2007 Sup Forums

>2007 Sup Forums
>takes a big fat dump on scientology

>2017 Sup Forums
>gets triggered at the prospect of a game where you hunt down scientologists

Can the squatters please leave?

>inb4 they're not scientologists!!!!

they're a cult and they're rich and have guns

Other urls found in this thread:


>Releasing an obvious propaganda game at a time where politics are the hot thing to talk about
Boy, what a coincidence, right?

>boohoo i dont like it when people call out my Trump hate bait propaganda a bloee bloo

go to reddit

How's it trying to brainwash you?
"Death cults are bad" is about the biggest message you could take away from the trailer.

How long do you think that disclaimer is going to get?

Will you buy xer game, Sup Forums?

15 minutes

a "FUCK TRUMP FUCK TRUMP FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" soundbite is played on repeat too

every single thread I have to post this shit



Ubisoft is trying to cash in on current spicy political values, but montanna mountain-hicks really are just psycho bible thumpers, the further you get into the mountains the more batshit insane they get.

I'm not even trying to defend ubisoft, but people are getting SO mad for the wrong reason, like, fucking christ stop shitting yourself, if it's bad it'll be bad because ubisoft is shit, they're at least not wrong in their racism

source :lived in fucking montanna for 19 years, fuck hicks.

i'm relatively sure 2007 Sup Forums still played fucking videogames

they hated them, but they still played vidya instead of arguing about fucking politics all day

We take a dump on Ubisoft who have to shoehorn politics and identity politics into every game recently.

Nothing else. It's not just FC5, it's the fact they have a track record and outright say these things.

Stop shilling this empty, generic, boring, buggy casual shit game that won't be different from 3 and 4. Probably unplayable too due to shit performance.

Because the only reason the game was made was to spark debate within the current political climate. This game would have been much more believable if it had come out like, two years ago, but after such a big election? It just feels like it's trying to be controversial for the sake of being controversial.

no one's mad

these threads are full of falseflagging and shilling

just report all farcry threads and move on with your life



fucking kill yourself you numale faggot

get a trip so we can filter your cuckold posts


>he leaves out for honor in the latter part

It's one of the best shit they've released that isn't an SJW infused mess. The worst parts of the game have nothing to do with its politics (or lack thereof)

Games don't get made overnight you fucken genius.
This has been in development for at least 2 years, before Trump was elected, probably before he was even a candidate.

>women were knights xDD

that's pretty fucking sjw idiot

the game would have lived longer without it


So you're saying you shouldn't judge a large group of people based one the actions of a fringe extremist minority? I'm glad you agree that there's literally nothing wrong with Islam then.


>psycho apocalyptic churches werent a thing until trump came around

to the gas chambers you go

they hardly shoehorn it as a "women stronk in medival war"

They literally have 50/50 of both sexes, what are you even bitching about?

>Sup Forums shitting on nu-male hipster murder simulator 2017.

50% isn't a minority

difference is that the majority of muslims are extremists and have a backwards culture of inbreeding

>the game would have lived longer without it
I want your reasoning on this.

>honestly thinks the majority of the Muslim community lives in the middle east and are part of ISIS

REMINDER that Sup Forums shat on farcry 4 too because they thought pagan min was some tranny fucker but then he turned out to be ice cold cool

>i-it's just a minority xD

>literally turn an entire series based on exotic and tropical islands into one based in America with the excuse of "the local is exotic(???)"
>coincidentally DRUMPF wins and now all the retard twitter leftists are baying "yes we get to kill evil trump white males thank g-d"

nice try

>war is 50/50 both sexes


Literally a shill.

>>war is 50/50 both sexes

>he thinks 3 way battles between vikings, knights, and samurai actually happened

The game has problems. Major ones. None of them are related to customisable characters or lack of historical accuracy.

black flag was cool tho

>i-it's j-j-j-just FICTION

awful excuse, glad the game is dead. every game that pulls retard sjw bullshit like that will die because it's indicative that the people who make the games are talentless leftist faggots who think pushing an agenda will get them success rather than hard graft

>still referring to sjws in 2017

drop from a noose and hang yourselves

>Female knights, vikings, and samurais from an era where feminism didn't exist
>Black vikings
Nope, no agenda here.

>it must mean it's pushing an agenda
>it can't be because they want to offer customisable avatars in a multiplayer game

>everything has to do with US Trumpo and friends
>m-muh fucking liberals

This board is going deep down into the abyss

This. SJWs are actually our friend and have made the greatest video game experiences of the last decade, including Mirror's Edge 2. Mass effect 3 and Andromeda, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Revolution 60... just naming a few timeless classics.

There's literally nothing wrong with any of that though.

Damn, you've got a point.
Oh wait, you don't.

This is the kind of shitposter that ruins this board

>SJWs are actually our friend and have made the greatest video game experiences of the last decade


The meme has been used to death. We just want old Sup Forums back.

If you want to talk about sjws, fuck off to Sup Forums.

why bother spending all the time and effort forcing female avatars and animations in the game when the game will just die? if they instead put that budget towards dedicated servers their game would be alive, as the terrible lag issues wouldn't exist.

Makes you think where modern devs priorities are.

good to see I'm still single handedly BTFOing the resident leftist cockroaches on Sup Forums. too easy

Well Sup Forums, didn't you want games to be an art form? Art frequently contains commentary on current affairs.

>modern pomo leftist "(((art)))"

"fuck white people" isn't the point of the game, i agree.

but word of mouth marketing from the target audience says it is, and ubisoft will never care enough to correct them until they all buy the game.

you walk into a thread of people worried about how consumers are going to respond to something that looks even the tiniest bit like race bait in THIS EXACT POLITICAL CLIMATE, and think you're the smartest guy here for thinking about what the company wanted to say instead, as if that were the subject matter.

>It just feels like it's trying to be controversial for the sake of being controversial.
It's trying to be controversial so it can ride that free publicity user. You think PS2-era GTAs sold because they were good games mechanically? Fuck no, they were controversial as fuck.

>chanology was a primarily goon led thing that hurt Sup Forums quite a lot, like everything users of somethingawful do

Also kill yourself shill

>but word of mouth marketing from the target audience says it is

Those people are idiots, basing their opinion on "fee fees".