
This most recent patch is pretty good so far, what do you think?

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Did it Nerf Skye yet because she really needs that Nerf D right about now

im actually surprised with how well it seems like all the new characters are balanced

i havent played that much recently but it seems like lex is for shitters and maeve is the go-to shitlord random player choice to not contribute and get less damage and kills than the support

No but it added a new front line character as well as a hand full of buffs/nerfs.

I think you should just pay 20 bucks. And play overwatch. How fucking poor are you? Only hero of value is bomb king.

It's not even funny how everyone picks Skye especially on payload. Being a Pip, and Ying main is literally hell when dealing with her
LeX is for No fun allowed tryhards
Meave is just cancer in servival
And Skye is the same for Lex everyone else seem ok in their places

i absolutely love bomb king and everything about his design

ive just been playing siege or whatever and literally every round so far whoever picked maeve on my team always doesnt contribute at all and regularly gets bottom kills and damage which is fucking retarded

Could they atlest give him a movement speed buff to counter act the Dash recharge rate because he really need that in order to beat Skye in that feild

No thanks I honestly prefer Paladins. Overwatch is cool but the devs play favorites.

I agree with the Roadhog nerfs though!

Androxus feels very strong to me, his magnum hits hard and he's versatile, but I play Lex far more so I might be biased.

Who is the best Character, and why is it's Androxus

Yeah Androxus Defiense, and primary fire are top nocth, but His Reversal really didn't feel like something he needed he was a glass Cannon that had good mobility, but he clearly gets out done by Skye in the flanker department

>just got nerfed

Makoa is the best

So, sell me on this game. Or rather, convince me to play it. What would you say it does better to Overwatch? Or if that's not a fair comparison, what makes it stand out as its own game?

What do you prefer, Ass or Tits?

I appreciate both pretty evenly. Though that's not the main reason why I'd play either of the games, user.

What the fuck? Grover is in Paladins? Where's Sylvanus and the owl that lives in his chest?

>that's not the main reason why I'd play either of the games
>not having your priorities straight

It has bomb king. Play him for 4 hours and then Uninstall. Play overwatch and realize how fucking dead palidans is in comparison. Never go full retard and play battleborn.

If you are a poor shit and can't steal mom's credit card play Palidans.

If not pay the 20 dollars and experience a fine polished game instead. Zero reason to play a poor man's clone.

Ruckus wins every time he's so baller.
I can agree that his reversal, while quite cool, is not what he needs yet I can't really think of what else he should have other than a stalking tool like Lex.
I prefer Paladin's character design more, the art style is of a lesser overall quality, however.
It feels more fast paced, as you get mounts to ride toward the payload/point rather than walking there.
Also you have ways to custumize your playstyle. You have cards with efects, and you have loadouts that can have 5 cards with varying degrees of upgrade points to tweak how strong you want your heals/cc reductions/reload speed buffs/etc. to be.

Stop posting overwatch for poorfags
Stop posting overwatch while you're at it

I'll save the fapbait for the Japanese games that have 'em, mate.
I already got Overwatch, and I really just wanna try something different. But what is it about Bomb King that's so popular anyway? I see him get mentioned in these threads whenever I pop in for a look.
That sounds sorta neat. But how balanced is the game to begin with?

>Zero reason to play a poor man's clone.
They were developed at roughly the same time and there similarities aren't too extensive, Drogoz plays totally differen't than Pharra, Roadhog and Makoa share a hook, however they both have different tools to tank in a fight.

Another reason to not play paladins is 90% of games are decided in the first minute because of wrong hero picks that you are locked to.

The card system is not enough to fix this fucking issue as the rest of the game you are playing catch up to a winning comp.

Itss honestly a really shity unpolished mess.

Both are casual pieces of shit that get old after a 15 minute play session

The difference is that Paladins doesn't make me pay to be bored


Is there a Ying and Widowmaker sfm or 3D render crossover yet? I just want to see Ying's big tits getting fondled or tit fucked and Widowmakers ass fucked with fully detailed anus.

Bomb king is the only hero that is a legit original design that was not clearly stolen from overwatch.

His game play is very satisfying and fun. If you played overwatch you are not going to stay long honesty. The animation quality and quality is so bad compared to overwatch that it's night and day. You honestly will feel the grass is much much greener on the other side.

You all right there, buddy?

>you honestly will feel the grass is greener on the other side
Thats not what that saying means

It's pretty damn fun, but I just can't find my mains.

I like playing Kinessa and Skyie, though. Who is a good healer?

You are right because the grass is legit actually better. No comparison.

>playing not Overwatch

>But how balanced is the game to begin with?
That's debatable, I feel as though it may have the potential to be more frustrating at times, although Paladins gets my heart racing with have mobile some of the characters are, and how threatening they all can be.
You have a sniper who lacks recoil and possesses a fast fire rate, a Genji clone with arcing shurikens and a jumping buff rather than just a double jump, and you have generic shooter guy who's "Not a Nazi Cartoon".

You also get a Lizard Decimator with a Rocket Launcher that Walrus Punches you with his jet pack, and a high-tech battlemech piloted by a cocky goblin who likes miniguns, and a Tribal thunder orc who can turn in to a ghost and likes to dance.

If you like Overwatch I really don't see why you wouldn't have some fun with a free game that's similar yet unique in its own way.

Ying and Maldamba are good healers.

Maldamba can shit out some sick damage too if you're good with him.

>playing Overwatch


Will only only ever reinstall this game once they get rid of this bluescreening POS.

>Biggest tits in game is an erotic Asian elf in green attire
>Best ass in Overwatch is a sniper in purple latex
Fucking Christ it's like the only reason to play these games.

Mal 'Damba is a great healer, so is Seris.

Seris' attacks phase through enemies ands stack up a counter for each hit, which gives her a scaling heal. Plus she has a ghost walk like Grohk but its invisible.

Damba has an AOE team heal as well as a single target heal that like Seris, however his heals over multiple seconds and I don't believe hers does.

Biggest ass is Mei you Mongoloid retard. Get your shit together.

>biggest ass is best ass
Shit taste.

Having played Paladins for about 400 hours and having just gotten into Overwatch last week, I'd say Paladins has a slightly higher fun factor, mostly due to:
>How much you can customize your playstyle, and how out of control it can get
>Silly things, like how many voice commands there are (akin to TF2), and you can spam them even during the POTG
>The fact that it's constantly evolving, like seriously they release a new champion every two weeks

However, Overwatch is a more well-rounded, balanced game. And it's never going to die, because Blizzard.

Paladins might stay "alive" for a while because it's F2P, but if you get good at Paladins, you'll end up playing against the same 30~ eSports players over and over again, because no one actually takes this game seriously.

I guess it comes down to what type of player you are, what game your friends are playing, what champions/heroes you enjoy playing as in either game, etc. Personally I'm done with Paladins, enjoyed it for a good while though.

>He said best ass
>He think he said biggest ass
Get your shit together user.

>apply a Soul Orb stack
>detonate your Soul Charges
>cast your Soul Core
When they write these ability descriptions, do they realize that the average video game player is not a plane-shifting warlock IRL? What the fuck does any of this stuff mean?

Seris is by far best girl

Thank you for the info, anons. I'll give it a download, and here's hoping I have fun with some of the other characters on the roster aside from Bomb King. Because wow, he does look pretty damn fun.

>it's slightly unbalanced
>it's constantly evolving
>they release a new champion every two weeks
Nearly everything you mentioned is a product of the game being in beta, user.

Her voice is a boner-killer and I bet she has cold skin and smells mouldy. Not my type, tbqh.

It means seris needs more r34

Dead games don't get enough r34.



>Splashbrush si the only one drawing anything decent of Paladins and it's very rare.
>Brown girl who shows her stomach and has short hair has almost nothing.
>Ying barely has an ahegao stuff.
What's the point man?

Dead game

A firm, yet soft ass beats just a regular fat ass any day of the week.
