What went wrong?
What went wrong?
It sold more than street fighter and happens to have better gameplay.
Not enough waifu pandering, Braixen couldn't carry it all on her own
Lucario is better anyway
Besides maybe the roster being too limited, nothing
No post launch support, such as including the arcade characters.
Fighting game
If I recall it is accidentally too deep to have casual appeal and also too shallow to have hardcore appeal
"fighting" game
>pokemon waifus
the fuck outta here degenerates
the wiiu just wasnt popular enough
Uninronically this. Fix the camera angle for a proper split screen during local multiplayer and add in the rest of the arcade version's content and a Switch version would sell at least ten times better, especially considering an individual joycon has the perfect set of inputs for it.
the 2 fases gameplay are too diferent from each other you can love one and hate the other the field one is shity because you only spam you most poweful proyectail and the figthin pase is shitty because your combo options are extimly limited also if you make the wrong move in this fase you ernter the field face making it frustrating
Not including Absol was a mistake.
They didn't add any of the fucking Arcade Edition characters.
I wanted to play as Croagunk, god fucking damn it. I never get to play as frogs in vidya.
In the gameplay department there wasn't much wrong. The combat was casual but fun, the roster was small but very unique (with one exception, fucking luchadore pikachu fucking why?) and it had lots of room for DLC and expansions with new modes. Honestly besides a few niggling flaws and not being "hardcore" enough for that particular audience, and the single player being just endless battles with no variety against super easy AI...
Okay there's some flaws. The core is strong but it's not big enough like with Splatoon. Worse yet, as someone mentioned, there was just no after launch support.
And as someone else-else said, Wii U. Just...that system was mostly a failure. I have one still and I liked many a thing on it but ever since I got the Switch I have had no urge to turn it back on.
Will this game finally get good if they will port it to the Switch?
Pika Libre because mostly the same model and skeleton as regular Pikachu. It was a time and money saver like Ganondorf in Smash except she got a unique moveset.
Suicune was pretty hot, though
Why would you buy a Switch so early when you can play BotW and all the other ports on your WiiU?
ARMS and Splatoon
Released on a dead console that already had a "fighting game" with Pokemons in it
>purple hair
I can't imagine looking at ARMS and thinking "yep that's the game that sells me on the system before there's even a price drop" but to each his own.
ARMS alone? No way. Splatoon, ARMS and some random single player games? Yes.
Well I say ARMS because I can play Splatoon just fine on WiiU. And I can''t think of any random single player games on the switch right now that can't be played else where. Bomberman maybe but that game is so not worth its price tag.
Splatoon on Wii U is full of hackers and nips only, it's going to die out completely when the Switch version comes out.
It's true that many Switch games can be played elsewhere, but I'm also planning to travel this summer so I'll be picking some indie games for it. Splatoon, ARMS, indies and Monster Hunter along with my PC is going to keep me busy enough.
It came out on the Wii U
So you just suck it up and buy a whole new system because Nintendo abandoned their game? Your purchase seems like a blind fanboy buy to me. The selection of games is so shallow at the moment I can't see why a rational person would buy the console especially when they can play Zelda on the WiiU. You didn't even wait until ARMs and Splatoon actually came out to see if they're actually good.
>So you just suck it up and buy a whole new system because Nintendo abandoned their game?
I buy a system if it has games I want to play, there's nothing more to it than that.
>Your purchase seems like a blind fanboy buy to me.
Your mindless hating and inability to accept that some people enjoy things differently from you seems much more blind to me.
>the selection of games is so shallow at the moment
Like I said, Monster Hunter, Splatoon and ARMS is more than enough for me. I put thousands of hours into Splatoon and Monster Hunter before and I'm more than willing to continue doing so.
>when they can play Zelda on the WiiU.
I don't give a rats ass about Zelda.
>You didn't even wait until ARMs and Splatoon actually came out to see if they're actually good.
I haven't even bought the damn thing yet, I'm going to go pick one up next week.
Chill and stop taking other peoples decisions to purchase something so personally lol.
Well I buy systems based on the good games that it has actually released, not the ones that are unreleased and hyped up. And I think you're an idiot. It isn't personal, it's just what we do here.
If Nintendo stopped supporting the Switch in a year and locked Splatoon 3 behind a new 400 dollar console would you buy that next one too?
>Splatoon on Wii U is full of hackers and nips only, it's going to die out completely when the Switch version comes out.
I guess lying is ok when you try to justify your lastest shiny console purchase.
Who the fuck puts in Croagunk over Toxicroack.
>Well I buy systems based on the good games that it has actually released
Which is exactly what I'm doing. I have tried both Splatoon 2 and ARMS and enjoyed them immensely.
>If Nintendo stopped supporting the Switch in a year and locked Splatoon 3 behind a new 400 dollar console would you buy that next one too?
Splatoon, Monster Hunter and one more online multiplayer game? Yeah I would. I upgraded my damn PC just for one game and that cost me much, much more than a Switch and a couple of games.
I might be an idiot, but at least I'm enjoying myself.
probably the same asshole responsible for pushing Lucario so hard down our throats to make it as popular as it is. that or anime appeal, Croagunk was a major character in that and not Toxicroak, right? I don't watch it but I thought it was something like that.
does this still have a player base i was really hyped for it but then somehow i completely forgot about it
its it worth it for single played is it ded?
ive been playing a tone lately im at rank S and hack only seen one hacker
single player isn't worth shit, no, and it still has a multiplayer playerbase but it's smaller than most other modern fighters. was never really that big to begin with.
People hack their gear, while technically "legal" as is injecting Pokemon, it still bothers me.
It just seems to me like you're forced to do mental back flips to justify a stupid purchase. But hey if you have fun being retarded with your money (or your parents money) I'm not going to stop you.
Is it legal, though? Injecting is explicitly illegal, they're just shit at cheat detection. Difference between legal and undetectable.
>Like X game
>X game comes out on system Y
>Buy system Y so that you can play X game
What backflips am I doing here?
It's legal as in "you aren't gaining any advantage over other players other than skipping the grinding part."
The games have not come out. Hyped up test events are no place to judge the final game. And the the only new experience you paid full price for the console for is ARMS which is ridiculous to me. And again it isn't even out yet. We can do this circle all you want but you're not going to convince me that you aren't an idiot and that you probably have very little experience in the real world if you spend money so frivolously. But that's just my opinion, you're not forced to heed it and you can do whatever you want with your life.
They put it on the Wii U.
>The games have not come out.
And again, I'm not buying one until the first one (ARMS) is out. Why do I have to keep telling you the same things over and over again?
> Hyped up test events are no place to judge the final game.
Yes they are. They are multiplayer online PVP games. You get to experience vast majority of what the games have to offer right then and there. I was satisfied with what I have tried.
>you're not going to convince me that you aren't an idiot
I'm not trying to, you can call me an idiot all you want, that's your business.
You've already decided to buy it before the game has come out. It leads to the same outcome. And you get to test the core gameplay in the test events but you don't get to see how much meat is on the bone so to speak. You don't get to see how fleshed out the game is with all of its modes, customization options and other such things. Which will let you really judge if the game has any real longevity to it.
As to not trying to convince me that you aren't an idiot I don't see why you're responding to me except to seek my approval and justification for your future purchase. I don't see any other reason to why you keep replying.
>You've already decided to buy it before the game has come out. It leads to the same outcome.
Talk about them mental backflips. Not to mention I only decided after having played the game.
>And you get to test the core gameplay in the test events
I'm all about this. A good core gameplay is enough to sell me on a game. Not to mention there's no real way to experience the personal longevity of game anyways other than buying it. You'll never know if a game can keep you entertained or not based on just what other people say about it.
>As to not trying to convince me that you aren't an idiot I don't see why you're responding to me except to seek my approval and justification for your future purchase. I don't see any other reason to why you keep replying.
I'm responding because I'm bored. You are just entertainment to me.
*playing the demo
And while core gameplay is very important I agree you can estimate the games lifespan just by knowing what modes it offers when it comes out. Anyways I'm glad you're having fun. It's more entertainment than you'll be having with your Switch.
No SFM porn of Sceptile.
Are you sure? I could swear I saw something at some point.
No fucking post launch support and proper local multiplayer only being available through LAN.
Over the shoulder perspective, wasn't only fighting types, bad online
only for footjobs
At least he doesn't have a tree trunk up his ass
Nobody owned a Wii U.
I buy most pokémon games on release - but I wasn't going to buy a Wii U just for this.
I've got a switch this time around so if they decided to release it on there and give it the Deluxe treatment MK8 got then I'll buy it.