"They'll HAVE to port [PS4 exclusive] to PC!"

>"They'll HAVE to port [PS4 exclusive] to PC!"

I'm aroused. Okay, what's the source?

why do I hear this so much. If you want to play it ASAP, why not invest in consoles?

Don't get excited, they have dicks


*also on PC

ah ok, carry on then

Don't forget you are on Sup Forums.

3 years later, Sonybros still play Bloodborne. just blink the tears away and pretend it's that good.

They don't, actually

That's even better

sauce it faggots

I still remember when Sup Forums flipped shit when GTAV was announced for PC after all the never ever shit was going around.

How the fuck do console tards play GTA with the controller? I tried playing Vice City once and it was like wrangling someone with down syndrome. Ever since then I am glad I waited for every GTA game on PC.

dont believe you. if you know this then why dony you drop the source

here OP take a (You) for the source.

>tfw you know the source but aren't going to give it up

Lots of HeroHeroTom threads on Sup Forums lately

I like it

Isn't that by Hero Hero? If it is then don't bother giving source, that guy is not even making "fat" or "bbw" girls anymore, they're literally blobs of fat now.

5 year olds can play GTA with a controller.

are you retarded or have hand problems or something?

Angel Club 2017-06. Artist is HeroHeroTom. Hope you like big bitches and femdom rape on shota

But that's even sexier

3 years later, toddlers still play Mario Kart. just blink the tears away and pretend it's that good.

you press the buttons and control the character, just like non-downies do


There's a limit to how far you can create "fat" girls, until they become they no longer are that. It literally becomes inflation but without the inflating. His previous works were better, futa or not.

cheers mate

>Sonygro immediatly believes that anyone who hates his system is a nin-toddler
Why are you guys so insecure? Is it because you only have one game to play?