What is your opinion about Quake 1?
What is your opinion about Quake 1?
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for it's time - amazing
never understood why people cared for its campaign
played quakeworld to death though
It's fuckin' excellent and one of my favorite games of all time.
Best SP Quake game, still a great game today and with Doom they are the two most important games in the history of PC gaming.
Bleak and gloomy though, it's a must-play but people that don't like the atmosphere will probably only play it once.
Sometimes drags on a bit, and I don't like the fact Super Shotgun and Super Nailgun are just "more damage more ammo consumption" forms of earlier weapons; but the shooting is amazing, the aesthetics are good, the level design is fun, the sound design is top tier, and this is all without even touching on the multiplayer.
Not only is Quake a genre-defining game, but it's a better game than many released today too. Its only flaws are graphical and a couple of quirks.
I miss it. I also deeply miss Custom Quake TF.
It's still great. Beautifully smooth and runs like quicksilver.
I always liked Quake's single player a fucking lot. Enemies are a bit too spongey but overall it's a damn good game with some of my favorite level design in an FPS. That and the Shamblers actually feel like a noteworthy threat every time you see one.
Game that redditors pretend was the greatest FPS for more credit.
Just about every form of modern multiplayer shooter has its roots in Quake and Quake mods.
I respect it more than I like it, since I was never all that much into multiplayer, and single player was just labyrinth/keycard gameplay on crank.
Has one of the most intense, unique and instantly recognizable soundscapes in any game though.
Better aesthetics, enemies, atmosphere and soundtrack of any FPS ever.
Soundtrack in the first game is weak, I dug the more metal music of the second game.
Absolutely groundbreaking and a worthy successor to DOOM.
I thought it was only decent playing it for the first time 2 years ago.
in the top 10 FPS of all time, easily.
Grew up playing it from a young age. Something I love about it is that it wouldn't work today, it wouldn't sell. If you made Quake right now and released it nobody would even notice or give a shit.
But when it was released back in the 90's it was a huge deal, it was the best thing I'd ever seen and the way enemies turned into bloody chunks of meat when they died was incredible.
I still boot it up and run through the first level or two really quick all the time.
you probably think hl1 and doom are bad too
Quake and Doom never interested me. The levels just look too barren with nothing interesting in them. I prefer something like Half-Life, Duke Nukem 3D or Serious Sam.
>Doesn't like barren levels
>Likes Serious Sam levels
Still the singleplayer FPS with the most fun and tightly paced level design.
I guess it's more tolerable in Serious Sam because it's colorful and sunny.
i never quite understood what are these things on the left suppose to represent
Really fun sp game. Put me off because of how tanky the enemies are, and how shit the guns feel. It clicked once the game started ramping up and throwing a lot of tense encounters in that forced me to move around a lot and switch weapons. Level design is pretty great too, very simple layouts but memorable and it all flows together well.
a bit more fun than doom imo
>posts worst level
Anyone plays QC?
fuck off it's not quake
>tfw probably not getting another single player focused Quake
>all top QL players play it already
>literal who thinks he knows what Quake is
Fuck off
>these fancy graphics
> they don't play on ultraviolent
it's okay, I'm sure there's settings to make it look like shit
gameplay-wise it sure looks like quake to me
Terrible game. Can't wait for icycalm to topple down this golden calf too.
Lol, I forgot Icy went after Wolf3D and Doom. I bet it caused butthurt on /vr/ and such.
You don't even have console in QC.
You can't change picmip in the game but you can change it in GPU drivers.
>le top players argument
He says that a game like Doom has "no levels" but gave Doom 2016, a terrible slog of predictable locked arena encounters, 4/5. The guy has no appreciation of level design beyond the superficial.
Got a link? I'd be hard pressed to find legit arguments against Doom.
I mean, it's a valid argument when it comes to a multiplayer game with its primary concern being depth.
Quake 1 is fun.
I was playing Strife today and MAN the controls suck dick.
I always felt like Doom's maze like levels were annoying and overrated, but they hardly make the game bad or unplayable. The first episode of Doom had fairly straightforward levels anyways.
Personally I always preferred Quake's level design, just complex enough so that some thought is needed to progress, but you rarely ever end up running through the same areas over and over.
The "mazelike" qualities are exaggerated to the point of being ridiculous. Most of the levels are very intuitive, geometrically varied and compact. It's very hard to get lost in any of them unless you're deliberately avoiding putting any thought into navigation and just want to play them as linear shooters. Game also makes backtracking interesting, it always spawns some monsters and opens new paths for you when you're forced to walk back through the same areas.