Can we get a subtle gamer clothing thread?

Can we get a subtle gamer clothing thread?

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What game?

is this one of the those lonely user threads? where all the wannabe /cuteboys/ come out of the woodwork?

I'm pretty sure that doujin is like the Sup Forums version of the Bat Signal, but for traps

Reporting for duty.

But Selim isn't from a game.

the game of life

Sauce on that shirt?

Stop shilling your own mediocre shirt.

tell us about yourself.

Like my interests or how I look or what?

why not both.

>doesn't do any hung trap stuff
How am I supposed to self-insert?

pics or gtfo

I mostly just play video games, I watch anime from time to time, I like to draw but I've been slacking on that lately. I'm tall, I have long dark blonde hair, pale white skin, freckles, glasses, I'm slim, feminine for a boy, that kind of stuff.

>tfw I actually bought this shirt

>own this shirt
>get medium sized woman fit
>walk around campus with it
>get hit on by some guy
>stutter like an idiot and leave and go home and cry

show us your drawings, user

I'm interested!

I'd rather not. I've only really been at it about a month and I'm horrible.

I wanna get this, is it /fa/ or nah bros?

Remember to sage and fucking report these degenerate LGBT nigger threads.

ran home? why?

were you not trying to signal that you wanted some hot dick by wearing this shirt? tight fitting, no less

>dumb meme garbage
>not wearing ACTUAL subtle vidya clothing
pic most DEFINITELY related

anyone else not produce enough test to actually grow hair where it matters so you shave it all but you have really broad shoulders and a man face anyway and you're kind of fat so you're neither feminine nor masculine and you're just kind of gross


There's nothing to fear, user. We're all anonymous here

... how is a California flag tshirt, vidya? you lost me.

cmon. just one

>he never played fallout new vegas
I'd laugh at you but I feel pity more than anything

I'm really bad. I only really show my friend who is really good at drawing so he can help me learn from mistakes and occasionally one or two other people I'm close to.
I'd rather not, you're going to be disappointed.


That's actually an awesome tshirt

mario party 7 was solid but not as good as 5

nice extra x chromosome sport

NCR bear has two heads that's just a normal-ass California flag

am I being trolled???

that's why it's subtle, you retard

got this Titanfall Tshirt a while back, it's comfy

I want someone to draw ryuko wearing the whole set


>shitting on Mario Party t-shirt
Nigga your taste is the worst

This would be perfect without Nanako and Teddie


I wore a shirt like this in HS.

thats not subtle. its just a californian flag. It has nothing to do with any game. it suggests no gaming background for the wearer.

Would still wear tho desu


Seen a guy wearing this at work

nope its just you.

>All these faggots not knowing what subtle means
Normies might still get this one though

Show the drawings. Stop being such a cock tease before I violate your man sized hole with my man sized pole

Not that user, but holy shit if the purpose of the shirt isn't videogames it's not subtle you moron. You're saying that wearing a hat makes it a subtle tf2 reference xDxD

Come back when you're 18



I don't want to put them somewhere public like this.

Got pic related coming in the mail


you can't be this autistic

Not shitting on mario party, but wearing that in public is cringe worthy

You'd look like an IRA member here.

I'll put you out in public, boipucci ravaged and covered in my cum. Then you can beg to be let in for round 2

that's why it's not videogames retard

This has nothing to do with my drawings anymore...

Reminder that masturbating to Gujira's stuff is not gay because he is the perfect example of
>draw a girl
>call it a boy

It never was. Now assume the position and deep throat my manly rod while you try to recall every word of the matrix line for line. Every time you make a mistake I'll slap that juicy ass so hard you'll have tears in your eyes.

Has anyone got one of these assassins creed hoodies? I want to get it but I don't know which size I should get.

I've heard that with asian clothes like this you're meant to go one size higher. Does that mean I should go L since I'm normally an M, or should I go XL just to be safe?


Why do you lack confidence?

I've never even seen the Matrix.

Well then ur odds of not getting slapped are looking pretty slim

where can you get this
or do you have a sauce on the art

Looks just like a Yes Style clothing recolor, try and get a picture of it on an actual person rather than a mannecquin before copping

I don't understand why everyone always memes this. You got a girl with a penis, that's the perfect combination isn't it?

I wish there was more stuff that was based on stuff the characters actually wore instead of just another t-shirt with a graphic. I'd love something like Kyle Katarns shirt.

The problem is even when they do make something they ruin it by sticking a big logo on it somewhere.

I know I'm not good. Someday when I'm better I'll probably share more freely, until then I don't want to put my stuff out there as much.

I do nt worth it's made out of like swim suit material

I haven't worn a T-shirt as part of my normal outfit in years. I only wear them while being a lazy piece of shit at home.

I would wear this.
If i were more handsome of course.

Well-hung trap > oppai MILF > flat loli > bara > young-adult female > young-adult male > feminine trap > ugly old men > oppai loli

You've fucked up now my vile little slut, I hope you like whips and cigarette burns because I'm going to hurt you so good and you'll sit there covered in blood, tears, and my creamy goo, thanking me for all the things I do for you.

Those are some baggy pants.

Where is my muscle girls?.

Ah shit I forgot muscle girls. They're before oppai MILF. Stud traps are just too good though.

Not him but how long have you been drawing? Cause I've been drawing my own shitty MS paint webcomic on the down low and despite no drawing experience I still post em in LOL threads from time to time.

is it true that 90% of outfits will look good on you if you have a good physique from working out and 90% of outfits will look bad if you're a skinnyfat slob

Fuck off, retard.
About a month, only pencil and paper.

Pretty much.

only subtle ones in the whole thread
would be better without nanako and teddie but is still pretty good
decent, since most normies would get it and because baneposting is forced cancer and easily one of the worst memes to come from Sup Forums. also not vidyagaemz

Yes, but clothes still have to fit

The t-shirt by itself might be subtle enough to pass.

Pretty much. That's why I always wear baggy coats to make me look bigger then I actually em.

Cunt you can actually buy NCR flag shirts, two heads and all.

Fuck man

It's the best design I found, most have a fist in it and don't fit a t-shirt well but this is good, own it for a few months now.

>having no respect for the sheer amount of content and creativity that baneposting has inspired


What if you're genuine skinny with low body fat

I don't get it, that's just a standard army pullover

>wear this to work
>everyone thinks it's a band shirt

Gotta give them credit for not slapping a big fat "CAPCOM" or "GAME TITLE" on the back like so many vidya shirts love to do.


you can get away with the asian twink look or just general /fa/ggotwear

still, you have to drop a couple of hundred on expensive fits to look just as good as a ripped dude in a fitted tshirt and jeans