>the MC of a previous game in the series shows up in the current one
Shit you love in vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
>the game is actually good
What games do this?
uuhhhhhh pokemon
Golden sun 1&2 are good.
Hell the whole party from 1 joins you
>you're the endboss
Good job posting best girl OP.
Fallout New Vegas?
>the final boss is you and everyone else in the previous game
wut game
>the villain from a previous game replaces the current one
>that one bimbo romance option gets BTFO by a total newcomer
>the MC of a previous game in the series shows up in the current one
>his random battle theme plays
since you're a random mob to him
What are some games where you have to fight the previous MC?
one of the fire emblems i think
>character that keeps his eyes closed normally opens them
Why does anyone like this bitch?
>your superpowered form gets its own theme music
>you can meet the final boss before the end of the game and kill him without some scripted bullshit
>the cutscene after defeating a boss actually shows that he was beaten instead of your party saying shit like "He's too strong for us"
fucking maximum boner
Name 3 games that do this. (You won't)
Suikoden 2
> You can brainwash and steal his waifu
Tales of Symphonia and Arc Rise Fantasia do this as bonus encounters in their Coliseums. I suspect it's a staple of the jrpg genre.
Lost Kingdoms 2
Smt secret bosses
>the time when it's done badly and the character is completely different for {no reason}
Prototype 2 did this
>MC and the rival team up for the boss
>they both get trashed
Eternal Darkness, but it was the MC from a previous segment. It has a lot of interections between current and previous protagonists, Pious I guess too.
animal crossing
fire emblem awakening
final fantasy 2
Dark Souls 3 kinda
Fuck Heller and Prototype 2
Trails of Cold Steel 2
Can't wait to see Yui try to win the 8man by skipping the bounds of the LN and in a game.
>MC of a previous game reappears in a sequel
>He's totally different and unlikable
>Neat music throughout the level
>You engage the boss
>vocals kick in
Akane was even worse, she went from the great mastermind in the first two games to some shit-tier waifu bait.
fucking nier automata was so good with that shit
>the boss attacks sync with the music
>close to final boss chamber
>ominous lighting and eerie unique music
>double doors open
>I have been waiting for you
>the evil overlord is a cute gril
I loved that bare chested fist fight more than any straight man should
>Equipped weapons and armor show up in cutscenes
>Completing an objective before an NPC asks will surprise them and save time
>Small, innocuous things like looking at notes or talking to other NPCs leads to alternative choices/dialogue in important moments
>You can change the appearance of equipment while still keeping the stats
>Options that allow you to toggle things like helmets
>Characters acknowledge odd or outside of the box behavior/thinking, such as throwing objects around a room or using a hidden entrance
>Sountracks that consists of one main theme that is remixed for different themes and moments
>Music that syncs up with player actions, like lyrics kicking in at an important part of a fight
>Romance options that can interact with other scenes, such as other characters acknowledging how much time you spend together
>Final boss music is the opening theme with vocals
Name 10 (十)(DIES)(TEN)(दस)(عشرة)(দশ)(дecять)(テン)(ਦਸ)(ZEHN)(DEK) Games that do this.
>Story fight that you're supposed to lose and is made extremely difficult
>You can still win
>Story drastically changes or you get rewarded for winning
Pretty sure Chrono Trigger does this with Lavos. Any other games?
>Serious game with some hokey moments
>The final boss is a woman pretending to be a little girl
>Idol music starts playing out of nowhere
>Equipped weapons and armor show up in cutscenes
LBX a best
Well, Resident Evil 7 tries to be serious and has some hokey shit. Also, the main villain looks like a little girl but is actually a woman/BOW. No idol music though.
Seriously? MGS Peace Walker
>mc uses the gun you equipped to shoot someone
>ammo counter is down one round
yeah, in megaman x6 the reward for skipping straight to the final levels is that you only have to play that part of the game
>shit gets serious
>battle theme stops interrupting the area theme
Everything right here is golden
>No X
Shit you hate in vidya?
>Playing Nioh
>Only use spear and axe, never even touch swords past the tutorial
>Every single cut scene has the character using a single katana
I get that slashing someone in a cutscene would be difficult to do if someone was using a spear, but come on.
>battle theme keep interrupting the great area theme
Why is this shit allowed to exist?
Diablo 2.
>Thing you do in battle changes the battle theme
>It happens during the boss theme too
I love Xenoblade Chronicles, but fuck that shit.
What game
>Boss dwarfs you in size and power
>Music is daunting and slow
>Finally get the upper hand
>Music speeds up and swells with tension
Are there any other games that do this besides Sotc and TP, Fuck it's so hype
Arc the Lad
>AI reads your inputs
>Unless you want to do infinite fetch quest chains you can't get all the perk points
>You bring a party member to a area because they have ties with it but nothing extra happens
>You don't get to bring over all your shit in the direct sequel
>villain turns into a dragon to fight you
>final boss was in impostor
>forced minigames
>milked spinnoffs before final game
The most popular class from torchlight 1 became the villain in torchlight 2. Don't remember if that game was actually good or not
>Final boss is a party member
I like manipulative girls.
Prototype 2
Suikoden 2.
>near the end you can agree to help the final boss and turn on your own party
>Agree to be the Shadow Queen's servant
>Game Over
>Dumb evilish jobber does something good in the anime
>Gets transformed into something badass
>Becomes the final boss in game 1
>Jobber becomes a secret party member in game 4
>Becomes protag of game 5,6,7
>Gets his badass form back as well
not a single game but the first one is Bravely Default, Etrian Odyssey Untold 2, Wild Arms 2 and some others. Second one is chrono trigger and I cant recall seeing third recently.
>Golden Sun 2
>The entire party from the first game shows up
also Shadowrun: Dragonfall
>15 minutes into SPM
>Can tell the village elder guy that's asking you to save the world to fuck off
>Game Over
Streets of Rage kinda did this.
>party needs help to fight final boss
>seek help of a seasoned veteran
>he brushes them off, claiming its hopeless
>final battle
>party overwhelmed
>veteran appears out of nowhere showing skill/power unheard of
>"lets show these kids how its done"
>he instantly jobs
>gives you his favorite relic that has been dormant for the chosen one
>instagib final boss
>Game lets you manipulate the antagonists love interest so you can get close to him and kill him while he's vulnerable
>the game is not some design-by-committee trash and has its own character and it's not an indie game
shame I can't name any recent ones
Didn't it also Game Over you when you comply with Mimi's request in that mansion?
>Dramatic boss fight set up
>Hero says "Disengage the Limiter"
>Enter the fight with infinite special ability
>boss is just a guy the same size as you with similar weapons and equipment
>boss death initiates self destruct of evil lair
>vehicle conveniently in next room
>A selfish hoe ever winning
>music syncs with protag's actions
>love triangle in game
>worst girl gets btfo in a cutscene and Sup Forums laughs at her
Looking at you Feyefags
what game?
>final boss is hyped up from the beginning to be this evil, ruthless, merciless terrible badass who has no qualms with taking the lives of millions
>100 hours later, encounter villain
>it's just a misunderstood confused child who got shit on by the world
>battle theme is somber
Xenoblade chronicles