Tekken 7

Tekken 7 on PS4, XboxOne, and PC

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Paul is kicking my ass with that low sweep.

well, at least you're not trying to be sneaky about the promotion

when does the sfm start?

Mods when?
also, SFM when?

is Gigas any good? People say hes terrible but he looks cool


Is it true Harada put no effort into the story mode/endings?

It's shit. Whether or not he put any effort into making it that idk.

I didn't preorder and just bought from some 3rd party site so I didn't get Eliza.

How much did I fuck up?

Steve worth picking up?

I love the idea of a single guy in an entire roster of characters who doesn't kick.


Wouldn't be surprised

Now that you mention it I have yet to fight him online.


What happened to Tekken?

Big, slow characters ie. Jack, Marduk, Kuma have never really been that good in these games.

Injustice 2 is out you know.

Apparently she will be made available later on.

>NRS garbage
Please, I just ate. I don't want to vomit

Jack's been a staple at tournament play for years user. The really good players use him. Quick low pokes.

Who /saltminer/ here?
Just make scrubs watch her ending and see the massive amount of salt from Eddyfags boil over

I want actual dick bulges mod for my kings with dick physics.

and maybe naked king mod

Ling butt, Ling butt, Ling butt

My friend chose that game over tekken 7.

I don't like him anymore.

Isn't she just an american weeb? Why doe she talk like a retard

shes swedish

i main Steve hes a lot of fun and can fuck people up if you get good

Harada's a relentless waifufag, I think this is supposed to be 'cute' in Japan

The better question is why don't you?

We get it. You're a fag.

Nah, she seems more like Halfy.

Thing is he's not a heavy grappler/rushdown like the other big guys, making him more of an exception

so Sup Forums, what's the objectively best platform for Tekken?

Veteran Tekken player here (also OP).

It's honestly not that good. Story mode is garbage. Gameplay-wise, they made it way easier. It's a fucking cashgrab.

If you're a new Tekken player, there's absolutely zero reason for you not to just pick up the older titles. They're better.

Arcade cabinet

PC has better graphics, performance, and load times of course. But supposedly it also has better network performance and input responsiveness as well.

She's Half-Japanese, Half-Swedish that idolizes Japan.

Why? Because apparently Swedes are massive weeaboos due to them seeing similarities between their culture and Japan.

Dead or Alive did the same with Marie Rose (who's also Swedish).

>Lili bought Asuka's home and dojo and now they live together in Yuri bliss
God, doujins when

>mfw newbie PC players come up against battle-hardened gooks

>Game looks like shit
>Comeback mechanic for casual babbies
>8 F R A M E S
>Full price
>Literal 2 years old game

Give me 1 (ONE [UNO]) excuse why you didn't pick up the better game without admitting to being a bandwaggoning faggot in the process. Fuck everyone that plays this game while dismissing the better options and pretending it's any better than SFV.

>She's Half-Japanese, Half-Swedish
[citation needed]

>used to be a yakuza story
>now it's take over the world


"""""""half japanese"""""""""
Why does japan do this?


It's 3D.

They don't like the fact the Japanese are asians

You got Jin to thank for that

Isn't it more difficult to program netcode for 3D fighters than 2D fighters? And yet tekken seems to have better netcode.

Closest thing I get to virtua fighter until it comes back 20 years from now

I have both I assume you're talking about KOFXIV because I'm not a poor shit.

I'm torn between getting this on the PS4 or the PC

I'm in South America so the online won't be that full anyway but apparently the PC version has the edge this time around?

The people considered most beautiful in Japan are half-Japanese, half-white people. Hafus are plastered on billboards like crazy.

It's because they believe Japanese blood enhances things. Remember that Japan is 99% ethnic Japanese.

I wonder if in 50 years people will post on Tekken universes's Sup Forums equivalent and say "Jin did nothing wrong", with youtubers getting into hot shit being "Jin apologists"

Does anyone know what the rage damage modifier is in T7 and how it compares to T6?

this fucking Blacked propaganda
tight little blonde girl in her prime for breeding and a big ass capoeira nigger in their own campaign
make it stop

same old tekken
same old bullshit

updated Morrigan with better sleeve colors
Did a Miku and Luka as well for others

Not like you can tell the quality of the netcode when even offline feels like playing underwater with that shitty input delay.

>expected some manly tears from this part of the story
>she is just a total backstabbing bitch
Fuck Kazumi.

Lili Luka

Some of the talk on the community page for tekken 7 on steam imply that the game has seperated servers on pc.

>I'm in South America
I hope Jin conquered your country in the Tekken universe and you were culled to generate negative energy

Well duh. PC is always best. And you can just use a pad/stick on the PC now. Like, even the same PS4/Xbone controller.

I believe it's an extra 10% damage. I think it's less than Tag 2 and 6 but don't quote me.

But they don't even look half japanese. They always chose the blondest, blue eyedest aryan looking motherfuckers to call half-japanese.

Where's her burqa?

You have to be dead as FUCK inside to spend years growing up and training with someone, have a kid with them, all so you could get earn their trust enough to kill them.

She deserved to have her demonic neck fucking broken.

I'll take what is distance latency for 200.

Reminder that part of the meta is to make your character as distracting as possible

Post Josie

8 frames is nothing in a game where a 10 frame move is considered fast.

and Lucky Miku


How the fuck do I play this game.

But the Capo nigger is doing Chloe's bidding.

I wouldn't think so, I'm in Australia but I've gotten matched with a few Americans so far

Yoshi is distracting enough as it is

Why the hate

I don't even play F2P games (aside from League that has a BR server)

It doesn't have crossplay, we have known this for a while

That's almost always easy to bypass by changing your region in your steam download settings. Usually ends up getting removed after enough people bitch about it, too.

I fucking hate that seanigger

>lucky chloe goes after the black guy for a backup dancer
Sweden Yes.

You're acting like LOOKING Japanese is the point.

The point is that Japanese blood flows through their veins, elevating their status and legitimacy among Japs. The Japanese have a creepy obsesssion with the following:

- Cute girls
- Nazi Germany
- Blonde hair
- Blue eyes

>KoFXIVfag calling out any other game for looking like shit

This is just an excuse for shit players to explain away their losses

Not canon
I'm hoping there will be some SFMs about an "alternate" ending for Eddy's episode


That's a new one

>aside from League

crack when

Is this the point where I post my costumes in the thread?

>She deserved to have her demonic neck fucking broken.
Damn straight.
>Heihachi actually fell for it
Poor man ;_;

Oh boy. Is there anything more boner inducing than this?

Heihachi gave his heart while she only gave him betrayal and world ruining little shits.

Case in point: Blonde Fighter V

The other extreme is Dead or Alive, where half the cast is Japanese (or DOAXV3 where 90% is).

>eddy literally getting man handled by a little idol
>sweden yes
Nah that aint how the rape liberal meme works bub.

Jack is lowish tier more so because he's a pretty vanilla as a character. He's basic so he's like easy to read.

> Ling
That's her last name

Nobody really knows. You just mash the 4 buttons and random sequences of kicks or punches come out, and if you hold the top buttons, then mash the same 4 buttons, you do harder versions of the random attack

>Literally to blame for the entire story turning out how it has.

Heihachi did nothing wrong.
OK maybe he did with Jin

8 frames is justifiable due to the games fastest moves being 10 frames, it's not like SFV where moves are faster than the input delay.