I'm going to reinstall it and there's nothing you can do to the stop me

I'm going to reinstall it and there's nothing you can do to the stop me.

Other urls found in this thread:


Cool user, I hope you have fun.

Its cool, makes me sad that when I logged in last month RA was so fucking dead I couldn't get any matches. Can't believe GW2 replaced this game.


All they had to do for GW2 was basically remake GW1 and it would have been the greatest MMO of all time but no.

Are the servers even up?

I assume so, although I'm getting horrendous down speed despite having great internet.

Nothing good lasts forever, user, it had to end.
What's sad is that no one picked up the spirit of GW...

just like old times

They are, I think ArenaNet are pretty committed to keeping them up as long as they're able.





A meme bar



rez my bois

Have fun. Remember to play the campaigns in order. With henchmen

>remake GW1
Nah. Need jumping puzzles still. Those are the best part of GW2.

Fuck those niggers.

>get into GW1 within weeks of launch
>friend and I plow through the campaign
>have to do everything with henchmen, because there's nobody around
>the largest group of people we found were at the Ascension trials
>nobody after those
>get to Ring of Fire
>finally can't proceed, because the henchmen's horrible AI doesn't allow you to get past the lava pits
>we PvP while waiting for people to catch up
>lose interest in the game, and quit before that happens

Ended up finishing it years later with Heroes.

>things that never happened

I got through the prophecies campaign with them a few months ago. Alesia constantly had a -30 rez sickness but I didn't want to play through nightfall again just to get heroes.

For one of the last missions, you have to cross a lava pit. The henchmen at the time would just stop midway across, and try healing themselves instead of pushing across. And you didn't have the henchmen flags or anything to order them across. They just followed whoever was moving.

>we're never going back to Cantha

fucking shoot me

>tfw I've kept it installed for years just to log in and play a little because the nostalgia beckons every once in a while

>wanting to go back to that shitty city made out of boxes
Cantha is overrated

>forgot password and can't get a new one now.
Al I wanna do is nostalgia.

You have far more control over the henchmen now than you did when Prophecies first launched. Back then, they'd just follow whoever was moving, and would otherwise just do the normal AI routine. Now, you have the flags, which they run to NO MATTER WHAT, even if they're being beat on. So, when crossing the lava, once they got down to maybe 60% health, they'd stop, and try healing themselves, and the lava would hurt them faster than they could heal. They'd die, and there was nothing you could do to get them to continue moving across.

The order flags didn't get implemented until Factions I think.

>playing the christmas event on my birthday, wrapped up in a blanket and with snow gently falling outside my window
I'll never get that feeling back. And fuck you google, giving me nothing but GW2 shit when I search for wintersday.

I wish the GW2 devs weren't such fucking cucks. I don't hate GW2 as much as I hate the devs. That and GW1 was a better game. I started playing GW2 anyways... I only like two mmos right now. ESO and GW2.

who tryna group up for something

I hope you enjoy your videogame.

I loved cantha. They really nailed the china feel in how much of a shitty cesspool kaineng city is and the transition to the crossroads between echovald forest and the jade sea was neat.

It sucks that we will never get a spiritual successor the Guild Wars. Modern MMOs just don't cut it at all.

GW1 with updated graffix and a z axis

Well RIP, already tried restarting launcher.

damn dude and thats just to download the main menu

This was literally all I wanted for GW2. Basically GW1.5 and I would've been enthralled for god knows how long.

Funny I see this thread now. Literally just stopped playing with my dad 5 minutes ago.

make sure to add the -image switch
if you're going to d/l it, may as well d/l it all.

make sure you remove it after the download.
have fun.

We're back.

so whats the first thin you're going to do?

I got this game for like 10 bux at the local pawnshop. I wasn't good at it or anything but i remember it being fun

Yep, and you can even see people
Well sometimes
Finished my ritualist rewalkthrough few months ago


I would pay for a Guild Wars "remake" that cut out the more mmo-ey elements, just so I could play through the whole thing with a party of friends and not have to bother with party limits, or henchmen, and the other stuff that makes me not want to play through GW again.

Great times though. Even if I was shit at PVP.

you can get a full party of fully customizable hero npcs to go through the game now, can even activate their skills manually if you want

They're all gone, I'll never play with these people again. All the fun times we had, the long hours and late nights spent playing. Gone forever.

I have still installed it on my PC for good couple years. My guild is dead, with around 60 people being offline 4+ years. I do play from time to time, but alone is kind of boring.

>those builds
>those skills
>those lost hours in preparation to
>those plenty of hourse spent on dungeons

>first guild i ever joined in an MMO
>dont really know how a guild works
>eventually learning how to trap for zkeys and run outposts on my dervish
>doing FA/PVP with guild mates

first time I ever felt welcome in a group of people that liked stuff I liked, this game leaves some dear memories for me that cant be relived even if I reinstalled it right now which I did before and it felt like poking a dead corpse of a person I used to know
This song in particular really tears me up, strongest sense of nostalgia I ever have had


It gets really sad when someone on your friends list is dead.

every time. feels that tug right at the guild wars heartstrings. went looking for guru awhile ago. it's gone.

Everytime ;_;
Also: youtube.com/watch?v=LA8GKXPeqXQ

>No MMO will ever be as good as Guild Wars was.

>we all thought GW2 will be better version of GW1
>we were all wrong...

Guild wars was great game, but as mmo it was pretty meh

>That disappointment of starting to play GW2 and realizing it wasn't the same

Good meme, op

it hurts user, i have iirc over 10k+ hours in gw1..
didnt even log over 500 hours in gw2

I was playing Beta and somehow enjoyed it. However when final game came out, I've stopped playing it after 2 weeks because of how boring skills and fighting systems were. Last mission was one of the worst I have played in my whole life... 3/4 of the mission we were just standing on that fucking ship and talking how boring that mission is.

The disappointment began when they revealed the skill system. What it finally killed it for me was the PvP and the removal of the monk.
>no buildwars
>no HA
>no GvG
>no spikes

>127 months in february


I dont have to do anything

You're a jaded 20 something basement dweller who lives with his parents and hasn't even touched a girl in years

You'll get tired of it and move on because no game will fill the hole in your life where living should be.

My main chara...

You're a jaded 20 something

basement dweller who lives with his parents
>I'm actually in the Navy and live in Hawaii

and hasn't even touched a girl in years
>Woman aren't worth the risk

>mfw birthday present for 10 years or so
>Happy birthday, hero!

I tried to read this thread, but my heart got way too heavy with nostalgia. When I hit , I had to give up. God speed, OP. Enjoy having to play one of the greatest games of all time solo.

That emote reminds me, I remember the first ever R15, I Starcraft Zergrush I in GANK. Guild leaders name was l Oh My l IIRC. I wanted nothing more than to be in that guild.

>and hasn't even touched a girl in years
>>Woman aren't worth the risk
Im sure the HIV you get from your commanding officer is safer

I love you mate.

>Be in Merchant Navy and sail around the World
>currently have GF

boy... you act like a pussy with such insults. Looks like you have never tasted anything other piece of bread from your moms armpit.

You keep up that attitude. We'll see who's laughing when they're false accused or rape or stuck paying child support for a kid that probably isn't even theirs.

add me : Fenrir Grik


I remember trying to do this back when I had dialup. The pain was intense and then as soon as I got in (after days) I kept getting disconnected.

fuck it, the feels are to much.

My first mmo. I wish there was a way to make it a single player game, and you can invite people online or something.

i didn't know arnold was into guild wars

>installing to your SSD

>notice the SSD_Games
>mfw 1 tb ssd
>installing to SSD_Games partition

Would this be good for me and my lads to play?

There's literally nothing wrong with installing games on an SSD


sent :^)

voids the warrenty
destorys the expected lifetime
unrewriteable memory even after defragging

>voids the warrenty
>destorys the expected lifetime
10yr warranty. i'll be dead by then

have... you been defragging your SSD?

Let me guess, you regularly clean the registry also?

>hi, i'm post 378942032 and welcome to jackass!

You are fucking retarded,

>found my old GW screenshots folder this morning
>now this thread

I can't fucking handle this.
>tfw remembering day 1 of Codex Arena

You are stronger then me user, i want to play as well but i dont want to see how everyone is gone, it's like entering a hospital room and seeing your friend in a coma connected to machines which he will never wake from.