier chain


>go insane and decide to transition
>make a clown of yourself and dont even act or try to look like a girl
Jesus Christ.
And if you can't take the heat of the public spotlight, step out for a while until you have your shit together, or grow some thick skin.

Where do you think we are?

>that fucking nose and chin
I know you Sup Forumsirgin NEETs have no standards but jesus christ.

You will understand one day, user. Until then, here's a trap.

They're too ugly, fat, and socially retarded for an actual woman. It's Stockholm Syndrome Gay.

There's still a man in there, just like me. The fact that someone could fall that low is tragic

not disappointed.

a forum where we argue about video games.playing video games doesnt make you into a faggot

I'm sure lots a men have been inside of you.

I legitimately miss Cosmo.

she looks horrible in this one, YUCK!

Those hands are disgusting holy shit. He could probably palm a basketball.

Disgusting. If that fag had a vagina it would still be an ugly ass bitch

ppl on this board find this attractive

The hands don't bother me. Bigger the better, I have a tall dick. What I dont get is the lack of neck in any pic of hers. Like, I know theres a penis on her somewhere, would an Adam's Apple really harm the illusion of femininity that much?

For being a skeleton, she's got an alright back end.

>No U

If you're going to be gay you should at least go after an actual masculine man.

twinks/traps/trannies all give gay people like me a bad name. fucking degenerates

>Man ass

Not really.

Depends on the circumstances, family. If you're just asking if in some reality I would dick her, the answer is yes. Definitely not that offensive to look at. It's not like I'd be fucking the elephant man.

Cosmos record for Ocarina of Time was beat so he went insane.

>What I dont get is the lack of neck in any pic of hers

>tfw big hands and nothing i can do about them
>tfw will never get to hold on to user's much bigger hands because mine are probably at least his size

He tried to glitch life by becoming a woman but RNG wasnt kind to him.

>twinks/traps/trannies all give gay people like me a bad name. fucking degenerates

Gay people give gay people a bad name, it isn't just that subset

What have you got against the Elephant Man, you prick?

JOHN NUMBERS happened live in front of a few million people.

It's tragic. If only he knew how to wall jump.

>tfw small hands but big shoulders and ribcage

Doesnt he breakdown crying in a stream at least every week.

How to Hit Rock Bottom [2 Years] WR PB

It was so difficult to watch him completely and utterly fail to do one of the most simple things in the run.

How does John Numbers feel about destroying Cosmo's sanity?

John Numbers is lying in wait for the next Nintendo Championships so he can fuck Cosmo so hard he tries to transition into a beluga whale.

>tfw you'll never be John Numbers, bored, on a Friday night running across Cosmo streaming
>tfw you'll never laugh yourself red in the face, knowing, you sent him into that spiral of insanity

>tfw small hands but not a faggot

If i remember correctly, he had a qt3.14 gf like 5 years ago, then he had a relationship with a tumblr stereotype before he went batshit insane.

Im guessing she influenced him in some kind of way, but heeeey thats just a theory.

Don't trannies know that ugly females have it just as bad as men? If you weren't attractive as a male there's no point to transition to a female.

I bet he feels like a true Nintendo World Champion.

Ugly boys make the best girls, though. I was a complete low-test beta.

Trying a bit too hard there, user.

And you still are.