How are you enjoying the new Titan?

How are you enjoying the new Titan?

Literally what /dead/ game?

>first day
>everyone is using Monarch in every mode with titans
>titan brawl is basically who can stay queen bee the longest
>have a lot of fun
>everyone has gona back to their regular titans
>finally see that monarch gets BTFO by Legion and Ronin
>suddenly not having as much fun with her

She's ok. Got her to gen 4 and now am back to just Ronin and Scorch. The latter isnt even as bad as everyone makes him out to be now, even with Monarch's lightning rounds that delete his thermal.

These guys are seriously slacking
Each update has been a massive disappointment so far
>"guys look at that, a new weapon, FOR FREE"
>literally the R201 with a scope
Gee thanks guys

I like this update and the previous one desu, but setting up the first one with the Wingman Elite just raised everyone's expectations for each update including an 'elite' version of a weapon. The R101 is a slap in the face but it doesn't even have different stats, its just a reskinned R201

they need to triple the amount of shield he has and gets off his shield syphon. its core is useless because nobody will ever live long enough to benefit off it.
and why does one of the upgrades increase health? you cant regenerate health, you will just get an empty bar
damage is also bad. rockets are much weaker than tones and don't track, and the gun does about as much damage as ion which was already the worst default titan gun in the game

i like how active you have to be to play monarch but hes bad

Shes the brap queen

Play aggressively and dont be afraid to take a bit of damage

Overcore / Battery Thief
Arc Rounds / Maelstrom / Superior Chassiss

Get in their face and drop your smoke everywhere. Ive gotten quad kills using smoke

>sub 3000 players across PC, Xbone, and PS4

>sub 3000 players across PC, Xbone, and PS4

Only on PC. Xbone and PS4 are like 10-30k each

>Shitting on a game that had a ton of hard work put in by the devs because "Sup Forums hates games XD"
No one thinks you're cool or funny.

whats his ult

i'm taking a break until the honeymoon's over

Upgrades that you choose in the Titan loadout.

1st is either increased magazine size and more damage to shields, double amount of rockets, or you can use your siphon to give ally titans shield
2nd is either faster reload and rearm, smoke deals increased damage, or siphon has a blast radius on impact
3rd is either faster fire rate and improved damage, upgrading your maximum health beyond that of the ogre chasis, or rockets get lock-on and deal more damage

After that each time you get your core it just gives you shields

Source ?

Why does that make you happy?

Xbox had 15k when I played yesterday

>origin exclusive

Get in the fucking Titan, Sup Forums


>Have the CE helmet
>Turn on the visor lights
>Can't see shit cap'n


If you don't get in the goddamn robot, I'll make a crippled metaphor do it

Monarch is my new Titsn wife. I hope her waifu art will beat Ion.

>tfw you realize you spent 500 hours in a dead game under the illusion that other people are there, but you're actually just schizophrenic
>tfw you thought you were finding matches in 20 seconds, but you actually just fell asleep on the lobbby

>no leaving penalty
>people immediately quit as soon as one team slightly pulls ahead
>replacement either takes forever or never happens

straight up played 10 matches in a row with my friend and every single one had people leave teams.
this is ruining the game for me more than anything else.

Honestly the chaingun needs to have something done about damage dropoff to pilots because that shit rapes you halfway across the map

annoying as fuck in titan brawl. most fuckers play it defensively and keep hiding to build up their cores. I just want people to run into my fire again. come back guys. it's warm and cozy.

>tfw Monarch can anallly devestate Scorch niggers easily
Take that spicy finger and shove it up your ass, nigger.

not just to pilots. it's too much range dmg against titans aswell. don't know why you'd ever play northstar over monarch right now.

>Spend all day pushing heaps of shit up a hill
>Drop the loads of shit onto towns folk
>mfw all these faggots hate me even though I'm putting all this hard work into what I do

I just switched to legion to farm those fucks. scorch was more fun though.

fucking no pls
I will be getting this later and the gameplay looks too fun to die

>then suddenly this one scat fetishist smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up and it makes it all worth it

Scorch is fucking useless though. Only way it can damage Titans is if sneaking up from behind or getting caught in a bullshit ally like on Eden and Angel City. Also his napalm is so painfully predictable. If anything Monarch outlines all the things that make Scorch shitty.

Just buy stolen origin acc with game and see for yourself. It's dirty cheap (less than 1$), so you won't regret if you don't like it.

redpill me on smoke

what does smoke do in titanfall beside obsctruct vision

Scorch is arguably the worst Titan but the power curve with them is so mild that I'd hardly call him useless. His real weakness is how map-dependent he is. If he's got to drag his ass around Homestead he's not going to get anything done. Park him on Eden or Crash Site (especially in LTS) and he kills it. If we just rank the guy based on maps you'd ever use him on he's solid. The problem is that you can't do that because, well, that's not how the game works, and because of that there's plenty of matches where he's essentially a non-option.

The mix of titan/pilot gameplay really doesn't do anything for me.

*rubs your clit*

does this do anything for you baby?

fuck is wrong with you.

i thought if you leave it auto counts a loss

I thought there is a pilot only mode


I meant Complex. Eden is not the best choice for Scorch. Not the worst, I guess.

that's not a punishment. neither is "losing" the merits you'd get for finishing. that's a fucking given.

the game needs something that stops players from leaving games. like an increasing cd to get into new matches.

*laughs in [Aggressive Sustained Counterfire]*


Fucking delet this

I want Legion to snuggle with me in bed.

>tfw Sup Forums shit on this game so hard it literally fell off the face of the Earth

>tfw this game is awesome but was fucked with a shitty release date, barely any advertising and locked to Origin for PC

If they had spent a bit more on advertising and released it on Steam this shit would be pulling Battlefield levels of players.

It's electrified, so it kills pilots that stay in it too long. Too long being about 3 seconds from full health. One of Monarch's upgrades increases the damage of her smoke to essentially deal the same damage to Titans. It's usually a defensive counter to a rodeo'ing pilot, but for Monarch it's a offensive option against Titans.

I remember they advertised it with some shit like a fucking linkin park song didn't they?

EA WANTS it to die because they're fucks but I wouldn't be surprised if EA isn't the publisher next time around

>blaming Sup Forums for anything at all
No. Sup Forums is a drop of water in a bucket. What happened was Origin and a shitty release date.

I still think Tone is cancer and unfun to play against. Why does the fucking splash damage give lock on? They can nerf it as much as they like, it's the base design of the tone that is broken

I love the pilot gameplay, loathe Titans. Too bad pilot vs pilot is dead


Fuck I wish I could bunnyhop

>play ronin
>see tone
>they put up wall
>use arc wave
>wall disappears
>unload on their face
>phase, reload while in the either, and drop smoke
>unload in their face again
>they start to run away
>unload once more and execute
>type in "psssh, nuthin personel"

Such is a day in the life of Ronin.

It's easy, just switch to hold crouch instead of toggle crouch

free weekend when

Or don't and just do it anyway. I have toggle crouch on mouse 4 though.

I literally cannot do it on hold crouch
toggle crouch is so much easier for me


Wait wtf, did they change the reload animation on the G2?


What the hell is that animation on the g2?

noguns OUT



are these bugs going to be patched or would the developers face too much screeching if they tried

Why would it? The devs encourage fast, and even have a loading screen tip telling the player about bunny-hopping and keeping their momentum.

>buying it on PC

As it stands, stopping your momentum entirely so you can reload at sanic speed will just get you killed
It doesn't matter how fast you reload if you're just a sitting duck for spinfusor ripoffs

literally everything this dope posted is incorrect
>his shield sapper should gice triple shields
Yeah and scorch should teleport. Thanks bud.

>developers literally encouraging players to abuse their broken shit code

egh, no wonder this garbage died so fast

This is the last (You) you're getting

Hey, I guess people just aren't falling for ''>i-it's a feature!'' anymore

Sorry if that hurts your feefees user

>Literally if this was any other game, Sup Forums would be praising it for bringing skill-based movement back into the fps genre
>Thinking the bunny-hopping isn't intentional because you play mental gymnastics and try to turn it into a negative

are you retarded cunt he's talking about the reload cancelling not bunnyhopping how the fuck are you this dense

>skill based movement
>game has sprinting, sliding, and a fucking grappling hook
lmao as if you could even do an actual bunnyhop

As I said if you're so good just go play Quake or something because nobody cares

Why does Sup Forums relish when good games fail?

I kind of understand the hate for Battleborn, for example. Greedy and inferior to Overwatch. But Titanfall 2 is good and has a generous DLC model.

Just cause of EA?

newfags who came in during tortanic think this is how we're supposed to be, and then the newfags who came in during gamergate saw the newfags from tortanic and thought "oh thats how Im supposed to act here" and so on and so forth.

100 percent this

It's basically the video game equivalent of watching celebrities fail. Unless you want Nintendo to fail, then you're a shill

People always say this game is dead on PC, but I've never had to wait more than 40 seconds to find a match.

Also, Monarch is OP. Bitch's siphon shouldn't stun AND sap my shield AND be hitscan; a majority of Titans have zero defense against that bullshit and with her range, she doesn't even have to try to get near. Buff Scorch dammit.

Really like her but she makes CTF a nightmare.

Insane pilot killing potential at most ranges.

It's honestly really tiring at this point.

But Tone was a thing long before Monarch was

Tone was bullshit too but at least that took a modicum of skill due to 40mm not being hitscan.

Monarch's chaingun is like Legion but doesn't have to rev up. Just point and shoot.

>Taking skill
Oh user, you hilarious

Tone is 3 star difficulty :^)


can someone post the titans and who counters who the most?

besides legion >> monarch/northstar

Scorches eat Ronins

why? block is meaningless?

>Block is meaningless
Equip the thing that makes your flame shield and stand next to people

that's how you play scorch

>take break from titanfall until, they nerf tone
>its been 3 months
>they nerf ion


It's dumb fun and the perfect price rn desu
Plus you can get it used as a middle finger to EA

Are you fucking shitting me? Ion? The fuck man, Ion only countered retarded Legions. Actually defeating other titans took skill.
How did they nerf him?

People still play this? Not that I am complaining, but the main reason why me and my friends stopped was because it was battleborn levels of players.