Why do furries need to ruin everything?

Why do furries need to ruin everything?
>Star Fox

These were all solid games before furries decided to come in and forcibly associate their anthropomorphic characters with their cancerous fetish.
Hell I know it isn't vidya related but when my Aunt left my baby cousin at my house so I could look after her, I had to watch My Little Pony with her and while I'd never watch it on my own, I thought it was a well put together cartoon. But after the furries turned into Bronies and made all that weird bestiality shit I can't look at the merchandise my baby cousin owns without imagining all the disgusting horse porn.

I mean if you have a fetish, fine. I'm not in a position to judge people's weird fetishes but keep it in your damn bedroom and if you HAVE to put it on the web keep it on your own damn
niche websites. FUCK!


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That might've held weight back in 2001, when Digimon Tamers was airing and Renamon was popular. Nowadays, Digimon is just full of waifufags going after their favorite set of breasts. There aren't even any gay barafags around anymore.

The massive amount of other autism in the fandom has, amazingly, drown out the general furry audience. There's far more gay shota porn of Sans than there is furry porn.

You want to see furries ruin everything? Try starting a Klonoa or Tail Concerto thread.

>Leaving out Crash and Sly

I don't play Sonyshit.

Crash/DKC seems to just be that one autist who wants to fuck a monkey, as opposed to everybody jumping on board with the furry porn.

Sly tends to be actual video game discussion with the occasional porn image, which is about what you would expect from around here. Honestly, the problem is that the series is dead so there isn't much to discuss.

>These were all solid games

OP it seems your real problem is you have complete shit taste.

do the games shove furry porn in your face?
no? only on the internet when you look for it?

>I can't look at the merchandise my baby cousin owns without imagining all the disgusting horse porn
OP, as a complete weirdo who jerks off to horse porn on the regular, I don't understand this at all. My niece has pony merchandise, and I don't think about porn at all when I see it. I hide this shit as much as possible. I've been watching it since 2012, and nobody else knows. I know what you're talking about when you say obnoxious weirdos who talk about their porn in public, but even my exposure to them doesn't make me think of pony pussy when I see my niece's toys. Weirdo.

I'm one of those "yiff in hell furfags" people but TSONIs FNAF sfm is pretty dank.

>What is association?

Star Fox is a great series, Digimon supposedly has some great games, the first FNAF was super inventive, and Undertale was one of the best games last year

You seem to have that issue where you autistically can't seperate a work from its fanbase

>Star Fox is a great series
One game, and the rest people complain about because they aren't like the one game
>FNAF was super inventive
The entire thing is jumpscares to make Youtube videos. Its as inventive as shit.
>Undertale was one of the best games last year
I liked it, but no.

Star Fox ruined itself with bad games. Only the first two are really good, the GC games are mixed bags that most hate because they aren't like the first two, and finally Command and Zero are just bad. Digimon I see more people going for the humans and Digimon that are basically humans in fancy outfits, and most of the hard autism you can find doesn't show up unless you look for it. Either way most of the games are mediocre and they only really have picked up consistently recently. FNAF was never good. Undertale was alright, and the vast majority of its fanbase is cancerous porn or no. The game remains alright despite its fanbase.

>autistically can't seperate a work from its fanbase
Yeah that's pretty much it.

I still jam to Undertale's OST but I can't replay the game anymore. Which is okay because I already got all 3 endings.

I'm not like those other fags who hate a game because of it's fanbase though. I just hate the fanbase. I'll never understand these people who hate a game because of its fans. The developer doesn't get to choose their fans or get to control how they act.

There are probably some people that like Star Fox (SNES). Assuming you're referring to Star Fox 64 as the good one. Admittedly it's the only one I've played.

FNAF was absolutely inventive. The whole concept of watching over the rooms on a tablet and trying to survive the night isn't something I've seen anywhere else. It's crazy stressful. While the game is full of bullshit jumpscares, the way your stomach drops when you realize one of the fuckers is missing from their room is great.
Obviously, the sequels were just the same game over and over again, I'm not defending those.

>the way your stomach drops when you realize one of the fuckers is missing from their room is great
This. I got the game before knowing about the jumpscares and I was almost pissing myself WAY before the first time I got jumpscared. The feeling of helplessness is intense. I never completed the first night. The game does its job too well.

Don't forget Wow

Oh god Wow is furry central

Everything is someone's fetish.

Anything anime related gets ruined by perverted weabs.
Anything non-human related gets ruined by perverted furries/scalies
Anything non-anime and humanoid gets ruined by vanilla perverts.

Someone right is likely masturbating as he reads your post. Once you come to understanding that everything in existence will likely get perverted and ruined, it will stop bothering you.

Really? How so?
I don't play Wow

You'd never see their weird fetish shit without looking for it if it weren't for shitposters.

Don't blame the people who fap to strange and stupid shit on their own time, blame the assholes who browse this very board.

Furries don't ruin anything, you're just naming fanbases that were inherently bad.

The fursecution ended in 2006, we're here to stay, get over it.

I think people who call franchises shit because the fanbase is shit are retards.
Undertale fanbase is cancer, but the game is fine.
If you let one subset of degenerates bother you because they jerk off to one game, what's stopping you from the other games? Can't play Nier: Automata now because everyone sexualizes 2b and there shit ton of porn with her. Can't play TLoU because of all the Ellie porn.
Deal with it and stop letting it bother you, faggot

If there's a term for it, that definitely means that a majority of you tail pluggers did something to deserve it. Get over it.

I don't actually mind furshit but


>making the fictional shit you fap to part of your identity

Fucking kill yourself

>making the fictional shit you fap to part of your identity
not exclusive to furries sadly
otaku culture, lgbt community (hurr gay is my only quality of a person so this is what identify as), political affiliation, geek/nerd culture and etc.

>I pawsed
I chuckled
Kill yourself

>How so?
Tauren, Wargen, and Panderan, from what I remember.

>otaku culture
Only in the most extreme of cases
>lgbt community
Ok, you have a point
>political affiliation
Only in the most extreme of cases
>geek/nerd culture
Only in the most extreme of cases

Now this is shitposting.

which is true for furries as well, just like that shitposter talking about fursecution

I think the problem starts to arise when you try to have an actual discussion on any game and some faggot starts dumping porn.

If people didn't reply to them, they wouldn't be a problem. Once you give them 1 (You) it's over.

>otaku culture
>only the most extreme cases
Kek are you serious?
Weeaboos are the biggest example of this shit
If you haven't seen a weeb swear off '3DPD', you haven't been here for very long

FNAF was ruined by pretentiously edgy "lore"

Undertale is mostly because it's a 2 hour game and Toby refuses to answer any of the stupid shit about Gaster or Sans because he's a lazy fuck who likes Creepypastas too much.

>You seem to have that issue where you autistically can't seperate a work from its fanbase
Not for nothing, but isn't that essentially OP's complaint?


Stop giving this retard attention

>otaku culture
>nerd/geek culture
>political affiliation
>Only in the most extreme of cases
Is today your first day on Sup Forums
The entire website is filled with the first one, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /vg/, /toy/, /tg/ and /vr/ are filed with the second one, and you don't need me to tell you the who fills the latter

user, Undertale is almost two years old

He only serves to further the point that furries are disgusting attention whores

>bone tiddies

>implying Sup Forums isn't one of our niche websites

This. There are characters that I feel should never ever be sexualized no matter what, but I'm not going to get into autistic fits if someone posts lewds of them because it's not as if I'd ever be able to change their minds and I'd come off as a faggot being upset that people don't think the same way I do. You just have to learn to ignore that shit. But that doesn't mean furries aren't a problem. Furries have pulled some really stupid shit and got games ruined. Remember Kaiju Combat and how it got ruined by this green fucker?

Yeah I sure do remember a failed kickstarter that was doomed from the start

>These were all solid games
stopped reading there, get some non-shit taste before you complain

night trap did something very similar first

> I can't look at the merchandise my baby cousin owns without imagining all the disgusting horse porn.
Even though it was furries/bronies, who introduced this kind of stuff, it's you, who imagine horse porn. So, you know, games didn't changed because furries. You are the cancer here.

>ruining FNAF

Ignoring the obvious "it was never good", that's gotta be the dumbest thing I've heard. I've played all those games because my friend likes to see me play horror games but I've seen so many god damn things and even Sup Forums threads that had zero mention of furries. I know OP is baiting for come on.

>Anybody remember the part where X because Y?
>I paused then masturbated.

This can apply to just about anything, male, female, human, furry. Also, those are some bad choices as examples of furries ruining things.

Because literally no one wants them or their autistic fetish around

They're like that one annoying retarded kid who thinks if he sticks around your friendgroup long enough you guys will just get used to him being there and let him stay even though you constantly tell him to fuck off and kill himself

Yes user, do tell me about the time an innocuous furry creature did a thing in every other game and someone masturbated furiously to that furry creature meant just to entertain children that also i guess according to you is in every game ever

No, go ahead, im waiting

Or it's just someone throwing out bait to catch some easy (You)s.

Coming out as a furry is the most autistic thing I can think of. Who comes out for a fucking hobby? I don't walk up to my mom and say "Mom..... I'm a gamer!" It's retarded as fuck. I think it's really more of a "I'm a special snowflake that deserves attention" kind of thing rather than actually coming out. If you honestly believe you should come out for some dumb hobby you have on the internet, go talk to a doctor and get a diagnosis for high functioning autism.

Furries haven't been a problem since sjws took the top spot of public enemy

I feel like furries are only as popular as they are today because of that CSI episode that was all over the fucking place back in the early 2000s. I guess it got a lot of people interested in Furries and the fandom grew over time as they influenced more people into their fandom. Without the CSI episode, I'm pretty sure Furries wouldn't be nearly as popular today. Maybe half as popular.

Digimon is still hella sexualized even without antropomorphic animal creatures. Last games have had some serious fire bitches too.

Yes, Sup Forums seems to have had like 10 threads about it this week.

Funnily enough, the only thing I know about Kaiju Combat is that it got ruined by furries. Nobody talks about the actual game which makes me think it was doomed from the start

You weren't there for the early threads, then. There was quite a bit of hype and hopes for all the different kinds of kaiju designs and what made it into the game and what didn't. Then that happened, and honestly I'm not sure how the furry brought the entire game down. But that seems to be all anyone talks about concerning it nowadays.

There was the one character with literal sugar tits, though.

Apparently some furry threw a lot of money at the dev to have his fucksona in the game or something and then other people started doing it and instead of taking their money the dev decided to shut the game down because I guess he felt dirty taking cum stained money.

It's funny to me how just a few people with money can cause this much ass pain and the only thing that the fans of the game can do at this point is autistically screech about some dogfuckers ruining their game.

What was it going to be anyway? A 2D SV/Tekken style game? A side scroller? Would it have been 3D? Would it have a story mode? An online mode? Split screen? What platforms would it have been released on? Why does nobody talk about the actual game, maybe trying to make their own and instead just yell in rage at someone who doesn't care and is too busy jerking off to his green kangaroo getting fucked.

I don't understand this "fans ruined x" crap. Your hatred of the fans has nothing to do with the game.

Yet you faggots still bring it up. You faggots were never welcome, don't think that just because everyone else started shitposting that people are suddenly okay with yours.

All furries need to be fucking shot, I have not met a normal furry, they're the biggest fucking degenerates around.

>Gay shota porn
>Sands Undertale

He is just a skeletal midget that was ruined by "NUTTIN PEERSONAL KEEED" edgelords, "I WANT THE SKELETON COCK" Tumblr chicks and "lol bad time" memers. Asriel (and sometimes Frisk) were the shota(s).

Furries are great

You could just ignore them you know.

He funded like two thirds of the entire thing and then threatened to remove his donations daily in order to influence their decisions. The devs couldn't handle it and decided to shut down

Furries were the least of Undertale's problems m8. It basically had all of Tumblr worshiping it.

Oh that's evil, I wish I had that much money

How do furries impact my life unless I decide to become a furry and join their clubs or whatever?
The "media x has bad fanbase" is the most insane complaint ever.