>now we finally why Dex is the best stat
>other stats in this order: Dex > Wisdom > Sta > Cha > Int >>>>Str
What is your favorite stat and why, Sup Forums?
btw. Which games does Stats right? (i.e. no int/cha = can't interact with others)
>now we finally why Dex is the best stat
>other stats in this order: Dex > Wisdom > Sta > Cha > Int >>>>Str
What is your favorite stat and why, Sup Forums?
btw. Which games does Stats right? (i.e. no int/cha = can't interact with others)
Other urls found in this thread:
Charisma because I can abandon main quest and fuck lots of women
t. weak dyel
Faith, but since ONE series and an MMO have it as a stat rather than something else I'll also say Dex, also whichever is the "alternative" magic stat if the game has one, i.e. Spirit, Chi, Focus etc
Funny turtle :)
>hopper with a chopper
This one got me
What the actual fuck, was he reincarnated with a cheat skill?
Stop trying to be me. You're NEVER going to be me.
str is best
pls STRfags.
Man I really need to get around to watching this.
Lck is the only true answer.
I'd like to point out that they both killed around 10-12 guys but it took the dex build longer to do it.
>not cocko glocko
>not cato gato
>not hopper chopper
>not stabo crabo
stick with your fucking theme
If he has 0 dex how did he hit the exact centre of the target?
wtf kind of bird is that?
Black hat man doesn't count since he essentially just has god mode on all the time
999 luck
HP+DEF+Whatever stat does HP Regen.
Get so powerful the enemy can barely hurt you, let alone do enough damage to get past HP Regen.
Apparently you niggas forgot about the WURL OF STRENF
I play tanks. So whichever is the beef stat.
It is interesting in the beginning but it gets a little boring and convoluted by the end of the season.
why is every single thread about RPG stats made by a Dark Souls fan?
Dex is best for weapons assuming minimum STR is had.
Parrying, footwork, feints, blocks, edge alignment, aiming and such are all DEX governed. To kill a man with a sword, you don't need the STR to cut a tree in half with one swing. A STR only fighter will overswing resulting in counters, have bad footwork resulting in trips or suboptimal reach and throw bad cuts because his edge wasn't properly aligned or miss altogether. Speed and technique are much more important. When you can stab your opponent while he raises his blade for a way too powerful overhead chop you win.
But it's the complete opposite when unarmed. A well placed fist isn't nearly as good as a well placed spear/dagger/sword point. You can't make fancy grabs when the opponent is strong enough to brute force out of them.
In ranged combat STR is nigh useless apart from minimum STR. You won't shoot harder than the bow's/crossbiw's poundage anyway and your bullets won't hit harder when you squeeze the trigger harder.
Str fags and Dex fags should team up to slap the titties out of Con fags
Throwing axes use STR for attack.
>level up INT and STR
>also level up DEX, WIS, STA, CHA, CON
How can other stats compete?
This is basically fedora, the comment.
9/10, a bigger guy with a bigger sword wins, especially if armor is involved.
I'll give DEXlets one thing. They get BTFO by STRbros very quickly.
>get poisoned
>enemy just waits because you also do no damage
>You won't shoot harder than the bow's/crossbiw's poundage anyway
iirc, DnD had Compound Bows that added STR scaling up to a point, allowing STRfags to have a ranged weapon that was almost as efficient as DEXfags
I'd rather trust him
More than trust some random user on the Internet with no argument
Dex is only good if it's broken like in the first Persona, where it raises every stat except magic attack. Otherwise STR all the way
scorpions are dexfags tho
>scorpion vs anything else
man i fucking hate these videos, they're pointless
But I mean get fucking real.
Nuh uh, my HP Regen outdoes your poison damage.
Nope best combo is LCK + CHA maxed out.
I was being talking realistic factors with my initial post. Im aware that viddy or pnp games handle things differently
But there's few games where dex isn't broken in some way because there's always tons of shit tied to it. Maybe not all at once but in many games DEX governs
Hit chance
Practical things out of combat like lockpocking or trapping
And now add a dex scaling to weapons and you don't need str ever
STR is mostly
Raw damage
Max equip weight
And in some games HP.
sorry, the one that attacks, i mean
These bug fight pairings are so fucking dumb, like oh gee I wonder whats going to win?
No user, I mean why didn't he miss the target entirely if he had 0 DEX?
I think a bee or a wasp beat a scorpion
He's fast
Stats don't matter, only git gud matters
>people don't like bug fights
This isnt STR vs DEX
DEXlets never stand a chance against STRbros.
>places man with a stick in an arena with a lion
the romans were so fucknig dumb i mean who the fuck did they think was going to win
>get spammed in every thread derailing it
I hate how I see them everywhere. not the fights themselves.
Dex didn't calculate into his attack role.
What is this, Iron Kingdoms?
What about attack speed vs crit rate?
100% crit chance to hit thanks to environmental effects, buffs and equipment stats.
What does crit chance has to do with hitchance?
You need to hit before you crit
You'd want both ideally. If I had to choose one I'd go with atk speed
I mean honestly.
The Scorpion.
Everyone in the park has basically a god mode.
100% crit chance let him hit the centre target. 100% crit chance does not mean 0% hit chance.
He'd need dex to hit.
Depends on how developers implement stats and balance them
He may have substituted with luck and just relied on the environmental effects and buffs. The target did not have high cover.
Pacifist build
That way I can see just how much of an RPG and RPG is. Very few have passed.
>Zombie/Automaton/rabid animal appears
Try talking to him ;)
user, he's talking about proficiency, not DEX.
Most of these traits are interconnected anyway, attribute scores are a fine concept for RPGs, but IRL hand-tool coordination develops through practice, it's not an innate ability. A master embroider won't have any advantage over a regular person when she picks up a sword.
>pacifist build
>fighting lower life forms
What if he has a retard-high base attack because he's high level?
high CHA characters have friends who do that shit for them
The whole park is built so that dexfags can play out their HI DEX fantasies against mobs set to 15% hit chance and +2.5s reaction time.
Charisma and Intelligence all the way.
I like talking my way out of fights and knowing information that can help the situation.
Peregrine Falcon maybe
>every fight except the mantis one is the scorpion's bullshit DoT ability and waiting
scorpion is a tank with itemization on his side
he'd only be at -5 to hit
I've always wanted a crab-bro so I go for stabo the crabo
LUK is the best stat and Night Lord is the best class
>burmese tarantula gets stung and dies immediately
Sounds like a lot of damage in a second, or a lot of dps if you will.
From lots of STR.
i saw a stag beetle beat one but it couldn't damage it at all
he grappled and body slammed it twice and after that the scorpion just gave up and fled
no other insect has armor, pincers or sting as strong as the scorpion's, and they have all three at once
>you decide who's attacking you
So a pacifist build stays in the starting village for all eternity because he wouldn't touch lvl 1 rats outside but get mauled by them
>pacifist hires army to genocide
>is still pacifistic because he didn't do it
Why are gamers so shirt sighted with each argument?
>If Ithrow harder, I am more accurate
see pic related
>pacifist build
>roaming around without caution
Is Skyrim your first game?
>zombie/automaton/rabid animal block path to next quest destination/item/NPC
>zombie/automaton/rabid animal attack NPC you need to protect
Better stand cautiously hidden and fail your quests.
A man with a sword/weapon fighting againts a lion is nothing like a big scorpion going against a spider you retard
>playing poorly designed RPG's that limit the number of paths to progress through the next objective
Now you know how I grade RPG's.
Play better RPG's and stop getting memed by Sup Forums and then shitposting about it. Too bad you will label anything more complicated in Skyrim as autism.
poison is DoT no matter how fast it acts
the tarantula's a glass cannon that got hit once
learn the game
implying that doesnt show why str is the best
>killing zombies is genocide now
no, user, you are the retards
even if you consider them people, zombies don't come from a single genus so it isn't genocide
that made me realize something
poison is a litmus test of RPGs
in a good RPG, poison is a debuff that potentially lowers your stats to zero at which point you die
in a shit RPG, posion is a shitty DoT effect
refute this if you can
Damage OVER Time.
Damage PER Second.
The Scorpion did a massive amount of damage per a single second, ergo, it did a lot of DPS, which can only be due to the result of STR/ATK.
Dude who shat in your cornflakes
I didn't mention skyrim once.
Also jokes on you, I play Df, cdda, underrail and AoD
Doesn't change the fsct that pacifist builds are dumb
>gettin the analogy wrong
Ok then I'll take a slower pace for you, brainlet.
Claiming to do a pacifist run and getting mercs for doing your killing isn't a pacifist run. As much as a general orders his soldiers to shoot other people isn't a pacifist because he himself never pulled a trigger.
This really surprised as a young kid in Baldurs Gate 2. Got bitten by a vampire and didnt realize I had leveldrain on all my characters.
After I got crushed in the next 10 fights or so I finally realized it.