I dare you to find a worse bossfight (mechanically speaking) in all of vidya.
Protip: You probably can, I just really fucking hate everything having to do with Rathalos.
I dare you to find a worse bossfight (mechanically speaking) in all of vidya
*throws flash bomb*
Bed of Chaos
I really like fighting rathalos and love the design of the armour, it's a fun fight and I enjoy monster hunter
fuck pink rathian though
Shoot him down with a gun
>its an azure rathalos flies for 45 minutes episode
I actually have more fun fighting a dreadqueen rathian than a rathalos for many reasons, including the amazing inclusion of a sniper talon attack on los
Well, what weapon do you main? It can be a bitch with certain ones but overall it's not that bad. Bring flash bombs and traps.
Rathalos isn't a bad boss. It's just that the director in charge of MH has a fucking hard on for him and Rathian and can't stop introducing new variants whenever possible.
>blocks your path
Nothing is more annoying than this fucker, especially for Blademasters. Only Black Gravios comes close in terms of obnoxiousness
I haven't played since MHFU, but this fucker right here was the absolute worst
>gets blinded, stands up and then hovers in the air, just out of reach for the whole duration
>Be LBG main
>Be Lance main
>Never have problems with Khezu
It is actually fun to counter and punish the shock attacks with lance and LBG straight up shits on it.
Khezu is still best monster tho.
Honestly the AI back then wasn't good, but his was exceptionally retarded.
*throws another flash bomb*
Is not the AI, it is the fucking horrendous hitbox of the hipcheck.
Green Plesi is a fucking nightmare.
Mrrrrow. Nyaa nyaa. Mrow. Purrrrr.
If you're not breaking parts or KOing Rath with the free hits flashbombs give you, you deserve to get rekt from the skies.
I really hate plesioth and all variations of it.
fuck you got me
>Introducing new Los/Ian variants
Not necessarily bad.
>Shoving Los/Ian and the variants into every key quest or urgent possible
>Make the equipment they create some of the best in the game
Stop that Ichy Nose.
Chill dawg I ain't complaining, just shitposting. Put your dick away.
*ignores your flash bomb*
No really, I think they added a cooldown until a monster can be flashed again in more recent games, because I've tried chain flashing monsters and it doesn't work anymore, they just ignore the flash
Rath weapons look cool tho.
I agree.
But sometimes it's just too much.
Rathling Gun is pure sex though.
Bullshit, the lost musket is the living proof of that, the monster will spend most of it's time being blind and exploding at the same time.
this. gunner's have huge value during these fights.
>internal flash ammo
get fucked
That was added in 3rd Generations
That's after the 3rd one.
First 2 are fine
3rd one is reduced
4th and on one knocks them out of air, but doesn't get dazed
There's also unique mutations that straight up ignore your flashbombs like Dreadking
>lost musket
my nigga, that shit is a handheld carpet bombing. stuns with the best of them
>lost my mhgen save
what should I do for XX? Im not sure I can stomach the grind again.
Wait until MH5 or Dasding custom quest creator/powersaves.
Two words: Key rush.
Take the strongest weapon of your favorite weapon type and upgrade only that weapon then proceed to brutalize your way to G rank.
I guess, but fucking barrage earrings man. I'll probably look into trainers for charms though
Helicopter boss in Ninja Gaiden 3:Razor's Edge.
Hard as fuck due entirely to it hinging on the abysmal camera.
>I dare you to find a worse bossfight (mechanically speaking) in all of vidya.
Wat 'bout Garuga? Or Monoblos?
Gen turns room.