Name ONE thing that could beat a Teutonic Knight

Name ONE thing that could beat a Teutonic Knight.

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mongolian horse archer

*blocks your path*

jaguar warriors economically

A nuclear warhead.

A monk.

Literally any ranged unit

t. former Teuton main


An ELITE Teutonic Knight

Well done, HOWEVER


starts with a W and had an awesome NES game called lololo

shit, now i want to play that starring him...

a Teutonic Knight

a Paladin

Bubonic plague

Hand Canoneer easily.




An F-16.

Peipus lake



Old age.

One single skirmisher

Name 2 battles they won

Samurai wins (barely)

a Paladin driving a car

Christof Romuald.

Huskarl economically

Cataphracts I think, once the engagement size gets to a certain point due to splash damage.

A muslim.

The Battle of Black Forest and the Skirmish at Team Islands

Two teutonic knights?

Bullshit, the Celts and the Brits won them with tower rush and tower rush respectively
The Huns tried to use their starting scout to bait a wolf. I dunno why.


the overpowered Medic class from Team Fortress Two (2)

Step aside, knave.

he said one thing you idiot

Stop adding motion blur to things, it doesn't make anything funny.

*light trajectory intensifies*

Teutonic Day

Ice Lake





Almost everything not melee.



A cruise missile, maybe.

So I'm taking it Teutons are the best civ? I'm just getting back into this game as a noob, and can't decide on which civ I want to play as. Which ones should I avoid, and which ones are good and noob-friendly?

a Nazi pagan

King Harlaus

2 Teutonic knights

a spearchucking pagan and a pole with a plunger

Imperial age Goths

But that's not one Thing
it took a Mongol horde, numerous pagan tribes, Poland, Lithuania, Muscovy, and Novgorod to stop the Baltic Crusade


avoid franks. play byzantines or persians, or brits if youre a faggot

look up spirit of the law on youtube for some sweet videos

a Polish knight

Literally the worst king in Calradia, maybe Dhirim would not change colors every month if the fat fuck could put down the butter and actually remove Nord/Rhodok/Sarranid scum.

wooooooooooow it only took all of you teaming up to kill me

Two tonic knights


My big fat dick

How are polish so autistic abot their country?

>taking pride in the history of one's nation is autism


To play as or avoid?

>Mfw I've been maining brits and hiding behind my walls up til now

Byzantines used to be my go-to as a teen. Why are persians good?

extra starting resources, good cav, elephants as crowbar to break open lategame situations

to play
spamming is good

but Poland barely produced anything in their history, be it cultural or scientific. Do they even have ONE nobel prize?



Obama getting Nobel price makes entire Nobel prize invalid.

because they are seen as poor toilet washers nowadays. They need smth to feel better about themselves.To numb the pain beeing a citizen of the hellhole that is modern poland if u will.

>muh nobel prize

kill you're slef


Here in Germany they also have a reputation of being notorious thieves lul

there is LITERALLY no better place to live in yurop than glorious White man's paradise that is Poland

>Here in Germany

A regular unupgraded archer with 1 hp.

by 'they' you mean hyphenated germans of polish descent. Poles live in Poland while the dumpsters of Europe like germany and UK soak up our scum.

In Sweden they're known as the shittiest fucking construction workers and carpenters to have walked the earth. But smaller companies still hire Poles because they're cheap as hell.

Ditto for all of Scandinavia, actually. Poles are the new Jews

The march of time.

>to stop the Baltic Crusade
Seeing as how Poland is catholic I'd say the crusade succeeded.

Poland was Catholic BEFORE the crusade, you dumb fucking nigger.
They were the ones who initiated it in the first place.

A Threetonic Knight


>calls crusade on pagans cus you want their land
>crusading order keeps the land and becomes a threat to your heretical ways

What heretical ways?

the only reason why immigrants haven't flooded our country is the fact that they're not retarded enough to willingly choose to live in this hell