This AAA failed financially
>imo it's coz the game is a spider killing walking sim
Dont get me wrong; in real life its fun to go for a beach walk and step on the occasional insect BUT people buy games for more intense fun
This AAA failed financially
>imo it's coz the game is a spider killing walking sim
Dont get me wrong; in real life its fun to go for a beach walk and step on the occasional insect BUT people buy games for more intense fun
Other urls found in this thread:
>30 million dollar loss
I don't think it was a 30 million dollar loss but it was definitely a failure by AAA standards. Between this and Dishonored 2 I don't see a bright future for Arkane.
They didn't know how to market the game aka people had no idea what they were getting.
>30 million dollar loss
I'm going to need to see those facts
People don't like these type of games anymore, and Prey did nothing to differentiate itself or standout based on reviews.
Do you guys think another Bioshock would sell well? I think it might just on brand recognition, and then die out.
ign killed it with its review.
serves em right for launching a buggy game.
>People don't like these type of games anymore
More like people are too stupid for these games because they don't really think outside of the box. You saw this back during Dishonored streams where they just chased after objective markers and ignored everything else. Sales generally reflect appeal and marketing more than pure quality, sadly.
i don't know who this game was made for
it has no appeal to a mainstream audience, so it's pretty much just for people who liked or at least remembered the first prey
>tfw you're games are to smart for most persons
>Dishonored 1 and Prey are fun as fuck
>Dishonored 2 is pretty meh, would be better without the performance issues.
I swear to god, if we lose Arkane, but Bethesda gets to make more shitty Gamebryo engine shit? There's no hope for gaming.
stepping on spiders for 15 hrs doesnt require much in way of intelligence.
>pretty much just for people who liked or at least remembered the first prey
It's not even related to the original at all, which was also a bad point. I know a few people still annoyed at the fact that Prey 2 was cancelled and boycotted the game because this is now considered the new Prey
There is some truth to this. Mankind Divided also did poorly, although I'd put the weight of the blame for Mankind Divided and Dishonored 2 on the fact they were too much like the previous game. That shit doesn't fly with sequels anymore unless, not even for annual releases as much when you look at Battlefield and Call of Duty which are tying to bend backwards to stand out.
because the first game was painfully mediocre which translates to GOTY to cira 00's-now fps fags because they (You) have no standards
Can we have a source on this?
Bethesda poisoned the well by fucking over the devs of Prey 2 and slapping the Prey name on this unofficial System Shock reboot. it's why i'm not going to buy it. Bethesda can go fuck themselves.
>performance issues were fixed in a week
maybe just dont have a shit computer
What I don't fucking understand is why bother digging up a dead as fuck IP for a game like this? This game could have been marketed with a different title and done better, especially since this game could barely even be associated with the original.
Currently dowloading Dishonored 2. It's been months so I suppose the performance issues were fixed and it's been long enough since I played Dishonored.
>these come out as game gets discounted
I feel kinda bad for Arkane. Than again, Bethesda seems to be rather quick on discounts unless we're taking TES or Fallout.
>Future Video: What Ever Happened to Arkane Studios?
>What I don't fucking understand is why bother digging up a dead as fuck IP for a game like this?
Becaise Bethesda wasn't gonna pay for new IP costs when they had one lying around. I have no idea why people blame Arkane studio for this. Bethesda is their publisher and they control the purse.
>niche genre
>demo that is poor representation of final product
>awful pre-release footage
good game though, shame there won't be a sequel and even bigger shame that arkane is probably fucked now
bethshit review policy and the ign thing didn't help. also this game is just shitty genre blender that tries to be as good as the games that inspired it only to be another run of the mill slog instead of a fresh take that at least brings something new to the table.
I'm playing now and I think it's pretty good. The again I've only gotten to GUTS so if it goes to shit after that I wouldn't know. I like the wandering around and finding shit, reading emails and learning the setting through them, stumbling on side quests and stuff. The combat is ok and I haven't really bothered leveling neuromods much.
The game is not only bad, but it used the name "Prey" just to boost sales because it sounds familiar. The game has nothing to do with the first one, and Bethesda admitted in an interview that they were gonna make this game no matter what. It just happened that they purchased the rights to use the name "Prey" and used that name for their game.
The irony is it is Bethesda's own loss for being cheapskates in not making a new IP for this game, though Arkane will probably be the ones on the chopping block. Why is it always the suits that are the guys that fuck everything up in this business?
Bethesda doesn't do pre-release copies anymore because they realized their main offerings are not getting a free pass anymore for all the bugs like they used to. Problem is they also throw everything else under the bus that's not Elder Scrolls or Fallout.
didn't even know this came out, kek
>gonna pay for new IP costs
so...just calling the game something else than Prey would have cost them money? how? the advertising would be the same, right?
terrible marketing, seemed like a generic fps to anyone who didn't research it
i havent played this game but why are all the contrarians pretending the original prey was some kind of masterpiece? it was a mediocre as fuck mid-2000's shooter that was only notable because it has a native american protagonist
>and ignored everything else
What else was there to do, other than explore the maps in order to possibly find someone's journal for fluff. You didn't need money. You didn't need potions. Talismans were garbage. You didn't really need the runes either, tier 1 blink trivialized the game already. There was nothing to Dishonored 1 other than atmosphere, and that wasn't good enough.
The name "Prey" never sounds cool,
only cheap and mediocre like original Prey
Because you can't just call your game something and that's it. You need to trademark or copyright it, I forget which applies in this case, and other shit. That shit ain't free.
I had only heard shit about the original Prey being garbage with a crap story before this game got announced. Shit like Why are the aliens talking to each other in English so the protag can figure out their plan? Why are they talking at all if they are psychic?
>Some people didn't buy it because it wasn't the Prey they wanted
>Everyone else didn't buy it because, "what the fuck is a Prey?"
Maybe they should've tried to make a new IP instead of aping some obscure FPS from 2006 where you play as a drunk Indian.
You just listed everything else in the game.
its cool by early 2000s standarts
Taste, honestly.
I just spent the better part of 3 days playing nothing but this and I'm seriously considering starting a 4th playthrough for those last two achievements.
The gameplay is piss easy past about the 3-4 hour mark unless you're going no upgrades, no mods, fox only, final destination mode. But I find it a good balance, personally. Want goofy rooty-tooty-point-and-shooty fun while freezing time and sprinting around the map at sanic speeds? Go Human-upgrades. Want to dash around ignoring enemies spawning duplicates everywhere while exploding human heads in one shot with your mind? Go Alien-upgrades. Want an actual challenge having to sneak and fight tooth and nail against even basic enemies for most if not the entire game? Go no-upgrades.
And unironically, the little variances you notice after repeat playthroughs are pretty goddamn neat. Ultimately inconsequential, but neat. You can murder your mission-control and a character you can save later will comment on the corpse when he gets back to your hideout its there. A character will offhandedly comment that a doctor either respected or resented your character, depending on if you rolled male or female. It's a fuckton of little details that add some cute replayability to a neat little Bioshock clone.
Oh and the story is fucking garbage, jesus christ guys what happened.
What's a cool sounding name by 2017 standards?
>op claims prey was a 30 million dollar loss
>cites no facts or figures despite people asking
>a quick google search shows no evidence of his claim
why are people falling for this bait
What did they expect? Most people had never heard of the original Prey so it's not like the name was going to help sell it. It's the marketing that should be blamed.
>Saw whole Prey 2 debacle, wasn't really interested in the game but still was a mess
>Heard of Prey getting announced
>Didn't look into it because the title made me think it would be like the original Prey which was pretty mediocre
>Came out, completely ignored it
>Watched some random person play it for a second
>Immediately bought it online used because it's obviously trying to be System Shock 2
What went wrong with the game is in how they marketed it. If the game had an entirely different title, I would've maybe looked into it. But because it was called Prey, I completely wrote it off. Had I known it was inspired by System Shock 2, I would've paid way more attention.
Instead we got a game that got fans of Prey 2's premise mad, people who may not like the original Prey to be uninterested, and generally wasn't advertised for what it actually is. I think the game is pretty good for what it is. It feels like what Human Revolution did for Deus Ex, where it's not as good as what it's based on but still a good try. But because of the title and weird marketing, it went completely under the radar for me.
30 million dollars and they did not hire one guy that could draw cool enemies that would be fun to fight. Steal some shit from Shin Megami Tensei, make it move around like the enemies in Doom 2016. There is absolutely no reason for an unmorphed mimic to be a boring fucking spider.
Really hope they will do a dues ex mankind divided and sell it for €13 at the summer sale.
>implying I'm not here to just discuss Prey with other Prey-buyers
Troll and Bait threads are so common now they may as well be generals. It's here anyways, I was wanting to talk about Prey anyways, so may as well use it.
>Prey 2 (3) is never getting made due to Prey (2) flopping
>shoot Alien in face with shotgun
>it's blown off its feet
>freeze time while it's in mid-air
>punch it in the dick repeatedly with a wrench
>hits the ground with 5% HP left
>throw a coffee-cup at it with the force of a thousand suns
>alien explodes
Generally I'm not a big fan of single world titles, especially if its some word that is supposed to have that early 2000s edge like prey and doesnt really reflect anything of significance when it comes to what the game is about. It can work if your game is over the top like Bulletstorm or it sounds intriguing like Persona. Names work aswell like Catherine. The title should refelect the game's tone or present some intriguing hook like no more heroes or the last guardian. At least in my completely subjective shitty Opinion. Overwatch is also a name that I think is generic and bad whereas splatoon refelects the tone and gameplay of what it is.
well if a Prey 2 would be made, it would be a sequel to Prey 2017, not a reboot
I don't see the appeal of that cancelled game anyways
wow excuse my shitty writing, I have to sleep
you could have used a name generator to call this game anything else and it probably would have sold slightly better. calling it prey only pissed people off. hell, just call it 'the cage' like the name of the space station or either 'typhon,' 'the pobeg incident,' or simply 'axiom.'
Someone explain to me how they nailed the gameplay of System Shock and Bioshock (albeit slightly worse in practice) but absolutely fucking failed at making a compelling, interesting story or memorable characters.
Who the fuck types like this, I can't tell if you're an absolute fucking retard or just underage
>but absolutely fucking failed at making a compelling, interesting story or memorable characters.
Because story and storytelling are Arkane's weakness. They either can't do it or don't care to.
Fuck dude, Prey has been a highlight of 2017 for me. Huge amount of satisfying player agency, great soundtrack, nice sci-fi/philosophy themes.
This is the first time I actually enjoyed a Bethesda title. But if it's a commercial failure, they'll go back to making casual horseshit like Skyrim.
Mankind Divided also had other issues, like unlikable cast, dull setting(while there was lots to do, things looked pretty samey all the way through) and some gameplay annoyances. It's been a while since I played Human Revolution, but I don't recall being as annoyed with batteries or hacking in that as I was in MD.
i havent played the game but all the playthroughs iv seen so far look boring as fuck
Did anyone else play the original recently?
I think PREY may have a problem of being a good game with a big budget that sadly doesn't have an audience to recoup it and make money. This happens every now and then when mainstream simply isn't interested in a game.
>spider killing walking sim
Imagine being so stupid that you use Sup Forums as an externalized brain because you didn't have one to begin with.
>Prey 2 (3) is never getting made due to Prey (2) flopping
>Entering a game into the arena with the SS and Bioshock franchises
>Series who's entire point is open-ended exploration based gameplay with philosophical writing, memorable characters and plot-twists
>Leave the story to a group who can't write stories
For what cause.
I'm with you, but the enemies honestly suck ass in all aspects (AI, variety, difficulty) and it has a huge impact on combat and the game as a whole.
>30 million dollar loss
Where the fuck are people getting 30 million as cost of AAA games? This happened with Andromeda as well, from what I've heard, AAA productions have budgets of at least 50 million, 100 is not rare either.
Where is this 30 million number coming from? I want to know!
>people don't like immersive sims anymore
I guess we can look forward to a future full of linear scripted games filled with cutscenes then, what a time to be alive.
Neatest conversation discovery?
>Hack into Alex's computer/office before he activates the grav-shaft for you, he tells you a story about the time he broke your arm for deleting the savefiles of a game he loved
>Get the Turret Schematics and reactivate power before talking to Sarah in cargo, she admits she may have misjudged you and respectfully refers to you as 'doctor' for the rest of the game
>Kill January in your office, Igwe will comment on the corpse if you save him
The game-play obviously wasn't good enough to garner much attention and asian male white female lead in year 2XXX or whatever with evil white antagonist probably isn't enjoyable for most of their consumers.
>System shock
So there's a lot of numbers, 3 different ways to play the game with extremely strong horror elements and immersion that make you feel helpless?
Yeah people throw around numbers like that, acting like it's a big deal, since it's an insane amount of money if they were to win that in a lottery. But for Bethesda, they could shovel 30 mil into a fireplace and not feel the repercussions. Or they wouldn't, if their shareholders weren't full of businessmen hopped up on cocaine who will freak the fuck out if they even see a single cent of a perceived monetary loss, anyways...
Still waiting for the day when someone in these threads who claim it took 60 million to make this game will actually back up with any kind of proof
Sup Forums- the new r/gaming
Zenimax screwed the pooch by naming it prey because jews can be retarded sometimes, now people keep getting it confused with prey(2006)
Typhon, the original name would have done much better.
It's an indictment upon the game industry, it's what this game's performance is. It's by far the best FPS game of thus generation.
Meanwhile rancid dogshit like Battlefield and Call of Duty continues to sell.
>evil white antagonist
Who? Dahl? He's a bastard but he's a morally grey hired hitman and isn't around any longer than the fake cook if you play through his scenario completely.
Looking at Steamspy, the new Deus ex has sold 672k in 9 months, Dishonored has sold 622k in 7 months, while Prey has sold 262k in 1 month. I think it will catch up.
Immersive Sim don't sell million of copies, it seems.
>now people keep getting it confused with prey(2006)
Almost no one remembers the first Prey. I didn't know it existed until new-Prey was announced.
I semi-agree with you, even loving the game.
The problem is the spikes in difficulty depending on what you're playing and how, and some enemies in general just being capital bullshit.
Mimics are fine mechanically but underutilized after the first area. You never really worry about them since they either broadcast when you are entering a room with mimics, or just make sure to check when there's obvious loot laying around.
Phantoms are the biggest fucking offenders in my opinion, though.
>Game only provides close-range weapons, the single long-range uses highly rare ammo
>Phantom A can move sanic-speeds, fires homing-missiles with pinpoint accuracy that do 40% of your HP, and slaps your shit if you get close
>Phantom B is covered in lightning that damages you if you get in-range with the shotgun or optimal range of pistol, in addition to Phantom A's shit
>Phantom C is covered in fucking fire, lays down exploding mines at your feet every few seconds even without line of sight that can 1-shot you sometimes, damages you if you get close, AND STILL has all the bullshit on Phantom A
Yes, but so many people thought it had something to do with the old one despite being a new IP that the kikes over at zenimax forced the name of prey onto.
>but so many people
Not nearly as many as you think there were. Not enough to matter.
>3 different ways to play
I'd say 4; human, alien, none, hybrid
>extremely strong horror elements
No, but about as strong as SS's was. Disconcerting, bit of paranoia, one or two actual jumpscares thrown in mixed with cosmic horror
>Immersion that makes you feel helpless
Nightmare-difficulty doing no-upgrades made me feel pretty fucking helpless.
The game was ultimately not that good. They cut out too much shit to appeal to the braindead console crowd, like O2 management and debilitating injuries.
The story is terribly paced, and NPCs aren't introduced quickly enough. The shuttle bay was the first area where I thought "huh, this game actually does have characters that aren't just voices in my head".
The gameplay is dull, every encounter plays out the same because the enemies aren't varied enough, and mimics become meaningless the second you get the scope.
It's basically just Bioshock 2 in space. Nowhere close to System Shock, but braindead marketing and denuvo killed all positive word of mouth. Arkane seriously need to get SOMEONE on board who understands what makes combat fun. Giving me 20 skills when only 2 of them are useful is just stupid. Unless you're just messing around, nobody is going to use shit like fire trap. Even if you were crazy enough to mix and match, the game doesn't give you enough psy hypos for that, and running back to craft more all the time is boring.
They should have halved the number of typhon skills, and added an assault rifle and grenade launcher. That would have improved the game by quite a lot.
I'd honestly consider the hardest difficulty setting in these games to be the default. Otherwise, you can just breeze through everything without a care in the world. Not only that, but restrict saves to 2 per area or 3 per mission. I remember one of the Hitman games really restricted your saves and the game was a lot more interesting as a result. When you can just quicksave everywhere then a game like this gets stale fast because you can just do something super dumb and then quickload over and over until it works.
Saw the prey 2 video and felt wrong to buy this game
except they werent you piece of shit, i played it yesterday even on vhigh game is unplayable since it drops below 55, i hope they will go bankrupt now
Single player FPS just dont sell at 60 dollars.
You cant expect people to give that much money for a 12 hour experience.
This, the difficulty part at least. Even on Nightmare, if you are using upgrades than even by 4-5 hours in your are breezing through encounters. Hell by mid-game, human-upgrade path, you can essentially hack everything, freeze time, and deal 3x as much damage with your weapons as normal. Things drop in 1 mags-worth of Shotgun fire regardless of size, you can go toe-to-toe with the Nightmare, and if you have even a partially upgraded beam-weapon, space-battles become completely one-sided.
It also doesn't help that by end-game, you are flat-out sprinting through encounters regardless of playstyle because there is no incentive to fight A) Infinitely respawning machines, B) High-leveled clustered enemies that don't drop anything, and C) Are likely on a time-limit.
oced gtx 1060 + i7 7700k
Considering you have to play it at least three times to experience most of the content, I'd say it easily clocks at 35-40 hours before you start losing value. But I can agree if feels way more like a 30 or 20$ title, given that you can easily get 2-3hours:1$ exchange-rate for hundreds of games on steam at this point.
I liked it but was the any ingenuity? Nope not at all
How fucking hard is it to do system shock again, don't make it easy, let people either shoot, hack, or mind blast their way through the game, no press e to interacts, and a compelling narrative? I'd also say a reason alien isolation did as well is it did is they also had some form of stylization to the graphics, not just "super high def 3d" stuff.
This pretty much desu.
Single player, short, the original wasn't well received or recognized by the masses, and they still want to gouge you for it.
Also fuck anything and anyone that thinks a 20 Gb+ single player game is okay.
Yea, that's not scary and fun at all. System shock 2 had respawning enemies and limited ammo if you weren't psi.
>male/female choice is entirely irrelevant
>except one area where there's a fellow doctor in your area of study
>if male, they state he respects your accomplishments
>if female, they state he resents your accomplishments
I am fucking astonished and relieved that in this day and age, this didn't cause the internet to fucking implode for a week.
I had no idea that the game was coming out or even what it is about. I also heard its really short. Not buying until it hits a sale my man.
Having a 60 million dollar budget.
>that thinks a 20 Gb+ single player game is okay.
I just recently started playing my 360 again and now my major beef with the latest consoles are the load times. On xbone prey load times eclipse 2 min easy