>No MH thread
MHXX is coming to Switch. Who else is waiting on that sweet sweet E3 title drop?
No MH thread
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I'm waiting on more games besides ports
What does that have to do with MH being in HD and playable without claw?
What is the western name going to be? Monster Hunter Ultimate Generations?
i'm waiting on that sweet mh5 for PS4
It better be so I can get a MHXX switch. ;_;
Other way around. Generations Ultimate. In the even they forgo that, Double Generations, but that seems unlikely.
I'd like to think Monster Hunter 2nd Generations or some bullshit like that. Just going Generations 2 would be kinda dumb.
>Monster Hunter Generations Plus
In the unlikely event that rumour turns out true, I'd get that too. But if that was true, that'd mean switch would continue to get the portable line.
Yes yes user we all know how desperate you are to delude yourself. Trust me, you should just bite the bullet and get off your consolewar train to buy a Switch. There's no way Nintendo will let go of Monster Hunter.
i want this meme to die
>Rumor turns out true
>PS4 gets shitty westernized game
>Rumor turns out false
>PS4 gets nothing
there's no winning here.
Monster Hunter Generation Generation
I'm hoping for Monster Hunter Generation X so I can make dumb YuGiOh jokes.
Monster Hunter: Generation PLUS ULTRA
Monster Hunter D Generation X
Hyped for hunter moveset showcase at Sony's conference
They'll obviously call it Monster Hunter X
Capcom released the perfect MH years ago on psp, so I'll pass on this one.
Also MHXX is objectively trash. Enjoy your flying anime tonfa flashing rocketwings weeb game nintenbros.
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
It makes the most sense.
Monster Hunter XXX when?
Thanks I will, obviously assblasted sour grapes sonybro.
Developed in collaboration with illusion.
>Hyped for a multiplatform game at a conference that's supposed to be about exclusives
>Hunter Select now in 240p
Sonyfags really are some of the most pathetic people on the planet. In those fake leak threads, "fans" of MH lambasted anyone who stated they preferred portable MH as being consolewarriors who aren't showing support for the series and yet the turnaround we have now almost gives me whiplash.
>says the guy in a thread about multiplats
Eh not really a fan of MH.
It probably has something to do with the fact no one likes XX.
>literally content>gameplay
Nah. It was good but no where near perfect considering how buggy it was
Save it, nintendofags are just as bad. Only idorts know what's up.
According to Capcom, core MH fans play Frontier
Monster Hunter Generations Generations
Then why are you here?
No, they really aren't. And I AM an idort so I know exactly what I'm talking about.
>Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
>picture of MHX
Because this is a MH thread and MH is a new rep in MvC?
Copy paste from the previous year's slide.
Does XX have the same ridiculous amount of gathering quests like in Gen? What's even different about XX compared to X
only stubborn nostalgiafags and sour grapes hate XX
It's Generations + High rank village, G-rank online, two new styles, new arts, transmog, new deviants and other stuff.
Same as 4 --> 4U
who would be unable to purchase a 3ds game
a 3ds costs as much as the game nowadays
But 3ds games are free. MHXX is free with english sub.
>nobody likes it
>the trailer of a port of an already release game that apparently nobody likes almost has 1m views in about a week
makes sense
so what is the estimated realise date?
I just want to laugh in the face of all my faggot friends that were saying that switch was a bad purchase.
Part of that is that XX came out like the same time as the switch, so it felt kinda lame to be buying it on the 3DS.
XX is an improvement on X but the changes to the core of MH make it slightly weird regardless.
The release date of XX is August 25. If you mean about a localisation, assuming it's getting one I'd say there will either be a simultaneous release with the western 3ds and nip switch xx, and I would expect a switch one between then and christmas.
It's unlikely to be ever coming over
Generations bombed in the West
So, any of you fagets here actually play the game?
If I made a Gen room right now, would anyone be willing to join?
>buy 3ds MHX edition
You literally get the game for free
Waiting for XX Switch honestly.
Having played plenty of XX I don't have it in me to play Gens anymore and I lost my 4U save file.
>tfw no mhxx on vita
Don't reply to me or my posts ever again.
>playing on the 3DS after the Switch ver. comes out
Why do you hate yourself?
Maybe, haven't played in a while and I'm an adept bow shitter but I'd be down for some casual hunts
Why would I waste $500 on a game that's already on the 3DS?
I'd love to play MH on a big screen with proper controls, but I'm not willing to shell out my hard earned moneys on another piece of gimmicky Nintendo hardware.
"Lol GTFO shill"
Too bad you can't find anything other than Monster Hunter to enjoy on the Switch. I'm personally buying it for Splatoon, ARMS and now MonHun.
I doubt MH will be at e3, western release won't be until next year
Gimme a couple minutes and I'll join
This. If it was coming soon, it'd be announced already. MH4U was announced the same day as MH4G.
They would at least have an English trailer though, right lads?
Would much prefer MH4U.
I love 4U and think it's still the best game in the series. But man, XX monster roster is so much better.
I'm a Monster Hunter fan. I'm not touching this with 20 foot pole and hope Capcom lets the right guys design MH again.
Welp, 3DS is dead, I'm not joining
>Generations bombed in the West
What? You mean Westerners won't buy rehashed repackaged unoriginal weebshit? b-but if we don't support the products when they finally bring them over seven months late, they might not bring anything over at all! D:
Sure thing bud
I hope the next game will have narrative. The illusion of one was what pulled me in in the first place.
Monster Hunter Generations Unite
Makes sense, most of Monster Hunter's most dedicated fans probably play Frontier, Japanese, Taiwanese, or otherwise.
Only retards play those, actually.
Yeah, you can enjoy your 50 iframe evadedashing, first generation monsters all over again, jumping into the air with the once so "heavy" great sword and grinding the same Lego robot mantis for 2,000 hours.
Meanwhile, as a fan, I hope this game won't sell too well and I hope Capcom will understand why.
"Core" for Capcom means they're willing to shill out every month like Japan always does for MH games.
>feeding Deviljho
>even when there is a hammer player
I hate retards. Yet everyone does it.
What's wrong? It's easier to hit him when he's not hungry.
is there a place i can see the new fancy moves for the Insect Glaive ?
I havent followed generation
Enjoy your banwave, piratefags.
>not playing MonHan on PC
Look up Gaijinhunter on youtube. He's the Yoda of MH.
You mean 3 months after I've finished the game? Cannot get banned if my 3DS is off
ho i guess illl just have to call my friend to voice chat in this game right?
>Cannot get banned if my 3DS is off
this one 100%
Is it going to be 60fps on Switch?
but you have no friends
Maybe I'm seeing things, but it looks smoother at the start at least
That gameplay is definitely 30fps. Hopefully that's because the whole video is rendered at 30fps, which it seems to be based on the non-gameplay elements.
Theres no need for MH threads on /v since the game doesnt need to be shilled for or against it.
It sells and has a all too well established fanbase.
Traps last way longer when he is exhausted. Same as flashs which grant a ridiculous amount of free hits when you have tremor protection which you always should have for him.
Meat is also wasting the hamer's effect to drain a monster's stamina.
MH5 will be coming to the ps4 this year. It will be announced at E3, the game will be made for the western market in mind
>Theres no need for MH threads on /v since the game doesnt need to be shilled for or against it
Well, I rarely bring traps with me on a hunt. Sure, if you have them it's better to use them when the monster is exhausted. But otherwise, there's no reason not to feed Jho some blu foob.
Yeah but what about console wars? MH hasn't been on Playstation in the West in 8 years. That is sure a cause to celebrate.
It won't come to the west, MH GEN sold like shit in the west and Capcom won't bother to localize it